To cut or not to cut? That is the question.....

Not Panda's hair but is about 3'' from my bra strap...Ive been growing it out for about 2 yrs now...but I find it in a ''ponytail'' more than 1/2 of the 38 am I too old to have really long hair? Should I cut it to about shoulder legnth or should I keep growing it Repunzel style?
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I like your hair the length it is. I wouldn't go much longer but, keep in mind, at a few inches shorter, you'll have an annoying ponytail with lots of pieces that fall out-- like your sister was complaining about!
You can cut it, so you can start to save it again, it’s more fun to be saving for long hair, then it is to having long hair…
to me... 3" from your bra strap isn't that long. Maybe long hair.. but not what I picture in my head when I combine too old and LONG. With that said... you're far from someone who looks like they SHOULD HAVE shorter hair. I would enjoy long hair as long as possible! Personally. :)

Maybe just a trim with some layers put in. That ALWAYS makes me feel fresher and prettier. :)
I just cut 3 inches off. I was very happy about it once I did it because my hair looks so much healthier now.
The decision is really all your though. But I am very happy I did it.
It also seems to be growing faster since I cut it.
I also layer mine from right below my chin to the bottom. Seems to add a lot of body and I can still put it in a pony tail with no problems.
Go for it! My hair was at the middle of my back, and I just cut it to shoulder length with a few layers in it. It's sooo much cooler. I just can't get used to using such little shampoo everyday though, lol
Thanks guys! I do have layers, but for some reason this hair cut is not laying correctly...I am just frustrated.....
Probably because of the length.
You could always just get it layered more and not cut any off the length.
That would also make a difference.
Also do you have layers all the way around back?
When layers grow out they don't always grow even...that might be the problem.
Me too, the pony tail queen...but once you go to short you may find it in your way if you look down at the paper your designing, and not long enough for a pony tail either.

Then I find short hair needs more styling, which if you don't like to do...long hair a pony tail or clip is so easy.
Cut it. It will always grow back. I've never understood why women get hysterical at the thought of cutting their hair.
Is that you or Bob talking, Paula? :lol:

For some reason, it just felt like I was having a Mr. Ed moment, and I "heard" that in Mr. Ed's voice.

I think I need a nap.


Don't cut too much length off or go happy with the layers, I did about 3 weeks ago and I hate it now. I can barely put it up it's a little stub. Cut a little length off and longer layers.
Don't cut it!!!!!!!!

You'll regret it!!!!

(I know I do) :cry:
a couple of weeks ago i went in for a trim and ended up cutting all my hair off and i totally regret it. i say keep the hair so i can live vicariously through you!
Okay guys...Im going in for a legnth cut, just fix the layers...Ill post a pic....
Can't wait to see Darce! I need a summer hair cut. Wet it is down to the small of my back (my hair is curly so it doesn't show the real length dry) and the ends are nasty... I don't want to wear it down because the length pulls my curls out, to where it's not really cute anymore... but it is one of those things, I just never seem to have the extra $$ or time to go to the stylist! I haven't been in for a formal cut since I got married in August '04 :oops: I play with the idea of dyeing it to maybe an auburn, but it'd be sooo expensive with the length :roll: So my hair lives in braids and ponytails. i've just been whacking off the bottom tail of the braid when it gets too icky :oops:

All right I have totally embarrased myself now... i'm going back to my corner! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Darcy wrote:
...but I find it in a ''ponytail'' more than 1/2 of the 38 am I too old to have really long hair?....

We're never to old for long hair, unless we we can't take care of washing and combing it, and have no one else to do it for us.

My greatgrandma was in her 90's when she died and her hair was to her ankles. Of course it was thin, so she'd put in a bun. "She" was still able to do that herself.

My sister lived in Tenn. when she was in her 40's and while out for dinner a young girl pointed at her, and then asked her mother if that was Chrystal Gayle. :lol: Her hair was between her butt and knees.

Mine is in a ponytail now, and I haven't seen 38 for several years. I figure ponies tails don't fall off with age, so why should ours? :roll:
The layers would be great for your hair. When I do the layers my hair curls and has sooo much body. I start layering at the bottom of my chin or a little bit lower and go down from there. I am very happy with it.
I am uploading a pic right now to show you.
Here is a good shot of my hair... That nasty dry hair is the woman sitting behind me.
My hair is very nearly reaching my waist. I recently tried to dye it (reddish/auburn) and was very disappointed in the coverage I got from one bottle of hair dye - should have used two.

Have you considered Locks of Love? It's an organisation that benifits the sick children - they take the donated hair and make wigs for the kids who lost theirs through chemo, etc. (I have they have a website)

When the hair reaches hip length, I will chop and donate it. I came real close to chopping it this Spring. Most of the time I wear it in a bun or a simple braid.

~Katie. :-)
Good luck with the layering, I am a pony tail queen too. Same thing leave it long or snip snip snip.

Look forward to a photo it might inspire me to try something different and get some layering done. :wink:
IIRC, Locks of Love won't take colored hair.
Ron, you are right. It is very hard to get give or sell dyed hair.

I am still wrestling with the idea of cutting mine off. I figure it takes
me about 8 years to get it to this length, with end trimming between.
If I do cut it it will be very short.

What do you do if you don't have enough length to pull it back anyway?
I am just not the type to 'do' my hair every day, so it's either long
like this or very short. Can't stand hair in my eyes!

Any pics yet Darcy???

As for me... I just wash and go... I never blow dry my hair.
I use Infusium 23 Leave in Conditioner which stops frizz and brush my hair and that's it.
Ron wrote:
IIRC, Locks of Love won't take colored hair.

That's funny - I've heard conflicting things. The last time I checked their website, which was admittedly a few months ago, it didn't say that... :shrug:

First off...Elissa, you have great hair..super thick and lots of body! I dont have nearly that much hair...

2nd, I dont have that much hair to donate....and it is dyed..oh is it dyed..too much grey not too.....

I will post a pic tommorrow to get better ideas from you guys...but I do know I wont look like joan lisa's haircut! :D
Your hair is so pretty, Darcy. Maybe cut a little bit at a time. My hair used to go up in a ponytail really well, but as time went on I added more layers and the length is just to my shoulders. I get bummed because I look demented when I put it up now. Don't despair if you cut it too short though because you can always buy one of those cheap hair pieces for an updo. I wear mine for fancy occassions (even my own wedding) and noone knows the difference as long as the colors match :D Picture from recent wedding will be posted soon!
I had layered hair for YEARS growing up, and when I cut it off while traveling in my teens. It does help with the body, but I have very thick hair... the issue is more length with me then anything. it really needs to be properly cut and styled.

I NEVER blow dry my hair, (The hair dryer is my hair's worst enemy, but Pip's new best friend :lol: ) shampoo and condition every day or it is frizz city for me. When I get pregnant I'm chopping it off, I don't think I could stand to see clumps of long hair on the ground... all the women in my family loose hair when they get pregnant... I am thinking about donating it actually... i'll keep that dye info in mind Ron!
Darcy wrote:
First off...Elissa, you have great hair..super thick and lots of body! I dont have nearly that much hair...

On the contrary my dear, I have very thin hair. It just looks thick thanks to the layers. Also the longer it is the thinner it looks.
If I don't layer it it just hangs. If you look at the top of my head you can see how thin it is.
It may have been Michelina who told me this.... I'm not sure.
They accept colored hair. Directly from their website:

1. We accept 10" minimum hair length (tip to tip), not wigs, falls, or
synthetic hair
2. Please bundle hair in ponytail or braid.
3. Hair needs to be clean, dry, placed in a plastic bag, then padded
4. We need hair from men and women, young and old, all colors and
5. Hair may be colored or permed, but not bleached or chemically
damaged (if unsure, ask your stylist).
6. Hair swept off the floor is not usable.
7. Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or
8. Hair that is short, gray, or unsuitable for children will be separated
from the ponytails and sold at fair market value to offset the cost of
9. You may pull curly hair straight to measure the minimum 10".
10. The majority of all hair donated comes from children who wish to
help other children.
11. Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails for donation.

Please note: Anyone can cut your hair as long as the above guidelines are followed.
I didn't go to the website, but every single person (all 4) I have gone to has said the same thing about LOL not taking colored hair.
Good to know, although I don't color mine.
It would take too many bottles! I will when it's short though.

My sister sent almost 22" of hair to them a couple of years ago-- part of it dyed, part not as it had grown out-- and they took it. Her hair grows so fast.
Here are the new haircut pictures.....sorry, but I took them myself, so they dont look that good!!!!!!
I think this color is sooooo much better...I have brown hair again with carmel highlights....thanks you helped me a lot!
Very PURTY!! Which blade did you use on the clippers?? :lol:
He used a razor 8O Why is one eye so much bigger than the other?????????????? Im lopsided :?
You look great! :)
LOVE it :clappurple:
It looks great. :D
The darker color bring attention to your face & eyes. Very pretty!

BTW... Love the layers. It adds a lot of volume.
I think it looks wonderful, Darcy! How do you like it?
Oh, I like it! The color is pretty and looks good with your skin tone and I like the sleek, almost bob look. Good job!
Darcy your haircut looks fabulous, I am off in the next couple of weeks for one too, so you have given me inspiration there. I am also a bit older :oops: Love the style you have, my hair is reaching half way down my back now 8O , never have time for it so tie it up, even at dog shows as always working on sheepie girls hair and never worry about mine.

Soooo you have given me inspiration to go and do something now, think it looks absolutely fantastic and hopefully mine will turn out nicely too but still long enough to put up in a pony tail when I have the can't be bothered :wink:
You always look beautiful. I like that color better its really pretty.Your haircuts nice too and still long enough to pull up if you want. :)
Gads, I'm not one to help there. I'm in the same pickle. Without boring you with my hair problems........let's just bring up the various makeover shows on TV, almost always they person to be made over has long hair. A trip to a good stylist really makes a difference!!!

It is far more professional to have a well styled hair than to stick to the highschool look........which becomes spinster look as we age.
let's just bring up the various makeover shows on TV, almost always the person to be made over has long hair

That's not because long hair is ugly, but so there will be more to work with and the change will be more dramatic. Darcy's new hair cut looks great. Why does that not surprise me?!? That girl can't take a bad picture. Or else she only posts the good ones... 8)
Yes, it is a good cut and color. Now she can start worrying about her 40 year old hair cut! :wink:
Now she can start worrying about her 40 year old hair cut!

ooooo! 8O I would have thought NM was too close for a "cut" like that! Ron and Stacy are a safer distance... 8)
Love the new hair Darce! I'm feeling your pain, I got about 14" chopped off of mine. I've got pics somewhere... No color job though (I'm not brave enough)
Looks great Darcy!!
Hello everyone! I have been reading your posts. I recently cut off 11 inches of my hair and sent it to locks for love. I felt my head get lighter. Now I am thinking about doing layers. How do you style layers? Do I have to use one of those big round brushes. What is the quickest way to style layered hair? Thanks!
I just realized this was for people with sheepdogs!
That's OK Kelley! People with sheepdogs have hair, and donate it, and then even have it styled! :D
I can tell you from personal experience that Locks4Luv is a wonderful organization. The improvement to a patient's self-image with replacement hair is amazing.
Thank you to those who donated. :hearts: :cheer: :hearts:
Ron wrote:
It may have been Michelina who told me this.... I'm not sure.

Yes, I did mention about them NOT accepting color treated hair after the 3 times in the past 4 years I attempted to donate my hair. Also, my sister who is a hairdresser said there are a LOAD of people that have been turned away over the years for the same problem.

The last time I tried to donate it was about a year and a half ago...I think...maybe it was a year....

I don't think anyone is ever too old to keep their hair long at all (commenting on someone's comment, forgot who) !!

Elissa, you have great hair...very thick!!

How do I post a picture inside of the box??[/img]
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
They accept colored hair. Directly from their website:

1. We accept 10" minimum hair length (tip to tip), not wigs, falls, or
synthetic hair
2. Please bundle hair in ponytail or braid.
3. Hair needs to be clean, dry, placed in a plastic bag, then padded
4. We need hair from men and women, young and old, all colors and
5. Hair may be colored or permed, but not bleached or chemically
damaged (if unsure, ask your stylist).
6. Hair swept off the floor is not usable.
7. Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or
8. Hair that is short, gray, or unsuitable for children will be separated
from the ponytails and sold at fair market value to offset the cost of
9. You may pull curly hair straight to measure the minimum 10".
10. The majority of all hair donated comes from children who wish to
help other children.
11. Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails for donation.

Please note: Anyone can cut your hair as long as the above guidelines are followed.

:excited: :excited: :cheer: :excited: :excited:

That is SUCH great news...!!!! Thank you for posting that....
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