Thinking about getting another dog

Obviously there were major problems here with Peanut and Rags.
I happened to take a trip to the local shelter earlier this week.
I found this adorable little lady

[removed broken link]

She was sitting in her kennel with another small dog that was yapping it's head off. She was so scared looking :( just curled up in a ball.
As of right now I am second on a waiting list.
I am supposed to bring Miss Rags with me at 1pm to see if they get along.
That is unless the people on the waiting list before me show up.

After Rags getting along so well with my sister's dog I am thinking that maybe she does get along with little dogs, just not Peanut.

Am I crazy for thinking about getting another dog?
Should I be happy with my wonderful two dogs and forget about this little one? HELP??

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I happened to take a trip to the local shelter earlier this week.

Big mistake, Elissa! :lol: :lol: :lol:

First thing.....Why are you thinking of getting another dog? The reasons need to make sense.

Second of all. don't get a dog out of guilt or pity. Maybe there is someone out there who "needs" this little lady and who this gal really needs.

Third...oh, what the he....! The link doesn't work and I'm dying to se her!!!!! :excited:
E, you have to ask yourself some really big questions...

1. Are you feeling well enough on a regular basis to take care of a third dog?

2. Is it a need or a want?

3. What does Billy think?

I know you have a huge love for animals, but maybe you should, for a while at least, keep things on the down low and enjoy the relative peace and quiet...

Im not saying this to be mean, but I know how you've been feeling and honestly, I really dont think its a good idea at this time....take care of yourself first.

Here she is Nicole: ... _image.jpg

Ok, well before I got Rags for Billy he said he wanted a scruffy little pound puppy. Tuesday I went to the local shelter so I get an application so I could volunteer as a foster home. This is a kill shelter. Hayley & I walked around so she could see the cats. She also wanted to see the dogs. This one's little face just melted my heart. I just want to get her out of there. The dog she was kenneled with was driving her insane with all the barking. She seems very mellow and laid back. If she is laid back she would fit in great here.
Of course only room for one high strung dog like Rags.
We have enough room here for another one. We have enough love for another one.
Should I go and see if she gets along with Rags???
Darcy wrote:
E, you have to ask yourself some really big questions...

1. Are you feeling well enough on a regular basis to take care of a third dog?

2. Is it a need or a want?

3. What does Billy think?

I know you have a huge love for animals, but maybe you should, for a while at least, keep things on the down low and enjoy the relative peace and quiet...

Im not saying this to be mean, but I know how you've been feeling and honestly, I really dont think its a good idea at this time....take care of yourself first.


Ok well I figure with this little lady the grooming will be very easy compared to the Sheepies. Also she is small and doesn't eat much so the food budget would be the same as it was with Peanut.

I think Billy would be ok with it. Especially with the way the dogs were with Bailey. He was cuddling with both Pepsi and Rags.
As long as it didn't create drama.

I think mostly it's a want. I want to help her and I want her to have the best home. It could be with us...
Or maybe I should just rescue her from there and find her a home?
Bosley's mom wrote:
I happened to take a trip to the local shelter earlier this week.
Big mistake, Elissa! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Last time I went to the shelter I ended up with Pepsi. :wink:
She is a cutie, looks like a dachshund/ terrier mix?

If she is seriously timid, which she looks like she is, that *can* be an issue with small kids. Fear biting etc...
Why not "foster" her and see how it goes?
That is why I want to see her out of the kennel with Rags and Hayley.
That would ultimately be a deciding factor.
I think she is just really scared at the shelter. Like I said she is in there was a psycho little dog. She didn't flinch when Hayley stuck her hand in there to pet her.
Bosley's mom wrote:
Why not "foster" her and see how it goes?

That would be a lot easier to explain to Billy. :lol: :lol:
I really like the idea of fostering-- not even just this dog but others, too. It would be such a great opportunity to help out a lot of animals and it would really help improve Pepsi and Rags' social skills since they'll have exposure to different kinds of dogs (hopefully!).
I would have to pay to adopt her now. Not much though.

I was going to sign up to do fostering there but that process takes weeks to complete and includes a background check, including finger printing. By then she might not be around. :(
Would you know right away if Rags gets along with this other dog (who is very cute btw!)? I wonder if this dog being curled up and submissive would give Rags a false impression of how the dog would be at your home?

Tell us how it goes!
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Am I crazy for thinking about getting another dog?

Elissa, as much as I love you I must say that I think you're nuts. Hayley is at that age where she's about to become a real handful. Why don't you wait until she's a bit older - off to kindergarten? - and then fill up on dogs. There will always be another adorable scruffy pound puppy, sad but true. If this one gets away from you there are plenty more who will need you later on.

That said, I know you're going to do it anyway so good luck :wink:
Well I just got a call. They will not be adopting her out due to aggression issues. :(
They said they just got another terrier mix in that seems really sweet.
Of course she invited us on over to see it. :?
What a sad comclusion. What do they do with aggression?
Well, that stinks ..and maybe a good thing. Are ya going to check out this new pooch? I hate when I have the itch. :lol:
Things happen for a reason...

Now you have plenty of time to apply for fostering, though... ;)
You have such a kind and giving heart! The fostering sounds good because then you could help many dogs over time. You have a lot of love to give and they will be lucky to pass through your life.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
I was going to sign up to do fostering there but that process takes weeks to complete and includes a background check, including finger printing. By then she might not be around. :(

Think about it. In order to "foster" a dog for a few weeks there are background checks to be done that takes a while. But in order to "adopt" a dog most shelters will take your money and hand you the leash within the hour.

What is wrong with this picture?
I will not be looking for another dog.
I am interested in fostering, but I'd rather not do the background check because it is through the state and I am on disability.
I don't want to give them any reason to take away the disability.

Bosley's mom wrote:
Think about it. In order to "foster" a dog for a few weeks there are background checks to be done that takes a while. But in order to "adopt" a dog most shelters will take your money and hand you the leash within the hour.

What is wrong with this picture?

I totally agree with you. There is something very wrong there.
When I spoke to the director I originally asked if they had someone volunteering grooming services to them. There were quite a few little fluffy dogs that were severely matted. I wanted to help them. Then I get handed a 4 page application. She also said there was someone who volunteered grooming for them. So why were these dogs in this condition? To me it seems they don't want help. After all if nobody comes by a certain date they will put the dogs down. Also if you foster for them they do not reimburse you for any expenses.

Maybe I'll just get involved with OES rescue. Now I just need to find the nearest rescue.
Why would they take away your disability? It's not like you're making money off of it. Or is it becayuse they don't want you spending your disability money on the dogs?
I just don't trust the state. Who knows...if they feel that I am well enough to take all these dogs in that I am well enough to work....which is not true.
But they check out all your county records, health etc...which I am really not comfortable with. I don't feel my health or any of that should matter and is really none of their business.
A background check I would be ok with...but they seem to go a bit too far with their screening.
I just don't want to get involved in that.

I might contact Animal Samaritians a local no kill shelter.
They are planning on building a large facility next to the county animal shelter and plan on taking in as many of those dogs as possible. Leaving only the undesirable breeds like the bully breeds at the shelter. They have a very small place right now so I am sure they could use all the help they can get. I will contact them on Monday.
Mop lover wrote:
What a sad comclusion. What do they do with aggression?

I am thinking that they most likely put down the aggressive dogs. :(
I hope you find something that works for you. I'd love to support our no kill shelter, but haven't found my acreage yet. My goal is to build some sort of kennel space where I can keep a few dogs, including mine and help them with litters, or the young pups.

Of course noise is an issue, the more dogs the more noise...our city has a limit of 3 dogs I think...after that you need a license that states you are allowed more.

I'd say if you enjoyed the 3 dogs, when you had peanut, then go for it...but keep in mind peanut was older, and if you get a young pup that is alot of training. Even if you foster, it will require alot of individual time, to get him/her ready for a new home.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Am I crazy for thinking about getting another dog?

YES 8O 8O 8O Well, not completely crazy...LOVE YOU!
Well if everything works out, we will be taking care of Mochi for a while (see post
As long as she gets along with Miss Rags and the baby of course then it's all good.
Great! Can't wait to hear all about her, and how you manage with an OES with a tail!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope she is OK with your dogs, as it sounds like she was a singleton in her litter. :cry:
Oh that might be LOTS OF FUN, Elissa!
Cool! I hope it all works out! :)
I hope she and Rags can work it out. It would be fun to have an OES with a tail for a while!
Yeah, the tail should be interesting. lol
But we lived with Harley for many years and his tail...This shouldn't be much different.
She is NOT spayed at the moment and this might cause some tension with the other two so I am trying to get owner to agree to it if we agree to take her. I think he will.
8O Oh no! I'm sure that adding an unspayed female to Miss Rags' pack will cause some fireworks.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
She is NOT spayed at the moment and this might cause some tension with the other two so I am trying to get owner to agree to it if we agree to take her. I think he will.

Good for you! And good for him, if he does it.
Thanks Nicole :) I told him all the pros of it. He hadn't done it because he didn't want to see her in pain. But I think I convinced him.
Sue, I hope Rags gets along with Mochi. If she is laid back like her owner says she is there should be no problems.
We were supposed to meet Mochi yesterday but her owner was not able to make the trip down here. It looks like they will be coming down here next Monday.
Elissa, I wish you all the best - whatever happens will happen. Its such a hard decision to make and I totally understand what you are going though, but like others have said, there is plenty more who need your help along the line - so maybe fostering is the way to go.

By the way, can someone tell me what a Kill Shelter is, its not what I think it is, is it ???
We have decided to foster instead. :) If Miss Rags gets along with Miss Mochi we will be taking Mochi for 2 - 3 months until her owner finds a place that allows dogs.
A Kill Shelter is what you think it is. :(
They give the animal two weeks before they adopt them out.
Then they have two more weeks to be adopted once they become available. If they are not adopted they are euthanized.
Ollie's Mum wrote:

By the way, can someone tell me what a Kill Shelter is, its not what I think it is, is it ???

There are basically 3 loose categories...

Kill (sometimes can be high-kill), low-kill and no-kill. It all depends on the local municpality rules or if a private shelter, how they've decided to operate.

A kill shelter has a limited number of days/animals they can or will hold, and for different reasons. Maybe they don't keep any seniors or unhealthy ones..Or maybe of a certain breed. Some kill shelters are obligated to keep the strays for 72 hours or whatver the law says, so if they are full they cannot keep any owner surrenders. Often a dog can be brought in by it's owner, and taken right into the "back room" to be euthansised. Some keep them for longer, as Elissa outlined, but it is all driven by availablity of space and money. So when you hear of a dog in a "kill" shelter, it's days are probably numbered.

A no-kill shelter basically does not euthanise. They may have some limits as to the number of animals they can take in, as space is always limited. Unfortunately this is not always a good thing. They can fill up with unadoptable animals and not have room for the adoptable ones, who then end up in the Kill shelters. You may see some contraversy here, as some dogs are totally agressive and no one can get near them and so develope major behavior problems. Some dogs do not do well in a kennel environement and become cage agressive, when they weren't before. And some are simply miserable. Some no kill shelters Also, I know of one shelter that will not euthanise, but will let a sick animal die naturally, in pain, rather than put it out of its misery.

Then there are the "low kill" shelters. These are the ones that euthanise but only under certain, pre-defined situations. Normally it is when the animal is in so much pain, or so unhealthy that it would be in its best interest to be euthanised. Or if an animal is deemed unadoptable due to it's being dangerous to the public. It is very rare that space would be an issue, but when it comes down to it there is not an infinite amount of money and housing for homeless animals.

There are varying degrees in between, and the amount of time, money and kill criteria is different, but this can give you a basic idea on how it works.
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