Two down, and two to go!

College years, that is. Just got back from taking our daughter back to school to start her junior year. Can't believe she's a junior already! Feels like I've had kids in college FOREVER (kids are 4 years apart, so they follow each other back-to-back), so to get to the point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel feels weird!!

Not exactly sure how I feel about it either. Yes, it seems like colleges have gone on forever, but when she graduates - that's it!! We're empty nesters during the school year but she's still at home during breaks, in the summer and this is still her home base. Once she graduates and moves out of the house for good, we'll officially be empty nesters full time. Talk about feeling OLD!!! :roll:
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Well if your feeling lonely you could always get another Sheepie :wink:
My parents couldn't wait to get us out of their house.
Just think of it as a new chapter in your life. It will be fun and exciting and different. :)
Oh yeah, Your not old, your entering your prime years, the best is yet to come :)
You're not old!!!

Nah young empty nesters :wink:

I have 7 days to go :(
I know exactly how you feel!! My kids were 5 years apart and I thought I would have a reprieve but the #1 son took an extra year and got his MS then #2 daughter transferred schools late (her Jr year) so will need 5 years to complete her program. So by the end of this year I'll have had "the college experience" for TEN YEARS................OH MY 8O

Good LUCK!
They may come back, Chris!
Ginny, you have my sympathies! I thought 8 years straight was bad, but 10? Yikes! Of course, my daughter is starting to think about going straight for her master's after graduation, but that will at least be on her dime, not mine. Home will still be her base, and she'll still have to be covered under our medical plan, but the little stuff I handle now will be her responsibility - yeah, right!! Couldn't even type that sentence without laughing!! :lol: :lol:

Stacy, as for their coming home - not that I would be opposed to it, but I hope not! Spencer's been on his own for 2 years now and I really can't see him moving home unless something catastrophic happened. Too independent, that one.

Elissa and Jil, thanks for saying I'm not old!! Of course I am, but thanks for saying I'm not!! Guess you're only as old as you feel, and some days I feel like 200!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The "little stuff" will ALWAYS be your responsibility. When we were on vacation my son and his wife came along. I absolutely could NOT allow myself to let my son pay for the "little stuff". When we would run to the store to pick something up and he would grab something I would have to be "Mom" and say "throw it in my cart". It just seems WIERD, even when they are adult, married, on their own and gainfully employed that they don't actually NEED you to pay for that six pack of beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know Chris, you neither look nor act old!!!!!!!!!

Although the protective mom thing tends to kick in every so often!
Ginny, I know EXACTLY what you mean! The last time we went to visit Spencer, we went out to dinner, as usual, and, as usual, we picked up the tab. He said - You know, I DO have a job! So we just said the next meal's on him. Yeah, right!! :roll:

Mandy, thanks for the compliment! :lol: And "the protective mom thing tends to kick in every so often"? To hear my kids tell it, it kicks in TOO often!! Guess it's part Mom, part Type A - a DEADLY combo!! :roll:
aww, that's got to be bittersweet. My boys will be in college at the same time. Not smart planning on our part! lol They'll be two years apart if everything goes according to schedule. I'll have an empty nest at the young age of 45 unless we adopt like we're planning to. We can't even start the adoption until we're both 30 though because of country requirements, and by that time, the boys will be 7 and 8, so we'll see... We may decide we're out of the baby stage by then.
Gail, there are pros and cons to having two kids in college at the same time. The first pro is obvious - you get them out faster. The second pro is subtle but VERY important - you qualify for more financial aid when you have two in school at once. The one big con is, although you'll get them out faster, YOU'LL HAVE TWO IN COLLEGE AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!! Oh, my aching wallet!! :roll:
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