Fleas - Why Did God Invent Fleas?

We have our dogs bathed and groomed weekly. We apply Frontline Plus and often supplement with Capstar Pills for fleas. But our flea problem down here is horrid due to our weather. The boys will be perfectly fine - spend 1 afternoon outdoors and come in itching like crazy.

Does anyone know of something dog friendly to treat the yard for fleas? But they still will pick them up at the park.

Any better ideas on how to get rid of fleas?

We don't have problems with ticks but boy do we have an over abundance of fleas and red ants.
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Yes, DE, diatomaceous earth, garden or food grade, NOT swimming pool grade. Sprinkle it around the whole yard, lawn to paving and especially in cracks. Wear a mask, the powder can fly into your lungs. Once on the ground it's pretty stable. Reapply every other month in humid environments. Heck this might even kill a few ticks.

Now is there a repellent??........well, maybe. Some people swear by 1 clove garlic a day for their dog (or a garlic capsule). Others like brewer's yeast. I'd go for a B complex with B1 instead. Smelly things are said to repel fleas.....you'll see cloth collars with pennyroyal inside the cloth tube. You'd probably have better luck buying essential oils and making your own spray and spraying the undercarriage and legs of your dog before a trip to the park. Use olive oil or almond oil as the carrier. What type of stinky oils? Citronella, lavender, tea tree, cedar, pennyroyal or eucalyptus.......depending what you can stand :lol: Pennyroyal and eucalyptus is toxic to cats.

Also the whole dog journal suggest steeping 2 whole lemons, cut up in 1 quart very hot water. Let cool and spray onto dog. Wonder what that would do to hair color??
Yuck, you have my sympathy.
So far we haven't seen a flea on the sheepdogs in about 2 years I think, but the rescue husky did have them. We put advantage on her before bringing her into our home and haven't had a problem.
I had thought there must have been flea eggs dropped off her though that would hatch, and especially with the warm weather I've been keeping my eye out for it, but so far so good. I know with showing Panda though she is likely to pick some up and bring them home so I am going to put advantage on her this week I think.

You must have a lot of sand on your property?
I really don't know what to suggest other than calling pest control, fleas on the property seems like it would be a lot more difficult than fleas in the home?
We have no sand on our property. We live in the middle of the city. We have a large back yard with a lot of grass, a couple of large trees, and a wooded area on the other side of our back fence. We also have the largest city park a couple of blocks from our house. They have soccer, and baseball fields, tennis courts, botanical gardens and a dog park there.

Going to try the lemon spray and the garlic pills. We don't have a problem with fleas in the house as we have no carpeted flooring and bomb (pest control bombs) about 3 times during the hot season.

Where do I buy diatomaceous earth?

If anyone else has any suggestions willing to try them.
When I lived in NJ the fleas there were terrible.
I usually walked my dog by the sidewalk so there weren't so many.
I was given the suggestion by my vet tech and starting giving him brewers yeast and garlic powder in his food which solved the flea problem. After I started using that I allowed him into the backyard and never saw another flea.
I really also would like to know what the purpose of the flea is.
As far as I know they were put on this earth to make animals crazy. 8O

You might be able to get the DE at Home Depot or Lowes in their gardening section???
Any better ideas on how to get rid of fleas?

How terrible am I that I am sitting here feeling SO GOOD that we don't have any fleas here. ;)

I do feel your pain. I know they're hard to control once they get in the house (or especially when...). We used a flea bomb thing ...and took the animals away for the day. The animals and mommy (I was pregnant) seemed to be okay when we came back to the place. Think we had to use two. Didn't have a problem after that ...but I did get bit a lot around the ankles from them.
I know what you mean... We don't have them here in the desert. Too hot for them.. 8) I do not miss them one bit.
When I first got Daisy last summer, we had a lot of problems w/ fleas. I immediately started with frontline per the vets recommendation. I returned to the vets a few weeks later w/ more fleas. She was put on antibiotics and steroids. I did the flea baths about once a week, frontline every 3 wks and still could not keep it under control.

At the time I had lineolum and hardwood floors, so no problem w/ carpets and the cat did not have a problem w/ fleas, it was just Daisy. The vet said to give the Frontiline a chance to work, along w/ capstar which she got several times during those first few months. After about 3 mos, the vet switched her to Advantage, which he did not feel was as good as the Frontline but said that apparently the Frontline was not working on her and that if that did not work, we could try some others.

Fortunately, we haven't had a problem since switching her over. I'm not recommending one over the other as I know little about it - just that the advantage seems to work on her thankfuplly.
Guess what???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Panda has fleas 8O I was petting her last night....her belly was up with the four legs in the air...and I thought I saw something moving....sure enough, I got on the floor with her...and found 4 roaming her belly.....gross.....RAN off to petsmart....bought the shampoo, fabric spray, dog spray, and a bottle of wine......poor panda smells like a pesticide factory, not to mention my family room, but I will not have that flea problem that I had a couple of years ago.....I freaked out......I deserve this though....thats what I get for letting the frontline prescription lag..... 8O
Poor Panda :( and poor Darcy :(
Fleas stink!!
Gosh what aisle is the wine? Dogue du Bordeaux?
Safeway...a block away :D

How do I get rid of fleas?
Why are there fleas and parasites?

I wrote an answer to this question in an essay teasingly called "Rights for Parasites" for my Environmental Ethics class in Philopshy.


Could you give us the Executive Summary of the essay?

With all respect to your essay (which I did skim by the way) I am not yet a Buddhist so killing fleas holds no moral ethical quandry for me. They are evil and must die! :lol: :lol:

Last year when we had the great flea infestation of 2005 which began with an innocent vacation to SC in August 2005 and ended a visit from "the Pest Dr" in Feb 2006 I learned a great deal about fleas..... more than I ever want to know.

One thing I did take out of that experience was to weekly spray my carpets and upholstry with a spray bottle filled with water intowhich several drops of eucalyptus oil, lavender oil and pennroyal have been added. Not only is it a natural flea repellant but it smells good.

Before anyone says it, yes I know pennyroyal is poisonous if ingested (in large quantities) and can cause abortions in female dogs. I discussed it with my vet and since my dogs don't lick the carpet or funiture and they have chew bones only in the kitchen added to which there are only about 3 drop in the bottle, it is safe.

I must firstly say I havnt ever had hugh problems with fleas (touch wood) but I find giving Garlic on a daily basis is always good to help deter them . I give Garlic & Fenugreek tablets on a daily basis and have yet to experience a flea epidemic. When the fleas latch on they dont like the taste as the garlic as it gets into the bloodstream. It wouldnt stop the problem but may help in detering it abit.

Or maybe Garlic Juice this can be lightly sprayed around the legs when taking them out in long grass or with other dogs etc. The smell will only last for a couple of hours but really is effective.
I'd be careful about too much garlic though...

When you buy Garlic tablets that are specially for cats and dogs a guide to the recommended dose is given. Garlic is really good to give to dogs on a regular basis anyway.
fighting fleas is an ongoing battle here in Louisiana with the heat and it never really gets cold so they are never killed off. We treat the yard and the dogs and we still battle with them constantly.
That would bite! :lol:
Maybe the -11 degrees I woke up to this morning isn't so badafter all. 8O
No fleas making it through that temp!
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