Ava is limping - help!

My mom took Ava out of her kennel this afternoon after a nap and she was limping. We checked to see if there was something in her paw, but nothing was there. I felt up and down her leg and it seems to be in her shoulder and she can't get up on that side or she yelps. Any chance this could be a side effect or a symptom of something other than a pulled or torn muscle?
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Very hard to say, I suggest you take her to thr Vet if she doesn't improve. If she was running, jumping or playing exstra hard it could be a sore muscle. Depending on her age it could be arthritis or some other problem. I'd let he take it easy for the next day or two (no running jumping or playing hard) and if she isn't better by Monday call the Vet.
Is it possible she ran into something? My Rosco is constantly running into the kitchen island, hard enough to move it 8O
If she has not had some sort of accident that you know off or been charging around and pulled something and if she is still a very young dog then there is a possibility of OCD in the shoulder or elbow area of the front legs.

OSTEOCHONDROSIS can be a problem in larger breeds that have rapid growth periods as youngsters. Usually the first sign of this is limping and pain. It is a loose or flap of cartilage in the joints or growth plates. Usually lameness and pain is the first sign of this problem. Around the 5 - 10 month age group.The problem starts to show up usually in the shoulder or elbow areas.

So if no accident that you can think of that has made her limp and have pain and she falls into that age group roughly, then there is a possibility of OCD.

Rest her for a few days, keeping her quiet and quite contained and if no improvement then off to the vets.

Unfortunately the only solution to OCD is surgery to removed the offending piece of catilage with x-raying the area first to detect where the flap or loose catilage is.

Hope all goes well and it is just a simple strain :)
Thanks to everyone who responded. I took her to the vet yesterday - a new vet actually. She started out with a wonderful vet when she was a puppy, but then we moved and I went to a different vet based on a recommendation. Turns out that vet was not for Ava. But the new one we went to yesterday was WONDERFUL! She got right down on the floor with Ava and gave her kisses - the other vet just walked in and never said a word to her.

Anyway, it turns out she must have just twisted her leg. She is much better today. They also gave up some new stuff for her eyes yesterday and they are 100 times better already!!

On a lighter note - we got her some doggle and boy is she stylin'
Great News!!!
pictures, pictures........doggie in doggles. how is she reacting to her eyewear??
lol...doggles....took me a sec to figure that out....glad that she is feeling better!!!! I love vets that get on the floor with them....my vet does that too...and has endeared herself to me because of it!
That's great news, glad you also found a great vet too :D

Love the doggles, can't wait to see a picture of Ava with them on :lol:
Ava is very excited that all of you will get to see her in her Doggles - she also has a red scarf on in some of the pictures - so she has that whole movie star "I want to be alone...." thing going on. I will be getting them developed today or tomorrow (I know, I should have a digital camera)
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