Really, Really Hyper Sheepie

Argos just turned one year old last week. I know he is still considered a "puppy" but he just is so excitable, that it is nearly impossible to play with him. He runs round, and round in circles, inside and out, jumps from couch to couch, jumps on us, chases the cats over and over and over again. When he finally drops to the floor to be pet, I can't even pet him because he kicks and paws at my hands, and nips at my fingers. When he was a small pup, he we went to puppy school. It didn't work well. I would love to sit and play with him,pet him, and cuddle him, and love him to pieces, but he just doesn't let me. He is so "active" that I have gotten many a fat lip, and other painful injuries due to his (for lack of better word) spastic-ness. He just has no manners and it seems impossible to even get him to learn because he is so hyper. Other than watchig Ceasar Milan...does anyone have any suggestions!!!! Is this a phase?...if so, when does it end?????
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Is he getting enough exercise? An active, young dog could probably use at least a 45 minute walk per day, if not more. Sometimes they really need to be worn out to pave the way for cuddling!
You really do need to take him to some kind of training classes to teach you and him. He is only 1 year old and is still growing and will grow into a big powerful dog that needs to learn how to behave appropriately. He is also reaching his teenage years and without control on him starting now you are going to be in for quite a time.

Also lots of exercise as a tired sheepie is a good sheepie and burns them out. Remember too a sheepdog was originally bred for working so they have boundless energy that needs to be controlled with good training and plenty of exercise :wink:
lisaoes wrote:
Remember too a sheepdog was originally bred for working so they have boundless energy that needs to be controlled with good training and plenty of exercise :wink:

That's very true. My 8 month old Komondor (who are bred to guard rather than herd) can barely keep up with 1 1/2 year old Clyde!
EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE!!! When Tasker was younger he had so much energy I would have to take him to the Fairgrounds at night. I would ride around the track on my bike with him running along (on a leash). It would take an hour to tire him. I see now they make a special bike attachment for a leash to hold it out from the wheels, back then I just had a tired arm.
I definitely agree with the previous posters - EXERCISE! Cassiopia was one year old when she joined us and extremely energetic. The first few months we walked between 5 and 10 miles a day! Her trainer requested that we walk her before class so that she would be calm enough to train.

We also worked on "Down", "Stay". We started out with a down stay for 1 minute (we had to insist that she stay where we put her since that minute lasted for at least two years). We then slowly increased the time of the down stay until she could stay still for 30 minutes. This took several months. So have patience.

By the way - all of that training helped. Cassiopia is now almost three years old - and although she is still very energetic, she will now listen to us (occassionally).

Good Luck

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
spastic-ness - I love that word!! describes Ava perfectly. She starts puppy class on Tuesday with her chocolate lab friend Ellie - I'm sooooo excited!
I did a home check recently for a 1 year old OES who is looking to get a friend. Why? Because she needs someone to help burn off her energy!!

Teach your dog to fetch! That way you can use the flinger and get the ball far away. I watched this little girl fetch for 15 minutes straight, then add the game....after I fetch let's drop the ball in the swimming pool, fetch it frm the pool, take it back to my "teenage boss" and start all over again. After 30 minutes of this I was pooped just watching and the sheepie was just starting to wear down.

Remember Ceasar Milan uses a tredmill...............maybe you need to wear your girl out that way :wink:
People who participate in dog fights use treadmills to increase the dog's stamina. You need to be careful that you are not creating an athelete, so that the dog's activity level increases and gets harder to satify by excercise.

Physical excercise is absolutely a must, but don't over do it. If you cannot get in the amount of physical excercise on a regular basis then perhaps you can increse the obedience training. Mental excercise is extremely tiring, and stimuation will also tire you dog.
Wanted to add that a bout of mental exercise may be key. When I come home from work and my 7 month old is unusually more hyper, I do 10 mins of obedience, sit , down stay, come , face me, leave it , anything I can think of in rapid succession, after that hes pooped and I have time to unwind before taking him out for his regular physical exercise. Be wary of upping the physical exercise, sometimes it just fittens them and you have to keep walking longer, playing longer to get the same result etc etc.
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