Ivermectin ?

One of the links Willowsprite mentioned regarding the demodex mange that Marcus has, states that OES should not be given Ivermectin. I didn't see any specific reasons why they shouldn't be given this med.

Does anyone know?
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Some herding breeds, and it's especially common in collies, have a MDR1 gene mutation that can cause adverse reactions to drugs like
ivermectin, loperamide (Imodium) and others. It can be fatal if they have the reaction and it isn't caught in time from what I understand. The only way to know for sure is to have the dog tested or you can give the dog Pepto to be safe. Clyde gets Imodium and has always been fine so I know he's safe!
The mdr1 gene does occur in oes, more than most breeds, but not nearly as often as collies. If your dog is going to have a reaction from what I have read it usually happens quickly, within 12 hours. If your dog does not have a reaction, it is fairly safe to assume it does not carry mdr1 and it's fine to give it again if need be.
I would call your vet and ask what they suggest, and I most certainly am not recommending you just give it to the dog and hope for the best.... but many of us have given it to them (in my case before I knew about mdr1) and it was fine.
Just curious since I've never had to give Imodium or Pepto to either of mine, *touch wood*, how do you determine the dosage?

Don't they usually put the dosage by human age on the back of the container? :oops: I have no clue how that would work.

Same goes for Benadryl. :oops:
Tammy, when panda has had diarrea, my vet recommended for her weight (60 lbs) one half of an immodium tablet..for the first 24 hours, if it hasnt cleared up by then give the other half...it has always worked by the second dose!
Thanks, Darcy! :D

I guess the best thing would be to ask the vet for the correct dosage for their weight, then. :?

I'll hope I don't have to cross that bridge any time soon! :wink:
I give Clyde the kid's size dosage, one whole tablet but he's almost 100 pounds. The vet confirmed that this was a good amount for him.
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