Five year old developing black patch

We rescued a three year old spayed female, Roxy, two years ago. In the past few weeks she started developing a black patch in her formerly all grey back left leg. I thought puppies started black and turned grey--haven't seen any reference to the opposite. Is this unusual?
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Has she been chewing that area? My parents' sheepdog has allergies and when she has chewed on certain areas a lot and actually chewed all the hair away, it grew back black.

I know sheepdogs go through fur stages where they can be greyer at certain times than others. Again, my parents' sheepdog is almost 9 and she is much darker now than she was a few years ago...
The only cause that comes to mind is when there has been an injury to the skin... the hair in the gray areas often come back in black. Here is an example of an extreme case- see Petey (graphic)

Probably other reasons though. Others can probably give you better ideas. :D
6Girls wrote:
The only cause that comes to mind is when there has been an injury to the skin... the hair in the gray areas often come back in black. Here is an example of an extreme case- see Petey (graphic)

Probably other reasons though. Others can probably give you better ideas. :D

Petey looks AWESOME now! Thanks for posting that, Jaci. I kept meaning to do a search for him and then I'd get sidetracked!
I spoke with Cindy on the 3rd and she said Petey is doing wonderful in his home in Colorado. I think she said he recently got a summer haircut so he's probably fuzzy. Wow, that was really some miracle rescue work wasn't it! :D Never underestimate the spirit of a sheepie.
I still cry every time I see that picture. Makes me doubly glad he's being spoiled rotten now. What a miracle he is!!
Tasker often gets black patches after a skin injury (he's 10). He's prone to hot spots and has lots of allergies so often a small irritation will turn into a major problem. When the hair grows back it comes in black but it eventually turns grey again. At any given time he has an assortment of all shade from dark black to silver grey throughout his coat.
Hi John,

Like the others mentioned it the hair comes in black in certain spots (in adulthood) if there has been trauma to that region, such as an injury of some sort.

One of my rescues Panda, had splotches of black all over his back, but after three shaves the hair is now grey.

Merlin, the other furball was once flanked by two dogs and yelped. Apon arriving home I noticed a gash at his side which needed to be stapled. After the hair grew back it was black but has now resumed to grey once again.

In puppyhood they are all black and white and start turning grey aprox 8 months of age, some sooner , others later.

Hope that helped.

Marianne and the boys
Off topic, but wow, Petey looks great now!!! :)
By the way Stacey, that is one FAT CAT in your AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!! (speaking of off topic) HAHAHAHAHA
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