Boy, Milo had a rough March.

Finally found some time to share a story from a few weeks ago. Milo lives with his mom (my fiance Noel) in Placerville, while I live in Chico about 2 hours north west. I am an accountant and very often out on audit at a clients business. I had been at my fiance's for the weekend and was back on a job in Tracy. During the weekend we had noticed, Milo hadn't been his usual self. On Tuesday I called Noel only to learn Milo had started wheezing at about 2am and she had to get him to the emergency vet. 6 hours and a whole bunch of tests later, he got a clean bill of health except for a respiratory infection. With a supply of antibiotics he was sent home. With all the cold wet weather we are been having, it evidently took its toll on the poor boy. His mom arranged for him to go to work with her (Which of course was a huge hit at her office, several people offered to trade their dogs for him). So it seems all is going well now....well not quite.

Enter Weds morning....

I am at the clients when my cell phone rings...normally I won't answer it at the clients, but this seemed out of place and I answered it. As soon as the speaker went active I could hear Noel screaming and crying! Of course first instinct was OMG something happened to Milo!!!

I get her to calm down, only to find out she hit black ice on her way to work, about a mile or two from her house. Her car spun a couple of times and ended up rolling into an 8ft ravine with a seasonal creek running through it. The topper was, Milo was in the back seat and was ejected from the car (out of one of the shattered windows) as it came to a rest.

Noel of course freaked when she couldn't find him...but once she crawled out of the car herself, she found him on his back in the brush, looking at her like "What was that Mom?". Other than being shaken up, both were OK. A benevolent CHP officer was called to their rescue and successfully carried both across the creek and back to solid ground. The car was totalled and we are now in the hunt for another sheepdog approved vehicle.

Milo has gotten over his infection, although it took a couple of weeks for him to kick it and get back to his normal self. But now mom reports he is getting depressed at all this rain since he can't stay outside and play.

I guess sometimes even a good ole sheepdog just can't catch a break...or maybe he did just in a really odd sort of way.
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Oh Boy Milo certainly did!! 8O I am so glad everyone is safe and sound, how terrifying for you all.

I'm so glad everyone was not hurt physically. "Ejected" "on his back" and "OK" are not three things you normally hear together in a car crash story.

How is Noel?
What a suckie March for you guys.. glad Noel and Milo are okay, what a scary thing to have happen.

Maybe Milo can go to Doggie Daycare for an afternoon o get some relief from the rain and some playtime with other puppers.
Scary! Don't tell Noel that the first thing you thought of was something must be wrong with Milo!
Wow, I'm glad everyone's okay.

So glad everyone is okay now!

Here's hoping for warm, dry Spring weather and a playday for Milo. :D
OH MY GOSH! How scary! I'm glad everyone is okay.
Cars can be replaced. SO glad Noel and Milo are safe and sound! :lol:
Wow, poor Milo and Noel, I'm glad both are ok!
ok my goodness.... i am so glad to hear that everyone is ok, what a scare that must have been!
That is an incredible story - I hope you have a relaxing rest of the year!! I'm so glad everyone is ok. Has he been in the car since?
Everyone is great...they were enjoying the fluke sun we are having this afternoon.

As far as the wreck, somebody was watching out for them because it could have been much worse. It was funny on the phone after the wreck, Noel was in tears about her car and her Ipod, which fell into the creek through a broken window. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of it all. I kept having to tell her that Milo and her were more important than that stuff.

She gave all of us a good about feeling helpless being 2 hours away and not being able to get there (my manager had driven).

I think we are all hoping for some warm playdays soon...I have been promising Milo a day in the park for almost a month now...we keep getting rained out.
Wow...very scary.
Glad to hear that Noel and Milo are ok.
Yeah, what they ^ said

I am so glad Noel and Milo are both ok.
Wow, that's a scary adventure :(
So, Noel dropped your iPod while she was in the Lady's Room and staged this whole flip-over, roll-in-the-ditch thing to cover it up, eh?

Just kidding.... maybe. :D

I'm so sorry to hear about your recent events. So glad to hear everyone is safe and nice to see you back with us!!!

Marianne and the boys
Ron wrote:
So, Noel dropped your iPod while she was in the Lady's Room and staged this whole flip-over, roll-in-the-ditch thing to cover it up, eh?

Just kidding.... maybe. :D

LOL Ron...I heard about this post, seems she was browsing while at work :wink: . I had a roommate in college who probably would have done something of the like.

We finally had a few sunny days, Milo got to spend tons of time outside, he even got to go to the dropzone while I was Skydiving last Saturday. Then he went over to a friends for an overnighter while Noel was at a concert and from what I understand their son ran him absolutley ragged. Noel said he came home...went right to his bed and crashed!
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