Bosley's Eye Surgery Didn't Take

We just got back from his first follow-up post-surgery visit. He had his third eye-lid pulled up to protect the eye after the procedure 2 1/2 weeks ago. They pulled it down today and had a look.

It is not healing. :cry: :cry:

I returned with drops to do now twice a day, another one 4 times a day and another one 5/6 times a day, until Monday when he goes back for surgery on his cornea again. They are going to perhaps do a graft or something. I don't know. :pupeyes: I wasn't really listening, we were so disappointed.

He will have his cone for almost the whole summer, and no dog parks, no playing with Dixie, and we are a very sad family.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Ahhh, bless his heart. I hope the next surgery goes better.
I'm so sorry Bosley's surgery wasn't successful. :(
I hope the drops and the next one will do the trick.
Having dealt with eye problems with Kaytee, I know how you must feel going through this.

I am so sorry to hear this news.. hopefully the next one will work...

Give him a big BIG hug for me.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
Sorry to hear that :(

Maybe they should try different drops? See if there is something else he might respond to better?
Oh No! I'm sad that the results weren't as you expected..poor Bosley. Lets hope the OES prayers for his well wishes and good health works.

I know you must be very dissapointed and I'm sorry you have to go through this. Sometimes miracles happen - lets all keep hoping. In the meantime..extra belly rubs to Bosley.

Marianne and the boys
Oh, that's terrible. :(

Any chance you can move to something like the Bite-Not collar or perhaps one of those big floppy things that looks like a daisy?

I'd think they'd have to be much more humane that the big plastic e-collar that amplifies all the sound and everything.

Just if it's ok, of course. The eye is important.
oh poor bosley!
So sorry to hear this - I was hoping for better news for you.
I am positive the next surgery will do it. Lots of positive thoughts coming your way.
Here's that ecollar discussion:
Elizabethan collar alternatives info
Hope it helps.
I'm so sorry, Nicole. Hugs and kisses from us.
Thanks, Ron.
I remember this discussion. The problem that we have is that Bosley cannot rub his eye against anything...Unless it is a hard protective shield he could easily rub his face and eye against the wall, a chair or even rub it with his paw.

I was thinking of the soft, daisy-type things but he would still be able to rub his face against anything, through the cloth-type material, and do more damage.

Nothing can touch his eye...nothing.

Very frustrating.

The drops he are giving him now are antibiotics drops and some kind of serum, like Valerie had with her cat, that is possibly going to stimulate some healing action. Each one is $45 for 2 days worth 8O

Back to the specialist on Monday who will look at it to see what kind of procedure he needs now. The vet there today said that she noticed Bosley's bottom eyelid kind of turns in slightly towards the eyeball, so the lashes could have caused the ulser in the first place. But since the first surgery the eye has been covered so that wouldn't have impacted any healing.

Poor baby is just laying around today doing nothing. At least he can see with his eye for a couple of days, until it is covered up again following his next operation. Arrgghhhhh!
Man, that sucks. I hope there's an alternative that will work.
Oh Nicole I am sorry to hear that too, poor Bosley and poor you, so frustrating for the both of you.

Keeping all crossed & sending wishes that the next round will be successful for Bosley. :)

Hugs to you both & keep positive about the whole situation :wink:
Oh, the poor boy! :oops: Big belly rubs to him please! And big hugs to you, too, Nicole.
Poor Bosley :( I'm so sorry!!!
Nicole, you and Bosley are in my prayers.
awww. London gives Bosley lots of licks!!!
Awe, too bad for Bosley! Too bad for you guys and Dixie too. Sounds like a rough summer ahead but it'll get better one of these days! :)
Oh, that poor guy :( We're all pulling for you Bosley.
I am so sorry to hear that Bos's eye surgery didnt work out....hopefully sooner than later, it will be all better!

Hugs to the poor boy!
Oh no, I'm so sorry. :(
Poor Bosley! I was hoping it would have worked :cry:
Poor guy - that's harsh. :cry:
Sorry to hear about Bosley. :cry:
Oh Nicole :(
I am so sorry the procedure didn't work.
We are so sorry to hear the disappointing news. We will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Poor Bosley. :cry: I'm so sorry to hear this, Nicole. I was really hoping it would be successful. :cry:

This has got to be so difficult for you all. :(

I'm praying for his recovery.
Oh that really really stinks. I am so sorry. Poor Bosley. Poor you. And poor Dixie too who probably misses her playmate. I hope the next course of action does the trick.
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