Talking about your dog too much?

I'm coming here because I feel y'all can understand. (Though, if you can't I might need professional help :wink: )

Anyway to the point-
Sometimes I feel that people think I'm wierd for talking about my dog so much. For example, I brought in a series of pictures to show how much Louie has grown (from one week to today) for the woman at work who loves louie. But people reacted strangly when I wanted to show others and not just her. I guess maybe they feel he has too much importance in my life. Well he is a large chunk of it and he is very important to me. I'm of the camp who feels animals are part of the family and not just a pet. I don't know I guess I just don't like being treated like a freak for thinking Louie is the cat's pajamas. :D

So has anyone else run into this type of thing?
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I wouldn't worry about it, how many times do you have to listen ad nauseum to co workers go on and on about their children????? Turn about is fair play :wink: My kids are grown and I don't have grand children so I figure if I have to hear about their children they can darn well listen about my dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup...ME!!!!! Im the known goof ball who has more pictures of Panda on my desk than anyone else.......
And remember, you have this forum to brag and post to your heart's content and we'll ask for MORE! We love you and your sheepie. BTW, when are you getting a second?? :twisted:
Welcome to the family!

Everytime I ask for time off, my boss asks me what those sheepie people are up to now, LOL.

I can see people's eyes glaze over, but I don't care anymore. :twisted:
:phew: See I knew I couldn't be the only one!! I may need professional help but not for this issue :lol:

SheepieBoss wrote:
And remember, you have this forum to brag and post to your heart's content and we'll ask for MORE! We love you and your sheepie.

Awww thanks!!
SheepieBoss wrote:
BTW, when are you getting a second?? :twisted:

I already want one!! Even hearing what the new puppy owners are going through (while remembering Louie-who is still sometimes a pain... :roll: ) but I just don't have the room. But I think in one or two years YOU BETCHA!! One can never have too many sheepdogs! :D
I'm so glad this post came up! I'm ALWAYS talking about dogs - OES in particular - when I'm getting one this summer, which ones I'm fostering or might be fostering in the future, you know. I can hear myself talking and I think to myself "Ok, Emily, it's about time to turn it off," but I really can't because it is sooooo much fun for me. :oops: Thats why this forum is so awesome - there are so many like-minded people out there!! :D
Mop lover wrote:
"Ok, Emily, it's about time to turn it off," but I really can't because it is sooooo much fun for me. :oops: Thats why this forum is so awesome - there are so many like-minded people out there!! :D

That's exactly what I say to myself!! But lately I've been keeping quiet unless I'm asked about him. That just means I have to come here and dish :D

This place is awesome!! ( I think we need a hug emoticon! :) )
Chipper has been the talk of our lives since before we ever got him last Saturday. I have posted more updates on him to this site, than I did to my extended family when my sons were born. I am a PROUD OES MOMMA and if someone doesn't like it.... TOUGH!

I applaud you for loving your baby, keep it up!!!! :clappurple:
You talk to your hearts content, but yes I get the odd look as if to say, well if it were your son or daughter that might be different - HE IS MY SON, he's my lovely boy and he is just precious.

Its like when you have to have time off work, they don't get it and I did argue once that well, if I had children you'd let me take them to the Dr's - I win.

I don't want children, but I listen to freinds who say, oh she's teething or she said her first word, so when I brag about my boy and get the odd look, I remind them how they talk about their children and say it is the exact same thing, because for me it is. You should of seen the smile on my face when Ollie first cocked his leg and now its watch out any lamp-post !!
When they're such a big part of your lives, how can you not talk about them? It used to be just me, but even James has pictures up at his desk at work and he tells all the people in his office dog stories too. Most of our life really revolves around them-- heck, we're putting in new floors because of them, we're buying a new car because of them, and, lately, I've been spending more money on them than on myself! My mom calls and asks about them like she would if I had a kid and she brings them gifts every time I see her.

I find now that I tailor the stories for the audience though. If you're talking to a dog person, you can tell them almost everything but if it's a non-dog person, you have to save the most entertaining stories for them.
Keep talking, Jamie! WE LOVE SHEEPIE stories!! I am fortuntate to be surrounded by like minded people when it comes to my love for my pets. I do get the occassional odd look from some folks, though. My co-workers, while they may not feel the same way exactly, they do understand my passion. I'm allowed the same leinency for vet appts as they are for their kids drs appts. :D

But, nothing compares to this place! It's amazing!! :yay:
Jamie, you're in good company here. Luckily the people I work with like to hear stories about him (I think because he's so CUTE! and big...and fluffy--well, used to be...) But when I went home for a visit last month I was having dinner with some friends and I mentioned something about driving to Philly for a sheepdog picnic (me mentioning it like it was the most common thing in the world) and they kind of just looked at me, like, you're going to drive 4 hours each way to hang out with a bunch of people you've never met and their dogs!

So even if you have to hold your tongue until you get here, know that we love Louie stories (Although I'm not sure how he feels about being called the 'cat's pajamas'!)
LMAO :D Talk away! I talk about my babies ALL the time. We don't have kids and the pups are such a huge part of our life and part of who we are. They bring me joy and aggravation just like two legged kids. I'm fortunate to mostly be surrounded by people who love their pets or love to here stories about mine. I also get some odd looks when I tell people that we have the big play date in June in Illinois. But, eh, whatever makes us happy and doesn't harm anyone! :D

Of course there are some friends and coworkers who just don't get it. One of my friends laughs at me because when we get together for our luncheons (about every other month) I always bring new pictures of my babies...even if Annie's looks don't change much. When I talk about Annie and something wonderful she did, my eyes glaze over because I'm so proud of her.

I love our forum because noone gets tired of stories or pictures here!!! :D
So how come I don't feel embarrassed walking down the street talking to my dog, but feel uncomfortable chatting on my phone's headset?

In both cases, the uneducated observer would simply think I was nuts...
I always thought it was normal to talk about your furry babies!

We do not have any children, so our "boys" are our family. But I do know what you mean...some people just don't understand! So just talk away to us, we love to hear about them.
When I was growing up we had two male dogs. My parents only had my sister and I for we called the dogs "the boys."

"We have to get home for the boys"

"Save those for the boys"

"Where are the boys"

Then we realized that people who didn't know us well thought we had brothers 8O Especially embarrassing when we would say things like "save the pizza crust for the boys"...and people would say "you want to take home leftover pizza crust for you little brothers?" :oops:

We always talked about them as family fact I liked better than several family members!!

Mmmm, I wonder when I talk about Daisy and the boys (Luke and Rosco) if people think I'm talking about kids? It actually never occured to me before now 8O
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Mmmm, I wonder when I talk about Daisy and the boys (Luke and Rosco) if people think I'm talking about kids? It actually never occured to me before now 8O

Maybe that is why you get funny looks when you talk about putting the boys in crates and making them sit for their supper :twisted:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
If people don't share your interest, brag to those who do. Yes dogs are not everyone cup of tea. As a cashier, I often have pics of my guys along side the register. Mom's come by and show them to their kids, customers ask me how they are doing, if time permits and we're not too busy we'll share stories, etc. When Barney was a pup, I brought him up to the entrance of the store and the Store director went out and hugged the heck out of him. My last supervisor, since moved to another store, always bragged about him to the other employees.

But sometimes I think I'm a bit too wrapped up in them. Last night I had a dream about going to today's show - in the dream I forgot to bring the dogs along! It's bad when you starting having senior moments even in your dreams. :D
I'm not sure that an oversight that large would be classified as a senior moment, George! :lol:
I call that HIGH ANXIETY!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!
I'm educated and I think people who walk down the street talking on headphones ARE NUTS!!!!! :twisted: But it's perfectly normal to talk to your dog!! :twitch:
When I daydream about when I get my dog, I do feel i'll be embarrased about talking to him in the street at first. It won't stop me though :lol: I don't think it's weird, although when people do talk in gooey voices to their babies in public I think they are weird :lol:

We call the cats "the boys" too. Just today my mum (who is on holiday) sent me a message and asked how are the boys.

When my cat died last year it didn't just feel like my cat died, and I knew nobody would understand...

Luckily, I can talk about my cats all I want and not really look weird, as I study Animal Care so when I'm at college, people don't think I'm crazy!

My friends outside of college, that's a different story!
I always talk about my Sheepies.
When I do it with my Mom....who is not a dogs person, she always tries to change the subject and ask how Ryan and Hayley are.
She just doesn't understand how dogs can be such a big part of the family.
I'll keep talking :wink:
Yep! I talk about Ben all the time! :roll: He (well, all of the critters) are part of the family and like more children to me!

Everyone but my mom thinks I'm nuts....... :( .......she just says "whatever"..........but, I think I really proved my insanity to my brother & his girlfriend this weekend............they were over for mothers day, the pups were out back and thirsty so, I went to the fridge (no second thought) pulled out some bottle water & frosty paws ice cream & gave them to them............they like to pop the bottles, drink the water then play with the bottles (I keep a close eye on them to prevent choking....) all the while the family is looking at me and mentioned "are you nuts, you just gave them bottle water!?!".... :evil: reply...."what? they are thirsty."....their reply, "haven't you ever used a water bowl?"... :evil: reply, "yes, but this is fun!"..........the I realized just as much as they were looking at me like I was crazy, I was looking at them just the same! :twisted:

I never thought anything about it, that is just what we do. :roll: If we go to the fridge for a bottle of water, we grab one for the wiggles................oh must be a sheepie thing! Hopefully! :lol: My Hubby says I am clinically crazy when it comes to the animals.................. :twisted:

Jamie, your not crazy, your a sheepie person, they are one of the few breeds that have personality & cuddliness, it makes it hard not to talk about them! Or to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O :D
I'm educated and I think people who walk down the street talking on headphones ARE NUTS!!!!! But it's perfectly normal to talk to your dog!!

Here, here Ginny! I agree! Why anyone would want to hang a phone on their ear so they are CONSTANTLY in communication is beyond me. That's nuts!! My privacy is too great to destroy with an electronic device. Heck, I don't answer my phone at home either :lol: :lol: I'm too busy playing or TALKING to my dogs....or DH.
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Mmmm, I wonder when I talk about Daisy and the boys (Luke and Rosco) if people think I'm talking about kids? It actually never occured to me before now 8O

When we moved in, the neighbors asked when they would get to meet our son. What son? They had heard us calling for Norman and automatically thought human kid!
SheepieBoss wrote:
I'm educated and I think people who walk down the street talking on headphones ARE NUTS!!!!! But it's perfectly normal to talk to your dog!!

Here, here Ginny! I agree! Why anyone would want to hang a phone on their ear so they are CONSTANTLY in communication is beyond me. That's nuts!!
As I sit here with my phone dangling from my ear trying not to take offense.... :twisted:
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