Creature of Habits


Not especially an extra ordinary day but living in a multi-pet house hold thought I'd share some events I witnessed in a period of a couple hrs in my house. I have some indication of what they do when I'm at work during the day. I know some of you have expressed the same question regarding your sheepies.

Wake up 6:30 am (even tho I am off work sick, Blue nudges me awake as has been his habit for years). I open the back door to let all three out for potty break. While they are out there I start opening up cat food cans for the 4 cats and prepare coffee.

Get food bowls ready..on your mark ...get set...GO! All the furballs race to their places in anticipation of breakfast. Blue eats in the kitchen, Merlin and Panda each go to other rooms... 4 Cats all race to yet another room. I am sure I have helped pay off the morgage on the nearest pet food store. It's quite hilarious to see 7 furballs run in all different directions when they hear the sound of the kibble food bags and the opening of cans. This happens 7 days a week, 365 days per year, twice daily...they all know the routine by now.

Dogs food is dished out , then to the cats. While they are busy eating..I chop up fresh veggies and fill up a dish of pellets for the bunny and guinea pig, the Guinea Pig is squeaking in excitement for his food. I then fill up numerous water dishes, this is done a few times daily. I then wake up my son for work and prepare his lunch while the animals aren't all underfoot as they are all busy eating. This routine is done every day before I go to work every morning but today had a bit more time. I then drink my morning coffee and normally have a few mins to sit and read some of these post while sipping my coffee.

I bring out a bag of carrots and viewing them, the boys are wiggling their butts just as if I had steaks for them. They love their carrots! They each get one and run off in different directions to eat them at their leisure. Normally, I leave at this time and none of the boys try to follow me down the stairs as they have come to understand that they don't go to work with me. Different story if I ever try to go near the door other times of the day..they know it's walk time.

Since I was home today I could observe what they would probably do after I left.
I walk past one of the bedrooms and see Blue walking past the bed which has Lil Girl snoozing. She bats at Blue and he looks up. She continues to do it until her paw lays across his back as if she has her arms around him. She licks his face and he has his eyes semi-closed. AWWW

Later, I walk into the living room, now Blue is snoozing on the couch and Paris and Daisy, the cats, are cuddled next to him. Another Awww. Merlin is sleeping just below them...Panda is in his chair sleeping as well. (I leave all three uncrated in the house and knock on wood, nothing ever seems amiss when I return home.

I wish I hadn't dropped my camera as no one would believe there are 5 furballs sleeping peacefully in the living room. They stay like that most of the afternoon and mostly seem unaware that I too am curled up on the loveseat (the only place left!)

3 Pm when I usually arrive home, they all wake up, they all start becoming active .Panda runs to the window a couple times, followed by Blue and Merlin. They did the same thing when I was home for Spring Break, so I always suspect they sleep most of the day when I'm at work. It was only afterwards they realized I was already home and became excited in the anticipation of their daily walks or romps in the woods. Not today however, as I was fighting the flu and I felt bad they had to miss this activity. They kept running to the dog bag that contains all their leashes which I use daily on our walks. They know as soon as I pick this up it's time to go. They seemed confused as I didn't pick it up today. Now I know where the expression Creature of Habits, comes from!

Normally, If it's a romp in the woods, I open the door and each runs out and waits by the van. Opening the van - each will go to "their" seat. Even if I only have one dog with me..they go to "their seat". Makes it so much easier just like the eating arrangements...same routine - they eventually know which is their place. I bought the van so each dog could fit and have their own seat. Although I'm very disorganized when it comes to the furballs I'm very organized in order to take care of all of them, especially in the morning rush.

Just wish I had a day of sleeping in ...sigh just one day... :D

Marianne and the boys
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Ha Ha Ha they are such wonderful creatures of habit :wink:

AND BOY you exhausted me with all that you do in the morning before even starting the day 8O

Hope you get over the flu real soon too, try and get some rest it is the best thing for the flu. :D
Sleeping in.......isn't going to happen unless you go back to bed after all the feeding and peeing is finished.

Amazing what built in alarm clocks they have.......always within a few minutes. I wonder if they listen to the chimes on the clock?
What a fun post - I hope you feel better!
I loved hearing about what goes on in your house.
But your morning routine sounds exhausting... I guess if I actually wrote out my routine it would be just as exhausting.
I hope you feel better. Both Hayley & Ryan are sick :( So I am probably next. :(
Such a cute story. I love the idea that they were all excited for you to come home and then - hey wait a second - you're already home!! I'd love to see a pic of all five snoozing.
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