Worst Morning EVER!!

OMG, What a way to start the day.

I was driving to work this morning and a dog ran out right in front of the guy in front of me. We both slammed on the brake and at first it looked like he missed the dog but then the Jack Russell ran in front of his tire and he ran him over. The dog got up and ran abot 10 meters and then laid down. I threw my truck into park and ran to the dog, scooped him up and the man that hit him was right behind me. (this happened about 3 blocks from the SPCA) I threw him my keys and told him "You drive my truck and we will take him to the SPCA which is around the corner) The dog had vomited already. We went to the SPCa rang the doorbell, at the point the poor thing was bleeding through his nose, the vet came out but he was dead already. I just started to bawl and the man that hit him was visable shaken. The vet said it wasn't his fault, it was the owner fault for letting him run free. :x I can't get that image or sound of it out of my mind. Some little kids is going to be looking for his dog. He had tags so they were going to try and track down the owner.
I called my Boss cuz I had to go home and shower and change (I was covered in puke and blood), I cleaned my truck, shower and came to work. I had to bring Bunkie with me cuz I needed her near me today.
I feel so bad for the man that hit the dog. :(
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Poor pup :cry: That's a horrible thing to see... and the man who hit him must feel awful too.
You did what you could though, and some wouldn't have done that...

Give Bunker lots of hugs
How sad. :( You did what you could do.
That is so sad! I'm always afraid that will happen to one of the dogs in ym neighborhood... people let their animals run unsupervised all the time. Scares the heck out of me!!!

I'm so so sorry you had to go through that!
Oh Chelsey, thats horrible...Im so sorry...I just cant imagine witnessing that....you did all you could....just keep hugging and kissing Bunkie!
How sad! :(
You did everything you possibly could have done to help the little guy.
How sad! AT LEAST YOU STOPPED!!! 99% of the people would have just kept going.

We all live in fear of hitting a dog or cat.....and pray it never happens to our pets.

Yes, it is the owner's fault, but accidents to happen, our little scamps do escape from secure situations.

Keep Bunkie close, I suspect she knows you need her today.
Oh, how tragic! :oops: Sitting here typing through tears at the visual picture of the happenings. You did all you could do, Chelsey, and bless you for what you did do. I feel very sorry for the man that him the dog because that will be something that plays over and over again in his head - poor man.

Give Bunker extra hugs from me today, too!
So very sad. . .

Thank you for stopping. So many others would have just driven past.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. How horrible for you to experience that. You did everything you could for that little dog as did the fellow that hit him. Both of you tried to help and sadly the result wasn't what you wanted but you're one of the good guys that didn't walk away..you did something..

How terrible :(
Oh my! That was very sad. I'm sorry you saw that. I hope never to see something like that ever again. Unfortunately I did see something similar a few years ago on I-95.

soo sad...

That must have been so horrible for you. Amazing that you did all that you did in such a traumatic situation. Kudos to you for being so special and trying your best and thinking so quickly.
Oh, how stressful. I hope your work was understanding. The poor pup, at least it sounds like he didn't suffer long.
I hit a baby racoon last night coming home from St. Paul and it was the worst sound ever. :(
:cry: How sad, I hope the memory doesn't haunt you.
My biggest fear when I am driving is having a dog run out in front of me. Sorry to hear that you had such a bad day. You did everything you could do.
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