A story

So Blue is now over the five month mark and a total nutcase. She hasn't met a food item she doesn't like or a yellow pansy she won't eat.

Anyway, her training is coming on ok. She can sit, lie down, be quiet, go to bed and stay. We've been working on her new trick- giving the paw.

Now, she has done it a few times but only by fluke. Anytime I've tried to get her to do it on command, she just looks confused and goes through her other range of tricks as if to say "look, I know my tricks- this paw business isn't one of 'em!".

So I was sitting in our kitchen last evening and saw her chewing on something. I had a look and she was eating one of my mother's newly-planted rose plants!! She had the whole thing in her mouth- roots and all!

I opened the door, ran out and shouted "No!!" (as she was still digging). She turned around, saw my not-so-pleased face, dropped the plant and.... you guessed it... put up her paw!!

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Helen!!! Thanks to you I almost spit out my coffee while reading your post! Just cracked me up...too funny!!!

>>>Still chuckling

Helen, That is good Blue knows all those commands. Our 3 1/2 month old "Jules" can sit and paw. We need to work on lie down, and stay. But I guess the biggest thing we need to work on is getting her not to jump up on our kitchen table and try to steal our food. I am up here on the computer and our 8 year old just yelled "Mom!! Jules ate my sandwich, and my chips" I immediately was alarmed because I had put grapes on his plate too. He said he has already eaten the grapes before Jules came in. Whew!! Apparently he had stepped into the other room for a minute.
Hey Weezie. Paw is my favourite trick. It's soooo cute. I'm thinking of getting Blue to a point where she has two paw tricks- shake and gimme five. Have a lot of work to do first, though- cover the basics.

I don't know if everyone has/had the same thing with their puppy- they'll happily do the trick once they're in the mood to. If Blue is too excited, tired, hungry or just distracted, it takes some persuasion (and usually her favourite Hulk toy) to get her to pay attention.
haha i can just picture a muddly little sheepie giving paw and the 'dont punish me face'

walter is the same way with his tricks, if hes mad at me he wont look at me and hell wait about 10 seconds before hell comply.
but when hes happy 'down' is just the cutest thign in the world. usually ill have a treat in my hand and ill yell down!! and he will hop down and make a huge thud on the ground. soo cute.

and usually for a treat or food or to go out he does sit, down, then give paw... so now when i have the leash in my hand or a treat he wants hell do the whole routine without me saying it! and if i put something out of order he looks at me like 'are you crazy thats not my routine!'

and i agree giving paw is definitely the cutest command, i was eating cake on the couch once and walter wanted a piece i told him to go sit down and he sat right by me, gave paw soo high that he knocked the plate out of my hand and he got his treat... that little sneak
Big Ben is very good at giving paw - too good!

Our problem (not his, of course) is now "sit" and "paw" are somehow combined into one big command. No matter what the situation he sits and gives paw. So, for instance, if we are watching television and he is in the way we'll tell him to sit. He'll turn to us, sit and then flop that giant paw on our legs. We try endlessly to catch the paw before it hits us because his nails scratch (all trimmed) and he's put more than a few runs in my pantyhose! If you push the paw away and say "no paw" he thinks it is a game and does it over and over with a big goofy grin on his face! :roll: We have to redirect him and even then he'll sometimes come back for more paw a few minutes later....

The only place we are safe is in the kitchen, when he sits on the tile floor he doesn't have a good enough grip to lift a paw without sliding to his belly. Phew!

He's just a goofy beast, what can I say?
It is nice to know that we are not the only ones that get the paw every time we say sit. Puddy also seem to think that the sit command and paw are combined. He also seems to think that the removal of the paw from wherever it may have swiped itself to is a game of let's get Mom (or Dad). Dad seems to love the game, but it is not Mom's favorite.
Same with Dancer, LOL, she thinks 'sit' means sit and shake a paw. Oh well, It's cute. I can't seem to get the down command with her though, we're working on it, but it seems to me she just doesn't want to, I think she understands by now what I mean, but she'd rather not. LOL
:lol: Poor Drake is such a nut, he will not give me his paw if his life depended on it. He does sit and lie down command very well and learned these very quickly but with the paw command he looks at me as if I am crazy. 8)
I opened the door, ran out and shouted "No!!" (as she was still digging). She turned around, saw my not-so-pleased face, dropped the plant and.... you guessed it... put up her paw!!

:lol: I LOVE this story! :lol:
That's to funny, you tell a great story, I can see the whole thing happening.

So for this reason we have not yet planted anything, or Remy just may think we did this for her benefit.

I love hearing stories like these, they brighten my day.
Has Blue learned any more tricks, Helen?
Ron- her latest is very cute!
I say "Blue, say Bark!" and she barks! Well, I think it's cute! We're also working on another where I'll give her a series on questions and she answers.
As in;
"Blue- what's on top of a house" and she'll say "Roof!" (Geddit?)
"Blue- how was your day?" and she'll say "Rough!"

Ok- even I'm groaning here!

Hey Willow- any luck with "Down"? Blue knows what it means but chooses not to. She'd much prefer to attack me as soon as I'm within paw-distance.
An old joke that I love!!!
A man takes his dog to a talent agency in NY City. Tells the agent that he has a talking dog.

The agent says: "Do you have any idea of how many talking dog acts I get in here? And none of them can talk!"

The man says: "No really, my dog CAN talk. Watch:
Fido, what's over our head?"
The dog relpies: "Roof"
The man asks: "Fido, how does sandpaper feel?"
Fido Replies: "Rough"
The man asks: "Fido, who was the greatest baseball player of all time?"
Fido answers: "Ruth"

The agent calls security and the two are tossed into the alley.
Sitting there stunned, the man says: "I don't understand!?!"
The dog replies: "Maybe I should have said Gehrig?"
Here's an old Tommy Cooper joke I love-

A man brings his dog to the vet because the dog keeps banging into things.

The vet picks the dog up, looks at him and says-
"Your dog is cross-eyed. I'm afraid I'm going to have to put him down".

The owner is shocked and says-
"Because he's cross-eyed?!"

To which the vet replies-
"No, because he's heavy"


Can I get a ba-dum-dah on the drums, please?
For years, I cursed Brittney's original owners for teaching her "PAW"! When they are 80lbs - and give you that PAW unrequested - it can hurt! :(

I swore I would never teach another dog this "trick"! Well, that was until I was in obedience class with Presley and we needed to teach a trick for the final class. All the other tricks were way to difficult to get Presley ("Neurotic Nelly" was the easiest dog to train!) to learn - so of course - I caved and taught her "PAW" (Or "Shake" as we call it!). I wasn't going to go to class not having learned any tricks! :wink:

Once class was over though - so was the trick! :lol:

Paw was an essential "trick" for us with Jake. After coming in from a walk, especially in the winter it's time to clean the paws. EVERY time.

Sit. (Jake sits)
"Good boy. Give me your paw". (Paw lifted, paw cleaned)
"Good boy. Other paw". (Other paw lifted and cleaned.)
"Good boy. Back paw" (Jake stands up turns around and allows paw to be lifted and cleaned)
"Good boy. Other back paw" (Release his paw, he then shifted his weight to allow us to lift and clean last paw).


If conditions were right for a very dirty/sandy set of paws, out came the Rubbermaid basin and each paw was dipped and cleaned and dried in this manner.
This is a great thread- I always come here to see what other sort of 'naughty' things people's sheepies do, or the problems people are having, I guess in a way it makes me feel better about my rose bushes that have been eaten! Thanks for the funny stories about giving the 'paw'.

My Penelope (r.i.p.) used to always give the paw when she sat down, I had taught her 'other hand', which meant I wanted her to switch which paw she was giving me, a couple of times she got so excited to please me that she ended up giving me the 'other hand' before the first paw was back on the ground, I had to catch her from falling over.
Uppety- that is a lovely story!!

Think I might try out the "other hand" bit. Dogs can definitely learn differences. Blue is always in the car with me. She lays on the back seat but, if I get out for a moment (say to get her leash or another waterbottle from the boot/trunk) she'll hop into the front. Without looking at her, all I have to say is "get into the back" and she does!!

Big goofball that she is.
well Im a slacker i havent taught mickey anything yet :roll: ,but i do want to teach him alot,and i NEED to get him ready for training for a therapy dog.mickey is 12weeks now,and he is so good.he isnt hyper,he isnt a barker,and KNOCK on wood his potty taining is going well.so as soon as i teach him the paw ill tell everyone!!! :D
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