Hello and Intro!

Hi everyone! This is a great site! I'm a regular on the OES-L and someone from there mentioned this list. It's very nice!

Currently, I have Maggie, 9yr old oes. She is very gentle considering she is 113#! very motherly towards my kids and the cat. We rescued the cat just about 3 years ago as a kitten and Maggie must think he is her baby!

We lost our beloved Shakespeare (AKA Shasha) just last May. He would've been 14. Shasha was a deaf OES and I guess that's where my heart really lies. He was wonderful and such a loving dog. I've learned over the years, much to my dismay that the general opinion is if the dog is deaf, s/he should be PTS. I couldn't disagree more!

Our two-legged children are 7 and 3.

Thanks for having me, I look forward to interesting conversations!
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Welcome, i am new here too... my OES is 14 months old, my lab/greyhound (he gets jealous if I dont mention him) is 3 1/2 y/o. Glad to have you! Arent sheepies great?
Thanks HuggsMom! i saw your post and htat encouraged me to also post an intro. Glad to hear that your speech went well also. Maggie is our second and they are like potato chips--you can't stop at one!


I have kids too, 3 and 7. Most OES rescue folks don't think these are good dogs with kids. I think it is more dependent upon the dog's temperment, and the kids manners! AND most importantly, a parent who is willing to see the difference between a dog who is misbehaving and one who is defending (in other words, "hey, kid, I'd growl at you too if you poked me in the eye!") LOL

PS I'll have to learn how to work these reply options!
Heidi & The Gang

Welcome, you are just going to love visiting here. I stopped by a few nites after I lost my sheepie Rosie back in February and haven't been able to leave. :lol:

I'm in search of #3 Sheepie. She'll arrive one of these days. My last two did. I'm patient. I am picking up a lot of new ideas for the next one. Poor Puppy! :roll: I did everything by instinct for the last 23 years.

I agree with the kids manners. That would be the only time I ever noticed my girls wanting to take a quick nip was when the two legged kid would pester a little too much. :wink:

Take care and don't forget to post some pics once you get the hang of all this. It took me a little bit and I'm still catching on. :)
Welcome to the forum and glad you could stop by, I hope you decide to stay awhile! I could not agree more with about the kids issue, if Drake misbehaves it is most likely due to the kids. I have come to realize that I need to step back a little bit and let them all learn from each other. This should go without saying, I am never too far away if it all gets out of hand. As far as Shasha goes who cares what those people think, all that matters is the love he gave you and the love you returned. People can really be too judgmental. It makes me feel really good knowing people like you who can see perfection is not happiness but I am sure Shasha was perfect to you 8)
HI glad you joined us....
I have Pisco (11 months)...or should I say he has us :)
I don`t have kids of my own but I do have 2 friends with kids that know Pisco since they were 6 months (the kids).....they love each other...and do play a lot together....it`s fun to see Pisco watching over the kids all the time....he comes near them but rarely toches them...only if they run away from grown ups....lol
hope to hear your stories soon....and yes Pics are a must around here.
Vero and Pisco.

Welcome and glad you could join us. I'm so impressed with this place as I discovered it late one night while my then 14 year old Shaggy was having a bad night. That was last July and I've been a regular ever since. The supportive letters I received at that time were amazing. I couldn't even begin to tell you about the comeraderie that exist here but I know you'll soon feel it yourself.

I've shared stories of the recent passing of Shaggy, getting Merlin my new pup (he's 7 months old now) and the recent rescue of Robin from HongKong whom I will meet on Saturday. Many of my friends here at this forum have shared their stories with the rest of us and being such a global community I can't help but think the UN should make Sheepies the national dogs of Friendship. :D

I can't wait to see pictures and hear stories about your Sheepie. As all of us can claim we love the pictures and sharing advice, condolences, and support. You won't regret finding this place.

It would be fantastic to hear Shasha's story either under the Sheepie Survey or write it up as a memorial under Ron's Rainbow Ridge Topic. He says he will have that on the web for as long as his computers keep going as a living memorial to all of our lost loves!
If you get a chance to contribute to the Sheepie Survey at the top, in a sticky, right up there ---in this topic (can you see me pointing) :arrow: . No, no it should point UP! :?
What is great about this survey is everyone has listed medical problems and food histories along with personality traits, so we can just go there to review what others are doing with their sheepies. Lil Walt started it and it is just FANTASTIC! Maggie would love the extra notice too!
Also remember to sign in and then check that box at the bottom of the login that says to login automatically. Then NEVER logout. If you logout you will not be login automatically. Don't know why, but it works that way. The great thing about logging in is ou can go back and edit your post or even delete it if you wanted to, just by using the options along the top and bottom headers.
And if you want to put an avatar or side bar photo up, go to the pictures topic and read Ron's and MINE (yay me!!!) instructions on how to post photos and avatars.

It is great to have you here. I think I remember reading some of your post on the list and I was amazed at how you worked with Shasha.
...so, I was at puppy class at PetSmart with Frank waiting for the instructor to begin her lesson, and this person introduces herself telling me about her 2 sheepdogs... and it turns out it is Maggie Moo-Moo from this list! It was funny meeting someone from the OES forum out in public. The internet is such a great way to be connected. Thanks again Ron for making this forum possible.

It was nice to meet you Maggie Moo-Moo. Sorry we were just starting our class & I wasn't able to talk to you more.
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