Help! He cries in his crate at night & pees in the day

My Dante is the Sweetest pup untill he needs to be in his crate and then he cries and cries incessantly until he starts barking and usually ends up peeing the crate. he's never in there for more than a couple hours, which when he';s out of the crate he usually goes about 3 or 4 without needing to go out. I've tried treats, water, kongs full of peanut butter, laying with him, talking to him, praising him, everything. I got an hour of sleep last night, it was such a mess, i was so frustrated with my dog. when he's out of the crate he's content to sleep where ever, but we can't trust him to let us know when he needs to go out at night. If the potty training was done this would be a no brainer. And with the situation with our apartment complex, we can't afford to having him barking when he's in the crate, the neighbors are going to complain and thats not going to help our situation. anythoughts? i'm at my wits end.
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I don't have any advice for you but I was wondering how old your puppy is? There are experienced puppy-raisers on the forum who'll be able to answer your question!!! Good luck!
I'm afraid you haven't tried the one thing that works. IGNORING HIM EVERY TIME! Yes it's painful to listen to them make a ruckus, but each time you try to stop the behavior with a toy, food, comfort... whatever, you are telling your puppy that "If I make a big ruckus while I'm in here, dad will come and pay attention to me".

Peeing is a puppy thing. Pip peed in his crate ALL THE TIME when he was 2-3 months. He had to have weekly baths for the smell! Now he is 4 months, and once he gets his cheese and peanut butter kong, he goes right in the crate and will be in there while I'm at work, up to 8 hours, with no accidents. Now I do still get some barking when he goes in, but there are ALSO days where he doesn't bark at all- like today! Pip pretty much only gets crated when we're gone, he's a big enough boy now that he sleeps crate less in our bedroom, but he was also very good about beign crated for sleep too... after a few days of really horrid barking and whining when he came home, thew behavir just got less and less. He realized I wasn't gonna come get him just becuase he was barking and whining.

You've just gotta stick with it, and be prepared for the noise. Consistency and NOT GIVING IN are your 2 greatest training tools with a puppy :)

Oh yay I forgot- for sound reduction purposes in the apartment, put a blanket over the crate, try keeping it in an interior room (so the sound doesn't travel to your neighbors, and shut the door and window(s). that should help keep the noise down for neighbor complaints. For the first couple re training nights, you may also want to take an over the counter sleep aid or get really good ear plugs. THERE WILL BE NOISE!
Geo, you might want to look at some of the threads on crate training if you haven't already. Make sure the crate is small enough or portioned off so the space is just large enough for your puppy to go in, turn around and lie down.

Feel free to ask more questions!
Good luck!
So Just to prove me wrong, :D Dante was the model puppy yesterday, didn't whine and cry in his crate, slep in his crate like a champ,for 4 and ahalf hours then after letting him out slept for another 4. No accidents inthe crate (the hallway is a different story :D . But he did a great job. Who pulled the ol' switcharoo on my puppy last night? I doubt his problems are solved, but thank God for a solid night's sleep for my wife and I. Any continued suggestions would be very helpful.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
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