
I can definitely tell somebody needs to get back into puppy class. Unfortunately, beginners obediance at my trainer doesn't start until 8/22(For a class I can actually get to)... and he's being obnoxious now, so I need some help.

Everytime someone new or someone that doesn't visit real often comes over Pippin run to them and will jump on them. Even with me holding his collar and his chest he is a crazy nutball. He also jumps on me after I let him out of the cage. He gets himself so excited that when I give him a sit command, he sits for half a second and then it is back to bouncing on everyone. I've tried ignoring him (not the behavior, HIM), which does calm him down, but it is VERY hard on my legs, as he'll still jump at the beginning.


He's getting to his difficult "teens" now, and I'm trying really hard, but until I can get him back into obediance class, I need some advice.
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Im telling ya....can with rocks in it.....shake it everytime he comes near you and ready to pounce.....say off once and after that just shake the can.....it really works :D
Thanks Darce. i'll try that when I get home. Lets hope he doesn't think it is a new chew toy... he likes empty pop cans :?
Yes i did that with Mitch only mine was a plastic bottle with pebbles in it. :D
oh and when you shake the can, be stern and lean into him while shaking the can....do it with effort....the trainer said not to use the word off continuously, because he may associate that with the can rather than the action....
Right now Foz just seems to jump on my Mom because she enjoys it. I get pissed because then I worry that he'll think he can do it with everyone. The books and the Petsmart trainer says to keep the leash on and set up scenarios. For example, have Foz on his leash and then have a friend or neighbor ring the doorbell. His reward will be someone petting him or you can give a treat.
Concerning the bottle/can with rocks/coins in it, I have seen a video or show in which the trainer points out the most effective way to use this "tool" is to make sure the dog does not know where the sound is coming from. Best from a shock value. Much better than just shaking the can in the dogs face and screaming off, off, off.

He was dealing with a dog who was having severe seperation anxiety. Had the dog on a video monitor, and while he was out of sight he shook the can to try to "calm" the dog down when the dog began to act up.

I am guessing a quick shake behind your back, and a quick praise when Pip stops the jumping will help you down the proper road.

As a side bar, I do none of this and my guy is a maniac when I get home. Although he just usualy shakes and throws the backend into others in a OES bodycheck, he is all over me once I put my keys, wallet, blackerry, phone on the table. I don't mind. Who doesn't want a greeting like that when you have had a crappy day?! :D
I love Pips affection, but my legs look like I've been wandering through a bramble bush. And when I get pregnant a big puppy jumping and a pregnant belly is not a good combo. (Neither is a toddler and a jumping dog for that matter) I prefer the wiggle bum kisses and snuggles greeting much more!
Good luck with the troubles - he's probably about 5' tall on his hind legs now, isn't he? I hope the rocks-in-the-can trick works well for you.
Yeah, about that. Sitting his head comes up to my mid thigh, not quite my hip yet. Standing he can easily put his paws on my chest. Or jump on my back, like this morning.

Time to put that can together.
Many a dog has been calmed with the coffee can and pebbles.....and yes, unseen. Frosty would get so wound up in the kennel, he'd move the whole thing......nothing like watching your kennel move across the yard powered by a Great Pyrenees. I'd stand and shake the can while at the window.

Barking, can, no barking. Eating their way out of the kennel, can, no eating.

The noise is enough to shake them out of whatever they are doing.

And remember, lots of exercise since they have this energy that must be expelled or they will explode (that's what they'd tell you if they could speak). Run their little fuzzy butts off , review basic obedience (it's the listening to you that matter) and get into that class.

(Mo still jumps only because she's trying to get above the taller dogs to greet guests........she won't put her paws on the people. She just wants to be seen.)

I had Patches trainer help me with the jumping problem and she used water as the deversion. Fill up a lemon with water, you know the ones that have condensed lemon juice in them. Squirt it at the dog but as others have suggested don't let the dog see the container. Patches is 3yo and really has never jumped on me but when people come over they are her victims! If I'm having a party and I know people are coming over I put her gentle leader and leash on and she is very well behaved. Once people get settled in I take it off. Putting her in her crate is also a lifesaver.
I did try the can last night, and I'm very pleasantly surprised by how quickly he caught on. 3 times of shaking it when he started jumping and he was no longer jumping on me, just in the air... it is a definite start in the right direction.

My main issue now is trying to have it on hand when obnoxious behavior begins. It is easy for when he gets out of the crate, but there were definitely times last night I was looking for the can and didn't have it!

Maybe I should invent a training can holster!
You could patent it and make millions!
Definitely get Pippin involved in something with exercise involved. Bart had all kinds of misbehaviors when he came, but exercise, starting obedience classes and consistant responses from everyone here have turned him into a new dog!

He is now going on therapy dog visits with our group and wil be testing at our next date later this summer. He also has responded so well to obedience that my daughter has him entered in Rally later this month at the Waukesha WI show!

We've only had him a few months, and the improvement is remarkable.
That usually involves Mike, and Mike is not home this week.... We don't have a fenced in yard so he can't free run around, or he could get hit by a car (road on 3 sides). He can't go to the puppy park yet, I have to get him licensed and neutered still.

Exercising him properly is a bit challenging. I take him for walks, but that doesn't burn off all that puppy energy very well.

Any safe ideas would be appreciated. I do have a 30' long line I can clip him to, but I'd have to hold it (no clip on the other end).
I'm glad to hear the shake can worked so well with Pip, Karen. I think I'll start the can shake when people come to the house for visits. A friend of mine came over last night and Foz kept hopping up on her. It was very annoying. If she wasn't a dog person it would have been terrible. I want people to enjoy coming over to our house.
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