Ewww Barkley went outside to peepee and came running back into the house really weird. I noticed his mouth was open like he had a bone or something ewwww and he brought a huge turtle in the house!!!! :?
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And you put turtle back outside, right?

My daughter wanted a turtle. So Grand dad found one as he was walking through the forest and gave it to her at her birthday party. It was an East Texas box turtle that is about to become endangered. Lil fellows live to be 150 years old (in the wild, 12 years in captivity) and will go back to where they hatched to breed, no matter how many highways divide them. Next day I am driving said turtle 120 miles back up to the forest where Dad found little old fella to let him go. (I wouldn't let anyone touch him so we did not give him any diseases or anything to spread among his folk. Seems we are wiping out box turtles by "keeping" them and then returning them to the wild with "domestication" type diseases.)

Once Abbi came in with something in her mouth and 2 mockingbirds and my daughter chasing her ... it was a mocking bird chick that I then spent 8 weeks raising and babying.
Our dogs and kids get us into the most surprising situations, don't they?
It's that time of year! LOL On another List I'm on - a dog came prancing in the house the other night with a baby skunk in his mouth! The woman called the Humane Society for suggestions on what to do and they told her to find the den and return it before the MOTHER came back and/or raise it (there's a big thing now with raising domesticated skunks - she found out later there are even "SKUNK SHOWS"! LOL). Now, either option didn't seem good to me! AFter some sneaky spy work (hiding behind a curtain to see if her dog would return to the scene of the crime) - she found the den and returned the little bugger before Mom Skunk came back from hunting!

Turtles I think I can handle - now the day my dog comes in with a snake - I may lose it! <VBG>

A snake would have killed me too since we have them all over our woods. It shocked me...but yes I put the silly turtle back outside and a couple hours later at "peepee" time again it was gone. But you better believe he was looking for it!!
My two year old daughter Abby was confused....see she always wanted a fish. So we got her a little blue beta which of course she names "turtle" (makes sense I know) so I am screaming ewww it's a real turtle and shes running to her fish bowl! And how was your day? lol

(still lol @ the skunk scene!)

If my kids don't kill me my OES will...........
Yesterday I came back from the hospital at about 6 PM. My husband's been caring for the kids since 3 PM. He is so furious he's got this purple-red tinge to his face and says as I come in, "Don't look or say anything. I am taking care of it."
And I am going, "What the ????"
I look down at the newly scrubbed white tile floor and see muddy foot prints of all sorts leading from the back door to the upstairs landing and then back to the laundry room. There's muddy hand prints in the hall. All of the door handles have mud on them. (Later I discover mud on my stainless refrigerator door and there's mud on the carpet upstairs).
My youngest, Angela, is crying pitifully as she scrubs at some of the muddy footprints on the floor. Abbi is surprisingly quiet outside.
Seems Angela, her friend, and Abbi have dug this huge hole by the back fence, filled it with water, and gave each other a mud bath. Then, as my older daughter was having a band practice with 4 of her friends, they all came running into the house and headed upstairs. Teresa noticed, yelled, Dad came running.
Angela's friend was sent home with her older sister. Angela was stripped in the laundry room and still had mud caked up to her knees and all over her arms and face while she was helping Victor scrub the floor.
I mention that, perhaps the floor would get cleaner if Angela was washed up a bit first. Victor glares at me, turns to Anglea and tells her to go take a bath, shampoo her hair and get back down to clean up the mess within 10 minutes. And she does. (Whic reminds me, I need to rinse out the bath tub).
Today I have 4 sets of muddy jeans and shirts to wash. Seems Angela had decided to change clothes and go back to digging 3 times before anyone noticed. Why would she change pants to get another set dirty I ask. Her reply, " I didn't want to get your chairs dirty when we drank our juice and ate the cookies."
The chairs are white upholstered. Good idea ....but ...
But don't mention any of this to Victor. He's still a bit upset. Teresa is furious because she had scrubbed the floor in order to invite her friends over.
I feel good. My husband now has a taste what can happen if you don't keep an eye on your charges. And no one was seriously hurt or anything. You should see these pants though.
Ewww, disgusting.
Think I could handle a snake easier. :wink:
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