Other than rugs, how can I stop sliding on laminate floors?

We're putting in our new laminate flooring (well, "we" would imply that I'm doing something, James and his buddy are) as we speak and Clyde and Bear have already made a slip and slide out of the single section that's done. Has anyone ever tried using that show wax for the paws to decrease sliding and if you did, how well did it work?

I think they'll get used to it fine, but this morning, they came racing down the stairs with me (Bear and Clyde) and did their normal breakneck dive off the carpeted stoop into the living room. It just so happens the finished section is that exact landing spot. Bear slid a good 10 feet and rolled off onto the pad and Clyde took it at an angle and slid about 6 feet and crashed into the wall. Not hard, it was just funny.

I'm mostly worried about Bear because he's still so puppy clumsy. He's 100 pounds now and as tall as me on his hind legs, which makes him about 6 feet tall. I worry that he'll get going and hurt himself or smash through a wall or window. I've already thanked God for the screens we have a few times!

Other than rugs, does anyone have any other things that they've done that have worked?

By the way, I'll post pics when it's done. It's looking great already!
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no suggestions, except you need to take a video!
I just got the paw wax for Chummie. I applied it this morning. I let you know if it works. She was having a hard time getting up on the wood and tile floors throughout my house . . .
I'm interested in this topic, too. Beau & Gen have gotten used to the floors now, but they do still slip & slide when they get into a hurry (like when I say "let's go for a walk" and they race for the door). But, most of the time, they do fine and I have no rugs at all.

However, if I do get Charlie, I will have to do something as he was not able to get up on his own when he was here. I had to keep something under him for him to get traction or I had to lift up his hind quarters for him. :?

Oh yes -I ditto Steph's request for video of your boys! :D
Definitely let me know, Val. I've always seen the wax but never had the floors to try it out on!

No videos until the house is put back together. It looks like a bomb went off right now!

I selfishly feel I'm going to get hurt and that's my driving force in this. Not by me falling, but I picture myself as the pin in doggie bowling-- there's a video for you guys.
Jill, we used the paw wax for Beau, I can't say if it worked or not because he was so weak we lifted him to a standing position. I still have most of it if you want to try it.
Sure, I'll trade you for a poster. ;)
I just rec'd the wax for Drez too, but haven't tried it yet. Will let you know.
I just make sure I trim their paw pad fur every week, and nails too. If the area on and around the paw pads is clear they have more traction.
Can you get them those socks with the suction thingees on them?
Let me know what you guys find out as we have a problem with our wood and tile floors with Sam. Lucky doesn't seem to have a problem, but Sam has a tough time getting traction on the floor.
Walter has the same problem - it is very funny (sorry sheepies). We have several rugs in the house, but it seems that they almost complicate the situation. Every time Walter is running and hits the rug, he and the rug usually go sliding across the room! Flying Carpet! Get the rugs with the rubber backing.

I also like the idea of those socks with the little suction-ey things on them.

Enjoy your new flooring!
barney1 wrote:
Can you get them those socks with the suction thingees on them?

Lol. Not a chance.

No, in all seriousness, I just don't think they could keep them on if I wanted to. With one dog, maybe but not three. There's just too much action. The swatting between Clyde and Bear alone would have socks flying!
Question....does that paw wax make your nice shiney wood floors look like there are dusty paw prints all over and if the wax is on and you let her outside...will the dust and dirt stick to the wax?
No you are only smearing the thiniest amount on the paws, no foot print trails on the floor and it actually repells the dirt on the pads outside.

You also have to make sure all the fur between the pads is trimmed and nails too, then dip finger into wax and apply a very thin coating onto the pads only. :wink:

I've used it for years for indoor showing and it is great, also used it on Peppa when she had trouble in her old age with our tiled floor, am using it on Kelsey now too. :D

The foot wax comes in a little tiny tin and lasts a long time, because you are only using the tiniest amount on the pads, it gives them grip on a slippery surface. :wink:

Used correctly it is a good product to help with slipping and slideing.
barney1 wrote:
Can you get them those socks with the suction thingees on them?

LMAO :D Almost our entire lower level is covered in area rugs and runners unless they are in the washing machine :D When Foz jumps from the stairs to the floor without a rug, he goes sliding into his crate. Silly boy!
Stacy wrote:
:D When Foz jumps from the stairs to the floor without a rug, he goes sliding into his crate. Silly boy!

Well, that's one way to get him in his crate!
:rimshot: Ba da bump!
That is so funny!
:D Willoughby is coming home on Mother's day to our new location in a townhouse with , you've guessed it: laminate floors in the dining room,living room and kitchen :lol: My plan is to have an area rug in the living room. I now have visions of calamity. The rooms are still full of boxes due to less space here than where we moved from. Willoughby stayed at his kennel hotel with the cats during the actual move which included having the new house painted and cleaned. I have a new job as well so I was trying to stick to one thing at a time.
Does paw wax have a trade name? Help! :plead:
The paw wax does seem to be helping Chum get up easier. I haven't noticed her struggling the past couple days. I am not sure it would stop a running/sliding sheepie but it is not expensive so it is worth trying.
That's good, Val. At least Chum can get up more easily and that's what you want. :D
ButtersStotch wrote:
Sure, I'll trade you for a poster. ;)

It's a deal :D
Lynda, this is what I used:

http://www.jbpet.com/Shopping/productb. ... d=137-0193
:D Thanks, Daisy. So far we've very few incidents. One spectacular one occurrred when Willoughby was asleep on his bed in the living room and I was asleep in front of the TV.Percy made a leap for the couch, missed and crashed into one of my packing boxes. This woke Wiloughby who shot off his bed, hit the laminate and slid across the floor into another box piled with stuff that tipped over. Edwina hearing all the noise skittered off in the opposite direction sliding into a water dish. I thought that burglars had struck. 8O Lucky, no one was hurt and it was very funny. Needless to say, everyone had to be calmed down. Percy is definitely our wild card. :roll:
Mine are adjusting pretty well already and it's only been a week. We've had a couple spills too but everyone's navigating really well. They use the area rugs as anchors for play but normal movement has gotten as graceful as I could hope for!.

One funny moment. Clyde and Bear have this rope tug toy and Bear figured out if he throws himself down on the ground, he almost always wins the tug game... until the laminate floors. I was in the kitchen the other day and I heard a funny swishing noise. I walked around the corner to see Clyde pulling Bear across the dining room like a wagon using the rope toy as the handle. Heck, I don't even need a swiffer anymore!
Oh My but that's funny!!! :yay: :yay:
LMAO :lol:
Has anyone ever seen or used plastic toenail covers? Unfortunately, I don't know the actual name of them... A few weeks ago I was asking the vet a question related to this topic, and she was telling me that she used to use them for her lab because she had slick floors.
They are clear plastic and they just slip one over each toenail and glue it on. (They fall off eventually and then you can clip their nails and glue them back on again.)
Because they are a sort of flexible -- almost rubbery -- plastic, they are supposed to help give the dogs traction on slick floors. (I think they are more popular for cats to prevent them from clawing furniture, etc.) I haven't used them yet, but we have been considering it.
I was just wondering if anyone has seen these or had any experience with them?
I've used those on our cats--SoftClaws or SoftPaws or something like that...but we used them so they couldn't scratch things up. I don't know how they'd work on a dog or for sliding purposes. We stopped because the cats got better about not scratching, AND they were a pain to put on. One cat would sit there and just pull and pull until he got them off. I thought he'd rip his nails out!
barney1 wrote:
One cat would sit there and just pull and pull until he got them off. I thought he'd rip his nails out!

That made me think of my Cat Tiger. He bites his toenails. Haven't had to trim them in years.
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