Drake and Teething!

Poor Drake is teething and all of a suddendly everthing in sight is a teething ring. Drake has plenty of toys, soft, hard, flavored, you name it he has it. What I have found is what ever Drake is next to he chews on and I am constently replacing it with a chew toy. But the one of the worst things Drake likes to chew on is the books in the books shelves. He will go and pull a book out and chew on it. I am with Drake all the time so he has not had time to destroy a book because I always catch him before he can. My other chew problem is that Drake likes to chew on the rocks in our ventless fire place. I hate to do it but I think I am going to have to remove them until he gets over this stage. Does anybody have any tips on this problem besides crating Drake all day. I am home all day and would hate to just crate Drake. I can keep Drake in one room but he always finds something to chew on besides his toys.

I have been reading other post with pups the about the same age as Drake and it seems we all are having similar experiences. It really helps to know that Drakes behavior is pretty normal and that with some help and guidence we will make it through it all ok. Thanks to all 8)
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You can try putting "Bitter Apple" on some of the items that he tends to chew which you prefer that he didn't. It will deter him from chewing them because of the nasty taste - but beware - some dogs don't seem to be bothered by it! Be very careful of the rocks - I would agree putting them away might be a good idea (my sister's puppy ended up needing 2 surgeries and nearly died after consuming a rock and a little plastic toy when he was going through his chewing stage). Be sure to keep all small objects out of his reach!

Have you tried different kinds of chews / bones? My dogs love the REAL Marrow Bones (you can get them at a grocery store) or the sterilized marrow bones from Petsmart (or somewhere like that!). Many give the marrow bones raw (from the grocery store) but I'm too grossed out by that so I boil mine (they are very hard and round and my dogs can't break them apart (most cooked bones are a no-no for dogs but I've never had a problem with these). They chew them for hours!
The other option is to get a KONG and fill it with goodies (there's some suggestions on their website of what you can fill it with). Freeze it to make it last longer. Some of the nylabones are good too - but I've found that my dogs didn't care too much for them.

They'd much rather chew on something that they shouldn't be chewing on - that way they get your attention! Make sure that Drake is getting alot of exercise and keep his mind busy with training - he'll be too tired to get into trouble! :D

I've been lucky so far in that department, the only thing Dancer has chewed were my husbands' glasses.... unfortunately they were very expensive so maybe that one thing makes up for other things...lol....
Gasp! books? I think Dancer wouldn't know where to start to pick a book, I've lost count of how many we have, but there are two walls covered in bookcases... and that's not even all of them unpacked.... LOL
The one thing my first OES loved was an old sock dampened and put in the freezer. I would take a pair that were destined for the garbage, tie them together with one knot, and she loved to gnaw them frozen when she was teething. However, I don't know if I would recommend it because you may teach the pup to chew socks. Mickey never did, other than the ones that were ''hers'' but she could have....
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