American three!

Ok..we did get off track there, sorry Ron.

And now...there are three.
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Anyone else a Big Brother fan? That's my FAVORITE show. I'll definitely be making a thread. My husband HATED reality tv and said he didn't like big brother (only caught one or two episodes), but I had him hooked when I made him watch it "from the beginning." He says I'm evil. I don't argue. :twisted:
AI is one of the few reality shows I watch. I watch Dancing with the Stars, but I'm not upset if I miss an episode. I like Last Comic Standing and The Biggest Loser. Never watched even one episode of Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, Fear Factor, etc. I'd much rather spend my time on the internet!!
I'm not really a Big Brother fan. It just never caught my interest. I used to like Survivor (many seasons ago) but I have lost interest in that as well.
The reality shows that I watch are: Amazing Race, Real Housewives of Orange County (reminds me of home!), Tiara Girls, Super Sweet Sixteen, Dancing with the Stars, So you think you can dance...

I'm sure there are others...
You guys are missing out! It's the only one that we refuse to miss. We came up here to look for a house and had only 2 days. The first thing we did when we got off the plane was ask our realtor where we can watch Big Brother. ;)
Wow! 8O Was the voting ever close this week!! Ryan announced that out of 50,000,000 votes, the percentages were 33.06%, 33.26% and 33.68%!! CAN YOU IMAGINE??? I did the math, and out of 50,000,000 votes, the LOSER got 16,530,000 votes, second place got 16,630,000 and the first place got 16,840,000!! Other than who got voted off, they didn't say who got first or second.


Since Leanne gave her blessing last week for me to post any time, I can't contain myself!! Elliott went home tonight. He's such a nice kid and I really like and admire him personally, but IMO, he lasted longer than he should have. And of course when they did his montage, Paula cried her eyes out!! I really don't like that about her. Even though he's a great kid, it's not fair for a judge to show that much emotion for one contestant. Can't help but wonder what the other two think about that.

Although Kat needs some stage presence, she can sing circles around Taylor. He's an entertainer, she's a true singer. We'll see what pushes people to the phones more next week!

my thoughts were the same. Mr. J and I said, "it's not like taylor can dance on his CD's" we hope people are thinking about why they are really voting for whoever. I think Kat is the better singer by FAR. It's Taylor's personality and dancing that has won a lot of people's hearts. But, if that's what they like and want as their singing idol makes sense.

I was so happy for him when i saw how many people went to go see him. it seemed like an audience equal to ANY concert both the celebration where he got the key to the city AND at the mall. you'd think kat would have more people there to see her considering where she is from. i heard kelly ripa (from regis) voted for kat twice.

i think they're both good people, so i don't care who wins. sometimes i hate seeing someone win b/c i can tell it would go to their heads or something.. but i like both of these guys (now).
I don't watch American Idol but there is a really good song playing on all the country stations by Carrie Underwood. Was she a finalist last year or something?
She was the winner.
a really good song playing on all the country stations by Carrie Underwood

She had one out around Christmas called "Jesus take the Wheel" and now she has another one out.
I reallly like her simple style. She is very young, too, from what I remember. Another up and coming star...
Bosley's mom wrote:

She had one out around Christmas called "Jesus take the Wheel"

That's the one! Everytime they play it they mention AI that's why I wondered about her, what a wonderful voice she has.
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Bosley's mom wrote:

She had one out around Christmas called "Jesus take the Wheel"

That's the one! Everytime they play it they mention AI that's why I wondered about her, what a wonderful voice she has.

She does have a pretty voice, but that song ANNOYS me to no end. I have to change it the moment I hear it come on :roll:

I think Katherine didn't have many people come to see her because she lives in Hollywood and people like her are a dime a dozen. So many people in that town are struggling to become famous, so it isn't nearly as endearing as it is to say, Richmond, where we had Elliott fever because nothing exciting ever happens here.
I was shocked to find out my MIL voted for Kat. I never would have thought she watched AI :D

Anyway, she said she found out.. Kat has the best boobs money can buy. She said they were $5000 a piece.
SO - what does everyone think?

I don't think there's any doubt that Taylor will win, but not necessarily for all the right reasons. The judges praised his first song to the hilt, but I thought it was only just okay. He bounced around a lot, and I think that's what they liked about it the most. The second song they panned, as they should have. His original song was good and fit his personality.

I really liked Kat's first song, but the judges panned it pretty badly. Don't understand why. She shined on her second song because ballads are her strong point. And the song they gave her as her original was good in and of itself, but the melody was an octave too low to showcase her voice. Deliberate sabotage?

Paula is so biased I can't stand it. Every time Taylor performed, the camera zoomed in on her and she was smiling from ear to ear and bouncing. The camera never looked at the judges while Kat was singing, and Paula commented more on her looks than anything else.

SO - Taylor will win, but not necessarily for the right reasons.

BTW - I did get through on the voting lines. Got about 15 votes in for Kat.

I had thought Taylor would win too. I think it's clear he has more fans ...for now. Going to his hometown shocked me. I don't think there was a person from his town NOT there. :lol: However, through watching this show and many others... I know not to assume that the public doesn't see what I see ...which is that Kat is the better singer and would have a longer career despite both of them being fully capable to produce at least 2 top billboards (because what top 2 idols haven't). Clay made it on the billboards for singing about being a fly on the wall to stalk some chick. :?

Anyway, I was bored to tears last night. Sowrrry. :roll:
I agree that I personally liked Kat's first song. Except for a big jumpstart of money... there aren't too many differences between 1st place and 2nd on American Idol. Oh, and 1st place usually gets to release his song first, but Clay Aiken who came in second had more money come in from his hit.

I thought Kat's song for her "big hit" SUCKED MAJOR BUTT.
The Fox News early show was reporting that Taylor has won. No big surprise. But honestly, I still don't get it. His style does absolutely nothing for me. :( He's talented. No question. But I would never have chosen him to win the whole thing.

I think Katherine definitely has the better voice. She's just not got the charisma that Taylor has (that everyone seems to be drawn to). I missed her first song, but the second one was really good. The last one really didn't suit her voice at all IMO.

I cannot imagine how they're going to fill up two hours tonight to show who won.
Like they knew for sure? If so, Beaureguard's Mom....... you have to write SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! followed by hitting enter several times... before you tell everyone!!!!!!! 8) 8) :P

It hasn't aired yet, so hopefully that is just speculation. ...or I won't be able to get Mr. J to watch since he's also bored to pieces with the show. :lol:

Sometimes when they air who won (websites that swear they know the results)'s the opposite winner. I don't know if they'll do it this season, but I like when they show what actors/actresses voted for the finalists in the first hour of the show. You know how much money they make by making us wait 1hr and 50 minutes before revealing the winner. Us losers sit there and wait too isntead of just tuning in at the last half hour!!! :D
I missed the show last night, I was on an airplane. How could Fox news possibly have that information? I hate when "news" shows speculate winners..whether its Idol, or an election.

I refuse to watch the 2 hour show tonight....with the exception of the last 30 minutes. Its will be a total recap of stuff we've seen, over and over.

And I can't even imagine the number of commercials :excited: ! !!!

I hope Taylor :hearts: wins (just my humble, etc...) I still haven't warmed up to Kat. She just strikes me as a cold fish, with a calculating mind.

Anyway...just wanted to check win.
I was pretty bored with the show last night too. Like I said, I think it was deliberate sabotage that they wrote a song for Kat that was below her singing voice, and that they wrote a song for Taylor that fit his perfectly. And that the judges have done nothing but praise Taylor from the get-go and panned Kat from the get-go. It is SO obvious who they want to win and who they've been pushing to win that it's disgusting.

I agree that Kat's charisma isn't quite there yet, but she'll get there. Her voice is what will carry her through her career. Just a pity she was so obviously biased against in the show. Poor kid.

I'll tune in tonight, but I'll do the husband thing - flip thru the channels every 5 minutes. Don't know why I'm even gonna do that cause it's obvious who will win.
Don't worry--it wasn't an official story on Fox that Taylor won...just prediction.
Jo- I just got a chance to check back in - that story was just a prediction - not actual results!! Sorry!! :plead: I should've prefaced the statement with the fact that is just speculation!! :D Thanks, Steph!!!

I agree with you, Chris. The judges were horribly biased. Especially Paula. :twisted:
I have to admit...they put on a good show last night! I really enjoyed all of it.

I'm glad Taylor Hicks won. I think he's an all round entertainer. Kat is a great singer and will do exceptionally well.

Just like last year at this time, I swear NOT to get involved with it next year. Yea...right :wink:
Bahhh... I've got no comment. Neither excited or disappointed. I watched because there weren't any other (Better) reality shows on. Can't wait for new shows to start that actually keep me entertained from 7-9 every night.
Gee, Taylor won. Surprise, surprise. :twitch:

I'm not totally anti-Taylor. He is entertaining to watch and has a reasonably good voice. I just hate the way the judges acted.
I can't believe they got Prince to perform. I doubt most of the viewers know who he is...or is like, My dad listens to Prince!
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