Bowel upheaval, 7 month old

Our poor little guy awoke at 4:00 AM Monday morning vomiting (only one episode), followed by several hours of diarrhea (lasting a few hours). He slept for several hours, and through much of the day, and as the day progressed, he drank some water, but looked like he had been beaten up. We have no idea what brought this on. I talked with our breeder who suggested rice with chicken broth. Our Veterinarian and Vet Tech were off for the day. We fed him the rice and chicken about 4:00 PM, which he ate like he had never eaten a morsel of food before. He had no further diarrhea. We fed him rice and chicken broth again this morning. I spoke with the Vet today, and he suggested that we get him back to eating food with nutrition, not rice. The little guy (amost 50 pounds little) drank lots of water, and this evening he had his usual Nutro Max for Large Breed Puppies (reduced amount) and some rice. His energy level has returned to its pre-bowel uproar state. Now we are faced with bowels that are so bound by rice that I hope we haven't caused his bowels to shut down.

I'd welcome any suggestions! Thanks in advance.
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I think it'll take a day or so to get his bowels moving again... they were really emptied then he had no-to-very-little food for a day.

Sounds like you did everything right to me!
Hi and Welcome to the forum,

The advice given most often, if a dog has a bout of upset tummy is rice so the breeders suggestion was good. Canned pumpkin (with no sugar added) is good is they can't go poop and rice when they are going too much.

I would take a fecal sample if possible to your vet (I know hard to do when it's runny) but I suspect it may be worms which pups are very subseptible to. Merlin had them frequently even tho he was wormed on a regular basis...from sniffing or stepping in other dogs poop on our walks. Which is why I'm so adament people should pick up after their dogs.

This is only guess work on my part but thought I'd mention the fecal sample just in case. It's always recommended your boy get checked out by a vet. Just make sure if he starts vomiting again he has plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Belly rubs to him and hope he feels better soon.

Let us know how it goes.

Rice isn't really constipating, it is just easy on the intestine.
I agree with Ron - his intestines were empty from having diarrhea.
It also seems like diarreha is going around lately, and in some cases, giardia. Both of mine had it a couple of weeks ago and today I came home to my new 7 month old baby covered in poo. Poor Bear is pretty well crate trained and just couldn't hold it. We're off to the vet tomorrow to see if it's what my other two had or some other puppy ailment.

As I've said to a couple of other people today: you know what's worse than washing up a poo covered Old English Sheepdog? Washing poo off a Komondor-- who's already bigger than most adult sheepdogs! What a workout! It's like trying to wash a sheep, the coat is so dense.

I hope whatever your guy has clears up soon!
Thanks to all for their advice.

Ron, I feel like a "deer in the headlights." Geez, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if the tank has been emptied, nothing comes out.
As many have mentioned, rice is pretty gentle on the system and is often prescribed for tummy and intestinal upsets.

I have to ask and I apologize in advance if it sounds stupid but it was cooked rice... right? He's not straining to go with no results?
6Girls wrote:
As many have mentioned, rice is pretty gentle on the system and is often prescribed for tummy and intestinal upsets.

I have to ask and I apologize in advance if it sounds stupid but it was cooked rice... right? He's not straining to go with no results?

Cooked rice it was. No he's not straining. This morning everything is OK.
Maybe he just ate something funky that didn't agree with him and was just getting it out of his system...
Glad to hear he's back to normal :D
Pumpkin (not pie filling) actually works for both problems.
If they are really dehydrated, try some Pedilyte (spelling?) sold in the children's section. It helps with the mineral balance.
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