What's Going On?

On Monday, my closest friend was over after dinnertime. I was discussing how great Annie and Fozzie have been getting along and how she gives him warnings like moving her eyes, licking her lips or growling and Foz. Of course, as I said this the pups were waiting at the patio door to go out and apparently Foz got into Annie's space. She nipped him and managed to nick off a little piece of the skin on his nose 8O My poor little baby's white fur was turning red. It was just so sad as he squealed away :( Annie hit the floor, head between her paws immediately as she knew she hurt him. We cleaned Foz's wound with hydrogen peroxide and I think he's okay. We go to the vet this Sat anyway for his last shots.

Today at lunch, Annie was very tired (due to Foz waking up puking at 4am) and grumpy. I got them downstairs right before I had to go to work and turned by back for literally a second to fill up Foz's water dish. The next thing I know, the two of them seem to have their butts on the floor and Foz was squealing again! Then I smelled something. Phew! It smelled like anal gland expression and it seemed to come from Fozzie! :x Can this be? He's only 3 months old. Or was it Annie???

I definitely notice a difference in their moods when it it cloudy and rainy outside. Annie is sluggish and grump like me!
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We've been redoing our hardwood floors and had pushed most of the furniture into Christina's room. Pippin LOVES to chase the kitties, and he chased one of them (not sure who it was) right through the room, through a dining room chair and promptly got himself stuck. He was so terrified that he was SCREAMING in fear and lost bowel control... all over the chair :cry: Of course I rushed over there to unstick him, and he was fine, :phew: but I don't think he'll be trying to leap through the chairs again anytime soon. And now my chair needs scrubbing before the shower :evil:

do you think Fozzie may have gotten frightened of something and had a little poo accdent? that may explain the smell.
Maybe Annie is not feeling well, perhaps take her in too when you go to the vet on Saturday?
a lot of dogs express their anal glands when they are scared.

i also wouldnt be too worried about the nip on the nose, walter has several from being a brat to dogs at daycare... it seems as if annie knew she went too far, and hopefully fozzie will start taking her hints soon!
Sounds normal to me. While it is hard on our nerves, they are just setting their limits. It possible give each their own time alone from one another. Too much togetherness can cause problems. Just like us, each dog needs alone time.

As for the expressing of the anal glands, yes, when they are truly afraid or trying to make a major point, they express. Happend for us when the vet was trying to get a urine sample from Olivia by rolling her on her back and taking a needle directly into the bladder. Olivia would not roll on her back for anyone, especially a stranger. So she expressed her anal glands.
All seems well today! Annie was her usual cute self this morning, went for walk with Daddy, and was playing tug with Foz. The weather here yesterday was kind of nutty and I think Annie just gets tired, like me! It was storming, thundering, lightening and even hail. She was so sleepy and didn't even get up when I came home until I pushed the door into her. Usually she's at a window or standing there waiting with a toy in her mouth. She wouldn't go potty until before bedtime either. Today it's 60 degrees and the sun is shining so I think she's happier.

And I don't think anything fazes Fozzie for very long. He doesn't get very frightened easily! :D
Fozzie sounds like he'll be a real trooper. Good boy.

Part of the reason we picked Foz out from the 4 males in the litter was that he appeared to hold his own. We didn't know how much. When Annie nips at him or growls at him sometimes he'll back up and then start barking at her as if to say "Hey, I just wanted to play you big Meanie!" Sometimes we laugh and joke that we should have picked the lazy fat puppy!
How cute! I agree with what everyone else said.
Possible Annie just was not in the mood.... lol
As you know puppies can be very annoying. :wink:
Keep your chin up... we are experiencing something similiar with Chipper and one of the cats, Tabi- when she is in the mood to play with him- GREAT.. but when she is not, she hisses at him and tried to swat...poor little guy just doesn't understand...

Good luck! ...this too shall pass....
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