Wake up this morning in panic-I was totally blind!

For you out ther it is afternoon now, for me it is Sat., June 03,1:45!

Have any of you wake up in the morning and was totaly blind :evil:
After a while I was able to see a little, but I had a terrible pine and
it feel as I had mud in my eys,
Arnfinn took me to my doc. and I had got a infection in my bouth eys!!
I get some medicin and at the moment I can see a litle.
but it's pineful.
Have some of you had something like this, and will it take long time
beefore I'm OK?

I have seen all your respons at my last topic, but sorry I can not read it
yet I will come back to morrow, when I hopefoul is better.

I hope you forgive me for my typing, but I can not see clearly yet :plead:
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Oh my, poor Tove!

Hope your eyes clear up right away. Probably caught something in that nasty hospital.
Poor Tove, sounds TERRIBLE. I hope you feel better SOON!
Tove -

I hope you get better soon. I am getting over a viral eye infection myself - I have had to wear contacts instead of glasses for two weeks now and I have three more weeks to go. Luckily I didn't go blind, but sometimes I have occular migraines that make me lose my vision. It is scary. Keep us updated when you can see again - get better!
So sorry Tove, I had something similiar a few years ago, turned out it was an allergy and had special eye drops to clear it up and get my vision back & stop that scratchy feeling in the eyes.

Hope that is all it is with you.

Best wishes that all is OK.
Oh Tove. :( I'm so sorry. It must be scary but hang in there. I've temporarily lost part of my vision to migrains on occasion... I remember the fear the first time it happened. It's good you went right in and had your eyes checked. Try to relax and give the medicine a chance to clear up the infection. We're all here for you and hoping your vision improves real soon!
Oh I am so sorry! That sounds frightening and painful too. I hope it clears up soon!!
OMG...how scary. I occassionally have these episodes where everything goes completely dark and then fades back in slowly. It usually happens for me when I stand up after sitting for a long time or lying down. I hope it clears up soon.
Feel better! Warm compressess on your eyes might help too!
Take care of you!
Tove, Ive had a severe eye infection that took 2 weeks to clear up...special medicated drops..and my twin sister has a swollen optic nerve, so she she says that it looks dull out of her left eye, not to mention the pain.....she is on steroids for it....

Im sorry and hope you feel better.....xo
Hi Tove:

Yes - I've had something like this. Somehow I tore the cornea of one of my eyes. The pain was horrendous. Fortuately, with medication it cleared up within a week. But it was a dreadful week. My depth perception was way off so I was naseous for a few days and I couldn't drive.

I hope the infection clears up soon.

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
I hope it clears up quickly!
I'm so sorry, Tove! That sounds just dreadful! Hope you're feeling better very soon!
How scary 8O Feel better soon.
What a horribly frightening experience! I really hope you'll be feeling better soon.
That must have scary. The worst thing we have faced around here has been pink eye, contaigous viral eye infection. Your eyes go blood shot, and you have puss coming out and the lids seal shut, but you don't lose the vision thankfully.

Reminded me that we all have eye appts we should book.

Hope you feel better soon and it goes away.
Poor Tove! I have no experience, just sympathy for you!
Feel better soon!
Not personally Tove, but my mother has horrible eyes. Watching her struggle with surgeries, eye drops, eye patches and all the others makes me grateful my eyes aren't troublesome.

I hope your problem clears up soon.

How scary that must have been. Feel better soon!
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