Another cull in China - 500,000 dogs this time round...

Seems dogs are stuffed into bags and blungeoned to death.
Second Chinese dog cull planned

A second Chinese local government has launched a controversial mass cull of dogs in a bid to tackle rabies.

[Even though animal] rights groups say culls do not solve the problem.

Officials in Jining, in eastern Shandong province, said 16 people had died of the disease this year.

They said they would kill all dogs within five km of 16 villages where rabies had been found, suggesting 500,000 dogs were under threat.

The move comes days after 50,000 dogs were killed in south-western China in response to a rabies outbreak.

'Cold-blooded' culls

The culls have sparked outrage from animal rights groups.

One group, People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), called for a boycott of Chinese products.

Correspondents say China has a poor record of animal protection and there are no laws to prevent cruelty to pets.

The previous cull, in Mouding county in Yunnan, was prompted by the deaths of three people from rabies, including a four-year-old girl.

In a five-day cull, dogs were clubbed to death in the street as their owners watched. Other dog owners took matters into their own hands, poisoning or electrocuting their pets.

Rabies is an encephalitis brain disease caused by rabies virus. It is a fatal condition but it is preventable by vaccination.

And wasn't Beijing elected to be the host for the 2008 Summer Olympics...?
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I am truly disgusted.
My stomach has turned over.
Bosley's mom wrote:
wasn't Beijing elected to be the host for the 2008 Summer Olympics...?
Dogs don't get to vote.
They make me bl**dy sick !!!! Its not just the animals though, they treat people badly - although it hurts me more when its animals. i will never go to , I can't put money into that kind of government - want nothing to do with it !!!! Communists !!
I would never go there either.....
I just can't believe they could kill animals like that. It is disgusting. :(
I just can't understand their thinking. How horrible for the poor dogs! Maybe we should pack THEM all in a sack and bludgeon THEM to death!
One group, People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), called for a boycott of Chinese products.

That would be interesting - I think it would open a lot of eyes here in the US if we all tried to boycott products from China. It would bring Walmart's revenue to a halt.
Bailey's Mom wrote:
One group, People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), called for a boycott of Chinese products.

That would be interesting - I think it would open a lot of eyes here in the US if we all tried to boycott products from China. It would bring Walmart's revenue to a halt.

Excellent point.
I'm at a loss for words.

I can't imagine living in a community with neighbors that would sit by and let this happen. Even under communist rule. :roll:

As hard as it is to swallow, it doesn't surprise me. It's a country that allows baby girls to be strapped onto potty chairs ALL day!

A government that will allow that, will allow anything! No respect for human life equals no respect for any life. My heart goes out to all of these children and animals! Nothing deserves to be treated this way! :x
mouthypf wrote:
No respect for human life equals no respect for any life.
Or is it the other way around?

Who said something like "The measure of a society in the way they treat their animals?"
The first time I read the article on I cried. Then I read about round two and my heart just dropped. There are vaccines for dogs, why the $@%&*$@ would they not use them? And why are they getting away with it?!?
Ron wrote:
mouthypf wrote:
No respect for human life equals no respect for any life.
Or is it the other way around?

Who said something like "The measure of a society in the way they treat their animals?"

Gandhi said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

And one of my favorite quotes is, "As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields."

I am very sad about what is going on in China, but we have to remember that millions of animals in America die in slaughterhouses every year. Just because it is not a dog or cat or typical family pet doesn't mean the animal doesn't feel pain, fear, and sadness. It doesn't take a communist government to commit such terrible acts, every American slaughterhouse is proof.
Did they say how they were going to kill these dogs?

Dogs don't get to vote.

Not to take away from the horrible treatment of dogs there, but what Ron wrote made me laugh. I guess I may have read it under a different tone.
Joahaeyo wrote:
Did they say how they were going to kill these dogs?

In the last batch some owners took it upon themselves to poison or electricute thier own dogs. Some went to the pound...not sure what they did to them there. Some were beaten on the street or put into sacks and beaten to death.

I assume the next wave won't be much different.
Wow, that is sad. :(
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