JK Rowling to kill two characters in final Harry Potter book

Wow! I was amazed to find these articles! I have a feeling it will be major characters, I hope not Harry, but she made a comment in an interview about understanding why some authors finish off their main character so they can never be resurrected again. However, in the world of magic she has created, I doubt her fans would even believe he could never come back if she did kill him off. LOL

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I'm putting my money on Harry (The ultimate sacrifice to stop Valdemort) and Snape... redeeming himself by saving Harry at some point

2 characters doesn't include Valdemort, does it...

If it is Ron and Hermione... I'm gonna loose it!
I'm kind of thinking Harry and Voldemort are the two.... to end the series, it certainly would be a "final" ending... 8O
I heard that earlier. I don't want to read this last book, but yet...I can't wait for it to come out! lol
I'm thinking Harry and Snape with Valdemort being knocked back to that "non-living" state as before. This is if the author wants to end the Potter series once and for all. You can't kill off evil, it's always with us.

By killing off Harry, you can make his reuniting with his parents a happy event............maybe for him, :cry:

If she wants to leave the door open for a new wizard series in the future, Harry could live but disappear only to return as an old wizard. Then anyone could be knocked off. Granted Neville isn't a main character, or the teachers, etc. This sounds like a cop-out ending the more I think about it.

I agree, Ron and Hermione must live on and produce more little wizards, so it must be Harry and Snape or Valdemort.
I'm not sure JK Rowling cares who lives on... I mean, the poor woman gets hate mail about even thinking of changing the fate/life of a character! LOL
I think from her comment, she wants it to be over with. I could be totally off base of course, but that's my impression.
Yeah, she sort of gave herself one of those excrucio curses. She vaulted to fame and fortune, and all the agony that comes with it. I can see why SHE would want to kill off Harry, but no one else does. She should take a lesson from George Lucas and let other people write the books, and she could just clean up from the marketing.
As long as the red headed twins don't get killed!!! 8O
Maxmm wrote:
As long as the red headed twins don't get killed!!! 8O

Fred and George, or as they called themselves once "Gred and Forge." I do love the Weasley twins.

I hope that this story is not true. I would be deeply upset if Ron, Harry or Hermione got bumped off. Or Neville. Neville is my favorite minor character. On the other hand, Snape dying wouldn't bother me. I still think he is evil.

If the 7th book comes out in 2007, it will make a perfect 50th b-day gift for me.
I suspect it may be Professor Dumbledore :( :( :(
Bosley's mom wrote:
I suspect it may be Professor Dumbledore :( :( :(

Nicole, did you read HP and The Half-Blood Prince that came out last year???
I am behind so no, I haven't. I have it, though!

Why? Don't tell me!!!!
Read it! LOL 8O
LOL! Come on Nicole!

How come nobody thinks Hagrid could be killed off? Oh NO! He's one of my favorites.

What's the name of Harry's nemesis? The blonde.......I could go get a book and look it up. He could be done in for all I care. But then, he'd be a likely candidate to carry on if the series were to ever be continued.

I agree, not the twins....or any Weasley. How about Harry's aunt and uncle and cousin.........did they even appear in this last book, I dont remember??
I love Hagrid, I really hope it's not him.

Malfoy, maybe....

I don't think it will be any of the Weasley's.....
I think a part of Voldermort is in Harry (remember - it can be in living things according to Professor Dumbledore), and they are both going to have to die at the end of the last book for Harry to destroy Voldermort. :( It will be sad, but Harry will get reunited with his parents.
I wish she has the guts to finish off harry and make him give the ultimate sacarifice. I love Snape, but he may die in order to kill Voldemort of something like that. He still has to redeem himself from what he did whne told voldemort about the prophecy... It even makes me wonder if he was so sorry of what he did because Lily ended up dead and he had a crush on her. That could also explain why he hates Harry so much, because he looks like James but has Lily's eyes, i dunno.... Somebody stop me!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE All of the Harry Potter Movies.

Ron is my favorite character.....I hope nothing happens to him.
I love these books, too. My husband checks the fan sites daily! I have too many different ideas to write them down, but I can't WAIT for the next book! :D
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