Going to have dead Neighbours soon!!!

Ok, this was the final straw for me.

I live in a duplex condo type setting. We have 29 units. Well a few weeks ago A$$ in unit #13 moved to Toronto to work for the summer moving in his 18 year old Brother and a friend. When they moved in the set up a Trampoline in the yard. We are all working prfoessionals in the complex, we all own our units blah blah blah.
2 weeks later I am woken up at 3:30am to the sounbd of trampoline springs, I opened the blinds and told them to stop it and go to bed. they laughed and told me to F'Off. Not a good thing, especially after waking me up. My neighbour then told them to shut up, go inside and they told hime the same thing. They then processed to go out front and play street hockey 2 4:30am. they told the guy across the street from me to F*&^ Off too. I sit on the condo baord, so does the man across the street from me.

We have had a number of complaints and letters about these young kids, lud music, smoking drug ...... that we had an emergancy board meeting on Tuesday night. We decided to send themn a registared letter to them stating that if they keep it up we will be fining them $200.00 each time they break a bylaw in the condo act. IT GETS WORSE.

While we are having this meeting, Bunker is in the backyard and Mike's in the shower. Apparently the neighbour was watching TV, he looks outside and they have set up a target practice on there fence shooting it with a Pellet Gun. The a%%'s then turned and aimed it at Bunker and was about to shoot her when Narwin said "Wouldn't be to smart". Narwin can't go beat the Crap out of them cuz he's trying to get into the RCMP. So he told me last night. I called the cops (no help, they said they frown upon the use of pellet guns being used but it's not considered a firearm???_, Okay I said to them, they hit my dog, she loses an eye, they will lose a life. I then asked the dumdA$$ do you have children? Yes he says, I said We'll my Dog is my Child. I was vibrating when I got off the phone with these jerks. They told me to phone the SPCA.

HAHAHA Jokes on the kids, My sister use to be a special constable for the Edmonton SPCA so I phoned her old Boss. The stupid little punks will be getting a visit tonight and possible a fine for animal cruelty.

Next time, I will just start breaking legs. As a condo board we have fined them $200.00.
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Holy cow!!!!!!!!!! I hate irresponsible punks!!!!!! Can you kick them out, since they are not the leagal owners of the property...or call the owner and put some leagal ramifacations on hiM???
Wow, how awful!

I'm impressed that you kept your cool, I'm not sure I would have.

I hope this problem gets solved quickly, not only the danger to your dog, but it is completely unacceptable for those kids to keep lowering the quality of life for the entire complex.
We can't kick them out all we can do is fine the owner and if he doesn't pay we just put a lien against the property.

I'm trying to keep my cool but having a hard time doing so. :evil:
Bunker is my Dad's baby and he is going over there tonight to have a talk with them. :roll: I don't think it will do much but it's worth a try. So help them if they hurt her, you will be hearing from me in Jail for Murder.
Each time they get rowdy after hours, call the cops. Make sure these calls are logged. Eventually you'll have a good court case to go after the owner.....nuisance laws. There's not something in the by-laws of the condo association about rowdy behavior?

In mean time has the board tried contacting the owner??

I'm surprised the pellet gun doesn't fall under reckless endagerment......

Will Bunker be spending more time inside???

I called the cops before, it's all be logged.

They were actually told when they moved in by Chris not to piss me off. I sit on the board and I will not taking any crap from them. They've now been fined a total of $400.00 in one week. We've tried to get a hold of Chirs, nothing yet.

I'm not going to change Bunkie's routine and she loves being outside. They've had their 1 chance, now I get to be superbi^&*. I'll just be sitting on the patio alot more.

I don't get mad, I get even. We have a rule that you cannot park on the street in the complex (Emergency Vehicle Access), they do quite a bit. That okay I've instruced anyone to call me if they do after they have called a tow truck. They can and will be towed at the owners expense as long a board member is there to sign the sheet.

My blodd is still boiling.

What I don't get is that if someone was driving around the city pointing a pellet gun at passing drivers and get fined, why can't they be charged for pointing it at a dog. A gun is a gun. Either way is cause harm.
Yes, call the cops every time there is an "incident". My Mom and her neighbors gave up on "talking nicely" to the kids. In the last few years they have had a ton of problems. A homeless kid even had a room set up in one of the laundry rooms! 8O
How inconsiderate of a neighbor could you get? That's sooo awful of them to do all that stuff. I hope the visit from the cop straightens them out or they decide to move soon!
oooh, I don't want to see your mad side in person :lol: :lol:

Also it is freshing to see there are inconsiderate jerks in other countries, not just the US. I thought we had them all.
SheepieBoss Wrote:

oooh, I don't want to see your mad side in person

You're right you don't. I am a natural redhead and Irish to boot. When I get mad look out. It takes alot to get my blood boiling but when it does....
If they hurt your dog, I will be personally flying there to help you :evil:

I sat on a jury for a guy that pointed a gun at a woman. Until that time I didn't even know that was considered a crime. It was treated very seriously. I only wish the animals would be as protected!

But, before I read your post and got so angry, you gave me a great laugh with the "a$$"

Good luck, may the force of the Sheepie people be with you. :wink:
They certainly sound like irresponsible jerks. I don't blame you one bit for being upset. I'd be boiling mad too. I'd probably be right there beside you in the jail cell if they hurt your baby. :twisted:
Just to let you know...Panda called...since I am at work, she seems to think that her revoked phone privileges dont count...anyway...she said that if she has to fly all the way up there to protect Bunker, she will!! Then since she knew that she wasnt supposed to be on the phone, she said that while she was protecting Bunker and the all clear was given then Chelsey and I could go shoe shopping.....

Panda is such a giver 8O
she said that while she was protecting Bunker and the all clear was given then Chelsey and I could go shoe shopping.....

Come on up!!! It's been crazy hot here this past week. We could always go shoe shopping while Panda and Bunkie hangout.
Can't wait to hear the response of the owner when he finds out he's being fined so much because of his irresponsible brother!! Or is it the brother who's being fined? If that's the case, you may never see the money - typical teenager!

GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: The nerve of some people's children!
The Owner will have to pay then he can try and collect from his little S&^%$head of a brother. Not my problem, if he doesn't pay the fine, he can't sell the house, we lien it. We do that with overdue condo fees too.

I'd love to have a sitdown with the parents of these stupid kids.

One thing that has bothered me is since they have moved in the noise, cars and young girls (some of them don't even look 15) at all hours of the night. Don't parents care where and who their kids are hanging out with now a days? My parents were strict, back then I hated them for it, today and I am so thankful. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the rules they had.
We live in a townhome, and it's always a fight with one of our neighbors. They aren't kids, they are over a decade OLDER than my husband and I, and yet they party all hours of the night each weekend. It is soooo frustrating. I hope you can get those kids out of that condo so your life can get back to normal - good luck.
We could send the sheepie patrol after those little jerks :evil: If you get thrown in jail just let us know, I'm sure we would all chip in for bail! I would also try to get the underage girls names and call their parents to clue them in on just where they really are, if there is any drinking going on they are asking for big trouble.
Darcy wrote:
Just to let you know...Panda called...since I am at work, she seems to think that her revoked phone privileges dont count...anyway...

Ummmmm...Darcy...you need to be stricter! Barney is taking his grounding VERY seriously and knows that he would be in BIG trouble if he was using the phone...Pssst...Panda...Barney says hi...
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
They certainly sound like irresponsible jerks. I don't blame you one bit for being upset. I'd be boiling mad too. I'd probably be right there beside you in the jail cell if they hurt your baby. :twisted:

Okay, wait! if everyone goes to jail then who is going to take care of your sheepies?????? This is getting to be a lot of mad sheepie running around...lol
I have a brother who lives in Edmonton. He is a redneck, lives downtown just off 95th street, and hangs out with folks nobody wants to mess with.

He would LOVE some entertainment by having him and his buds kick some little teenagers' butts! LOL

And he loves animals :lol: :lol: :lol:

Call on the calvary!!!

P.S. For those who are not familiar with Edmonton, 95th street is not a place to hang out after dark.
Being just out of college I have seen these types of punks in droves. You can bet they are teareing the hell out of the inside of the condo without regard to who has to pay for it. I hope the owner does what right and gets them the hell out of there. We had a bunch of punk kinds that used to play at the pool right behind my unit. The final straw was when I caught them throwing rocks at my Mini Schnauzer Tyler because he barked at them. They eventually busted on of our windows with a rock. The police told use we had no recourse because we didn't see who did it. The cops were cool though and went over and raised a little hell ajd the problems stopped....we moved slightly thereafter.

Luckily that part of my life is currently behind me.
One thing that has bothered me is since they have moved in the noise, cars and young girls (some of them don't even look 15) at all hours of the night.

Are you sure they aren't selling drugs? If you can document the hours of the coming and going, the police might take more interest.

don't forget about curfew too, if any of those kids are under 18, they can get busted for being out past curfew... It's not much, but it might give you the excuse you need to get the cops in to look more closely at the situation...
Bosley's Mom Worte:
He would LOVE some entertainment by having him and his buds kick some little teenagers' butts! LOL

Perfect, works for me. :lol:

Bestdogsx4 Wrote:

would also try to get the underage girls names and call their parents to clue them in on just where they really are, if there is any drinking going on they are asking for big trouble.

So would I. There's drinking and pot smoking going on. I told the one neighbor last night, you see them smoking pot again, call the cops make up an excuse to get them out here.

When I got home last night the LOSERS were standing outside on the driveway, it took everything for me not go flying at them screaming. I just put on a smirk and went and talked to the neighbor and tell him the the SPCA would be out to talk to them. He just laughed and said he can't wait. My Dad was funny yesterday. He was going to go over and talk to them then he has no decided to wait and see what they do and if they even as so much as move a hair on Bunkie he will have the media and papers out so quick. My Dad said "That will get out all of the crazy animal lovers and these kids won't be able to deal with the abuse that would come their way".
So what happened later that night? Any more incidents other than your initial contact with the crappy teen? Id try to video tape them too......
This sounds horrible! Why would they target Bunker?? I hope she is safe from those obnoxious people.
I had thought possession of marijuana was okay in all of Canada-- until I looked it up, I didn't realize it was only Ontario.

As much as it sucks to deal with it, I really don't think you should have any verbal communication with them whatsoever. It sounds like talking to them is only fueling their fire so keep everything written and through the cops. Obviously they're jerks that aren't going to listen to reason so now, the best you can hope for is to hit them (or the brother as it were ) where it hurts. I gotta believe that those $200 fines are going to add up really fast!

Would burning the place down also end up torching yours? That's always an option... :twisted:
That is just crazy!!! I would have been uncontrollable too. If I had seen them aiming that pellet gun all 5'1" of my would be right up in their faces like you wouldn't believe. Trust me...even at 5'1" I can be very intimidating. Especially being from Jersey. lol
I myself lived in a townhome for a while and also had problems with the neighbors. Therre house looked like crap and the assocation didn't bother them at all. Paint peeling.... overgrown bushes...etc
Their visitors were also parking in our second driveway :evil:
I finally had had enough and had my Husband park in their driveway.
They weren't happy about that. They were always mubbling under their breath as we would walk out of the house.
The good thing is that they were scared to death of our Boxer.
I was soooo happy when we moved out and refuse to ever live in a "community" again.
Thats sad that they actually tried to shoot your poor defensless dog with a pellet gun. They probably sleep all day. I think I'd be weed wacking by their bedroom window or mowing grass early in the am.Hopefully they'll get kiccked oouut. :twisted:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I had thought possession of marijuana was okay in all of Canada-- until I looked it up, I didn't realize it was only Ontario.

Hmm. News to me! I thing possession is defined to a certain amount, though, like an ounce or a couple of joints. Any more than that and you get busted for traficcing because it is illegal to sell it. Unless you have a doctor's note that says you need it for helath reasons....or something like that.

I guess I can ask my 17 yr old son. Him and his friends would know the rules I'm sure 8O 8O 8O
It is a certain amount, Nicole. I probably should have said "possession for personal use."

I really don't have anything to offer but want to offer my support. I can't believe how horrible this situation is for you and how stressful it must be.

Keep your boy safe and give him a belly rub for me.

Marianne and the boys
You Crazy Canadians!
I would think that the police would at least come out and cite them for disturbing the peace. You get enough of those down here and you go to the big house. If you call the cops enough, they get tired of the calls and will come out and knock around the kids just to get the calls to stop.
Also, down here, pellet guns are firearms. It's too bad they didn't do it over the border because that'll get you a couple of days in the local pen.

If I were you I'd also be careful with the "threats of bodily harm". You can get in more trouble for those couple of words than they can for all the crap that they are pulling. Whenever you get angry and want to freak out just smile and say, "Well isn't that nice." It'll drive them crazy wondering what you are up to!
Wow Chelsey, crazy stuff. What's the latest?
Suggestion to make sure the cops come next time. When the teens are playing with the pellet gun, call the police and tell them that there are kids in the yard with some kind of rifle and they are aiming it at your dog. It can be very easy to mistake a pellet gun for a real gun, and when told that it wasn't real, you just say it looked real and you were scared they were going to kill your dog.
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