Sam Has A Bad Hacking Cough

On 4/12 they tested him for heartworms and said it was negative, when we picked him up we got the vet up there to give him a kennel cough shot (up the nose).

Now we are noticing that when he gets excited he starts coughing badly like he is trying to cough up a furball or part of his lung and then when he quietens down the cough disappears.

Anyone else had this in one of the rescue dogs and if it is kennel cough - what is the treatment?
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When he coughs like that, pat him on either side of the body (think of burping a baby with both hands, but harder) where his lungs are. If it is kennel cough it'll help work out the mucus. But, he should go to the vet. Clyde had it as a baby and he did get a prescription but, for the life of me, I can't remember what it was. After he had his meds, he was good as new in a week!
It does sound like kennel cough. Panda had it, and the whacking on the side does help...Panda took clavamox...2x's a day for 7 days.....I'd get him to the vet...coughing is NOT a normal dog reflex.
Darcy wrote:
It does sound like kennel cough. Panda had it, and the whacking on the side does help...Panda took clavamox...2x's a day for 7 days.....I'd get him to the vet...coughing is NOT a normal dog reflex.

There it is: clavamox. Yup, that's what Clyde took, too.
Thanks - will get with the vet in the morning about the clavimox. Want to make sure it doesn't interfere with the antibotics he is still on from the infection at his neuter site.

Thanks again.
The intranasal bordatella vaccine is known to have more side effects than the injectable form, which is why most vets don;t use it other than for animals at high risk of exposure.
It is not at all uncommon for a dog to develop a cough like that a few days after being vaccinated.
I would definitely see the vet.... even if they don't prescribe anything to treat the cough they should be aware in case it develops into a secondary infection, and also just so they can keep track of how many dogs have this reaction to that particular vaccine.
It is comfirmed and another $160 later - Sam has kennel cough and is on cough tablets and clavamox.

Told my husband gonna spray paint Sam gold due to all the money we are spending on him. :roll: :phew:
Poor Sam :(
He really needs to get better so he can enjoy his new life.
Get better soon!
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