Note to self: Kick hubby out of the house when he's sick

Ugh! Jason came home from work early the other night sick. He scared me to death - it was 5 am, I was sleeping on the couch (boys took over our bed). I heard the keypad go off, and he got it wrong the first time he entered it (too dark to see numbers). LOL He got it right on the second try and opened the door. I knew it was him then. Anyway, he was sick with a stomach bug.

I moved the boys into their own beds and he went to sleep. I went back to sleep on the couch - I didn't want to catch it. He slept all day yesterday, and I kept the boys out of the house ALL day so that we wouldn't catch any germs. When we got home, he was awake and I washed our sheets and used lysol on everything. Oh, he called in sick today so even though he was awake and around us all evening, he still wasn't feeling well. I asked him if he felt better and he kept saying yes that he just had a headache & he took some excedrin. :evil:

Well, I wasn't feeling that great yesterday. Today, my stomach does not feel its best.. I CAN NOT get sick today. We have Jakob's parent-teacher meeting tonight, and I have to find out what classroom he's in, what teacher he has, his lunch number, all that important stuff that I need to know since I'll be walking him to school everyday. Friday, I have to take a 2 1/2 hour test for a job at the airport here. If I don't show up, I fail (you're only allowed to fail twice before you're kicked out of the running forever and it's supposed to be difficult). You have to give 48 hours notice or you fail - passed that time too.

If I get sick, it will definitely spread to the kids. As hard as I try, I can't keep them away from me. They can't get it. Jake's first day of school is next week. If the boys get it, we will just pass it to each other over and over and over for weeks...

Ahh - so the easy solution is just to kick hubby out of the house and make him go to a hotel or something next time he gets sick. A cold I can handle - this stuff, yuck!
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Oh Gail!! Bless your heart!!

It's always at the worst possible time, isn't it? Well, I don't guess there is a "good" time to get sick. But, still, it does seem like when you can least afford a "down day", is when the worst stuff hits you.

I hope you'll be feeling better in a few hours and that the boys are spared completely!!
I hope you don't get sick too... there is nothing I hate more than being sick to my stomach......

Good luck!
fight it, fight it! Drink extra water, more vitamin C, too late to rush out for herbal helpers.
take some airborne..that stuff works wonders for me....I feel for sister and her family pass around germs like the dinner roll basket...... 8O dont forget sleep, try to go to bed earlier!!
I am sorry Gail :(
I really hope you don't get sick.
I agree with Sheepieboss, drink lots of water to flush your system.
Thanks everyone. I took a very long nap this afternoon, and I feel much better now. Hopefully, it'll stay that way!
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