Hayley's 1st Fireworks and One night without kids!

Last year we stayed home and set off our own...which are legal here.
Nothing really cool basically just small ones like Roman Candles.

We went to a Firework display this evening at the Morongo Casino. I really wanted to go and had planned on going even if Billy decided he didn't want to. To my surprise he wanted to go.
We were treated to Live music (Blues) before the display and a patriotic music during the 40 minute display. Hayley loved the blues music...even though it was loud. She was dancing the whole time.

It was Hayley's first fireworks and I was hoping she wouldn't freak out. She LOVED it! She kept and she kept saying Awww and Ohhh. It was so cute!! She also kept putting her hands up.
Billy was in tears watching her. Billy said it was the best he's ever been too. He kept saying it was going to be a bad show because it was free.
Well he was VERY wrong. We had a blast!

In other news... Hayley spent the night at my sister's house Saturday.
She had a great time time with my sister! She is such a Momma's girl and does not even let me out of her site when we are home. I thought she would be freaking out. She has freaked out everytime I have left her in the past couple of months.

I told my sister, Do not expect me to came and meet you somewhere at 3am! I could not believe it, but she was fine.

We met her Sunday afternoon at my Cousin's house in LA (we were there for my cousin's HS graduation) When I walked in she looked up at me and was looking at me like "Oh your here" I am glad she had a good time. Billy & I went out to a very nice dinner and had a good time. Even though Billy said it felt like someone took his right arm, we managed to have fun. We even went out to a Bar after dinner to shoot some pool. It was over 80 degrees in the bar. YUCK!! They turned on the A/C just as we were leaving. We had one drink and shot two games and decided if we wanted to be hot we would go outside. So we went home and back to our A/C.
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Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
......He kept saying it was going to be a bad show because it was free. Well he was VERY wrong. We had a blast!

Note to Billy: The BEST things in life ARE FREE. :wink:

Glad you had such a wonderful time! Your post brought back memories of when my son was a baby (has 3 of his own now). Thank you!

It's hard to watch the fireworks when you're watching the expressions on the faces of children light up so bright! It's priceless!

What a wonderful night you described!! Glad you were able to experience it!

Marianne and the boys
Glad you had such a great time and a night off. :wink:
So great that you had a night away!!! Kids grow up much to our dismay!!!

I HATE fireworks, the noise totally unerves me. So we spend most of the 4th trying to avoid them. Sometimes I think I'm worse than the dogs :roll:
How lovely for you all! Kids are so enthusiatic about stuff they enjoy. So much fun to watch them.

Tasker's Mom wrote:
I HATE fireworks, the noise totally unerves me. So we spend most of the 4th trying to avoid them.

Me too. 8O I always used to pretend to smile when we took the kids, when actually I was gritting my teeth the whole time.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I HATE fireworks, the noise totally unerves me. So we spend most of the 4th trying to avoid them. Sometimes I think I'm worse than the dogs :roll:

I'm not a fan either. It is so loud that I cover my ears half the time. I go if Steve REALLY wants to go. He says that the 4th of July isn't complete without them.

Elissa, I'm glad that Hayley liked the fireworks so much and staying with your cousin. You and Billy need a night out every once in a while :D
I know Ryan would have also loved to see these Fireworks. But his Dad brought him to see a display in NJ. So I am sure he had fun too.

I was actually very worried about the noise. They never played any music in NJ so this was very different from all of my previous experiences.
The Music was SOOO loud we hardly heard the Fireworks. Definitely more enjoyable that way.
Glad you all enjoyed the fireworks .

I love watching them :D

It's one of the reasons i like going to Disney.
love your avatar...was that from last night? I bet the look on Hayleys face was priceless!!! Glad you guys had a great time!
Yes, the avatar picture was from last night. I am impressed that my cell phone got such a good shot. I don't know if you can tell but that firework was in the shape of a flower. I took some shots of Hayley while the Blues Band was playing. They still had the lights on. I also got a picture of Billy & I. Some more fireworks too.
It was wonderful watching her face. She was in total amazement.

Billy went out this morning to one of the firework stands in town and bought a bunch so he could set more off for Hayley tonight. :D
Glad you all had a great night.

I thought your avatar was a Flower :P So pretty "Dah" now I know it is fireworks Awesome shot :wink:
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