Homemade Grooming Table

For anyone who is interested in making thier own table here are a couple of pictures of mine.

This shows the bottom, with the folding legs.


And this is the side view. It is not pretty, but it does the job.


I would have liked a bigger one, but this one is quite compact. We have an arm, too, but I don't use it.
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GREAT! Do you have dimensions? I have instructions on how to make a grooming table but I have not started on mine.
Fantastic, WOW, you are so clever and looks so sturdy, great job making that table looks better then some you see at the shops. :D
Where did you get the legs though?
Was it much cheaper to build than it is to just buy one?
Wow that's cool...
Maybe you get those legs at places like Lowes, or Home Depot??
The legs were bought at Home Depot for $18 a pair, including all the hardware. The plywood we had hanging around the house. You use whatever demensions you want. The rubber matting was about $3, and then the wood trim, glue and nails.

You do the math.

It was under $30 for Don to make my table. And it folds so nicely to be stored behind the bar in my family room.
He did a great job on it!
That really is a great idea. He did a nice job, too. If we decide to ever use one, I'll have James make us one too!
We went shopping all around town today looking for supplies for our table. UGH! :? We went to Lowes, Ace, our next stop of HOme Depot but thats quite a distance from us. We found the plywood easy, but the LEGS and the MATT! We couldn't find them anywhere. Soo - we're off to Home Depot, but I wanted to know - where did you find the rubber matt?
Home Depot had the rubber matting, too. It is industrial-type, rubber floor runner.
About how much does it weigh?
I was looking for something lightweight to take to take to dog shows
I found a thin yoga mat at TJ MAX For 9.99. I’m going to use that on my table
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