Big Switch: Swing to Crib (upright topic)

Okay, it's time. I've been letting Jordan sleep in his swing at night. I know it's not the most ideal, but it worked so well. Out cold in 10 minutes every night. Wakes up once (goes to bed at 9 and officially up at 7 a.m.).

The last two nights I've moved him to his crib. I've slept on the floor in the same room. It's SO cold in his room. Boiling in the other rooms. Not sure why either. His room is the ONLY room with the vents open. However, it's downstairs and the second the front door opens...the hot air escapes immediately. The other downstairs room has a hot computer in it.


night one: slept fine. woke up once.

night two: woke up every 15 minutes. cried his eyes out. did my best to ignore. finally went down for two hours at 12:30. at 4 a.m., I lost it and my back hurt so I put him in the swing until 7 a.m.

night three: same scenario as night two, but I made him stay in his crib and he didn't go down until 1:30. slept for 3 hours before starting again.

Should I get a mobile???? He is used to staring at his mobile on the swing PLUS music for 5 minutes. I keep wondering if that's some of the problem. When I look at him (in-between these 15 min scream fests) ...he's staring at the wall as if he's looking for something to entertain him.

Sigh... This is the first time his "pacifier" wasn't enough to quiet him down. The past two days he's also been super cranky during the day. I assume it's because he isn't getting any sleep at night.

Any advice?
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Excuse to add some pics. These were taken this morning and then just two seconds ago (the ones laying on the bed behind me in the computer room ...downcomforter from too :lol: hair has snagged on it even with a black cat which is surprising)




Yuki doesn't like the idea of Jordan having his own toys.


As you can see, we had to change shirts. He's in that stage where the diapers just aren't enough coverage! Oh my gosh, no one told me they could explode like that. (tmi) :lol:

awwww....he's getting so big....
Don't feel bad..........I had Baby J sleeping in his Swing, Bouncer Chair, whatever it took to keep him was the swing for awhile....I would put him in it in our room (in front of the fish tank) and off he would go to dream land. When he got tired of the swing he wanted the bouncer, so, he slept in that for awhile (he wanted nothing to do with the crib) then I got smart and put the bouncer in the crib.....haha.......success, he finally slept in the crib (who cares if it was in the bouncer that was in the crib that kept him happy....) well, eventually we omitted the bouncer and just put him in the crib, although I made all of the bed linens, so I made a baby size body pillow, now Baby J cannot sleep without it! Now he sleeps from 7:00pm to 9:00am!

Oh' Well I say whatever works, for your peace!

..............Micah (my oldest) slept through the night at 1 week and would sleep from 7:00pm to 12:00noon the next day!!! He was the best sleeper however, he wouldn't sleep anywhere but the crib!.....................

Kids are funny! (When you have had sleep and find the humor)
OMG, look how BIG Jordan's getting! :hearts: He's beautiful! Looks like Yuki is a protective big sister, too.

I think a mobile for the crib is a great idea! :lol: Sounds like you have a good handle on what he does before he falls asleep.
Awwwe.... sleepy babies, I miss that. Just a thought, but could this be
the beginning of teething? Even before my boys teeth broke the
surface they were harder to settle. I'm sure you have already thought
of this though. :oops: Just a few days before they begin the drooly
stage that preceeds the tooth(or teeth for us- they seemed to all come
in sets with our second baby) erupting. It was so odd how it always
seemed to coincide with some other change and I was always looking
for something that had changed, and a couple times it was just the
start of a few days of teething.

BTW - don't know if you already know this, but it was a great help to
me anyway, for the "not enough diaper to hold it all stages"... for the
crib get some of those rubberized waterproof sheets. They are just
flat sheets the size of the crib mattress, they are soft cotton on both
sides, but there is a layer of rubber in between. Get a couple, and
cut them in half. Layer the crib sheet, then the waterproof sheet, then
crib sheet, then 1/2 of a waterproof sheet in the center where the baby
will likely wet. Put several sets on. Then when
the baby wets at night, all you have to do to the bed is pull off one
set of crib sheet and waterproof sheet and you don't have to try to
make up a clean crib in your sleep. I'm sure this is common knowledge
to most everyone, but on the off chance that you haven't done this...
(I think I may have been the only one who didn't know this trick :oops: )


((actually I may have already posted this to you! my memory is going!))
No this is all helpful. I keep telling my husband he's probably going to start teething and he always makes fun of me because I say that for everything (lately).

He's cranky
me: maybe he's going to start teething?
He won't stop crying
me: you think he's teething?
husband: you're a nut

He has been drooling a LOT lately. He just starts blowing bubbles out of his mouth. Is that a sign? I look at his gums and don't "See teeth." I have no idea!!! I was told drooling was a sign they can now process carbs?

We dont' have a bouncer but I KNOW my son would love one. He LOVES bouncing on our laps.

We've talked about giving him a baby toy (like the monkey in the picture) that he can sleep with (without being smothered), so he can associate sleeptime with a favorite toy? Right now that monkey is called Barkley. hehehe ...since Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan were best buds. ;)
Joahaeyo wrote:
Right now that monkey is called Barkley. hehehe ...since Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan were best buds. ;)

Seriously. You need help. :roll:
I'm surprised you can even think about Michael Jordan without getting scared!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:hearts: Baby J is such a little doll! I love the pics of him and Yuki!!! I should probably stop reading these baby posts, they give me ideas...
Yes, big drooling is usually a sign of teething. If you feel the gums you
may be able to feel something you cannot see too. The gum rubbing
is soothing and feels pretty good to the baby too.
Every child is a little different. Our older son was pretty much bald and
toothless at 13 months, our second began teething around 4 months. The
teeth didn't erupt right away though. We went through days of teething,
then nothing, then teething, then nothing. Seemed to go in cycles with
my younger son and then suddenly the teeth were there like overnight.
Some will run a slight fever, others not. But mine both sweated like mad
in their sleep when they were teething. If you add up all the things like
drooling, restless sleep, slight fever, mouth rubbing, cranky and so on, you may be starting the teething stage. Most babies won't have all the
signs, but just one or two.
You're not a nut, it just sounds like you instinctively know this may be
teeth! I am betting you are right! Mothers seem to pick up on these things
faster than fathers anyway.
Take lots of pics- this may be the last of that adorable toothless grin!
But then again, two tiny teeth in that little smile will be adorable too. :mrgreen:

Oooh isnt he growing, such a cutie. I say let Yuki take on the night time duty she looks like a great nanny. Then they can play with toys all night while you sleep LOL. Either that or get him a sheepie mobile above the crib :wink:
He is just adorable!

Drooling is a sign of teething, however, they tend to drool for a couple of years... LOL.... and for men, many start again sometime past puberty anyway. LOL
Sounds like two martini time - one for each of you. :D
I would never let a baby cry himself to sleep :oops: Too much of a softy, I guess.

I did with my first one because everyone said to do it, and wished I never did.
I did not let my second baby cry any more than 30 seconds for the first year of his life. Guess which one is the happier, confident and better adjusted one?

If a baby has an ear infection it will hurt more when he lays down, so something to be checked, maybe?
Some babies drool and fuss for months until the teeth come, and some don't.
Perhaps a hot water bottle in the crib before he is put into it,so it is nice and warm.
And then there is always the car rides. We did that for months...ride around the block until he fell asleep, then very carefully took him out of the car seat and into his crib he went.

But definitely try the mobile.
An ear infection would be a more constant crying and
rubbing the ear, especially after after three days. Usually
the ear will be pinker than normal too, even on the outside.
This doesn't sound like a 'problem', just a change whether in
teething or just change of venue to the crib.
Both of my boys learned to settle themselves too. I did let them
cry, as long as I was sure they weren't hungry, had a dirty
diaper and there were no real problems. I never regretted it.
I learned quickly what cry went with what need, and honestly
the children learned quickly to calm themselves because I wasn't
going to run the second they cried. Whatever works I guess.

He is adorable and getting sooo big!

I wish I could offer some advice, but my boys slept pretty good in their cribs (when they actually did sleep - getting them to sleep was the problem, still is, lol). Jake started out in his bassinette, Brandon the carseat since he had so many health problems. He had terrible reflux, apnea & bradycardia, and was on a monitor (as was Jake), but it was just easier to let him sleep in the carseat and for me to sleep on the couch beside him. He also didn't wake Jake up in the middle of the night this way. Anyway, I moved them both in their crib at around 4 months. We have an aquarium that plays lullabies and lights up to where they can see the fish floating around. That usually got their attention, and I just rubbed their head/eyes until they fell asleep. They were both colicky babies for their first year though, so sleep didn't last long. :) To this day, though, they still play with that aquarium and love their fish.
Thanks everyone. I love coming here for advice. :)

have an aquarium that plays lullabies and lights up to where they can see the fish floating around.

yeah. that's what i just ordered online! i figured since i already have the ocean wonders swing (and love it), i'd go for the ocean wonders aquarium mobile. i hope that does the trick.

i wonder if he is a little colicky?? the doctors always tell me it seems like his digestive system is a little immature when i go in for a checkup.'s 9:30 p.m. my time and he's been out for 30 minutes (w/o music/mobiles). yay. we'll see what tonight brings.
My sister left the tv on in the bedroom so my little nephew could watch it and fall asleep. I told her she was making a mistake, but..... Well, it was working fine for her, until

he started waking up every night about 3 a.m. The problem, I told her it was the flickering light from the tv, that it was waking him up. Nah.....she said. After a few more nights of restless sleep, she decided to turn it off.

The little guy went right to sleep with NO tv, and started sleeping through the night from then on. Of course, now he's older and afraid of the dark. :roll: I told her she's on her own on that one. :lol: :lol: But, I did buy him a flashlight for Christmas, complete with batteries! :wink:

My point is that sometimes we create the problem, and then have to fix it. But, I agree on the teething thing with his age.

And, he is absolutely adorable!!! Pam
Joahaeyo wrote:
Thanks everyone. I love coming here for advice. :)

have an aquarium that plays lullabies and lights up to where they can see the fish floating around.

yeah. that's what i just ordered online! i figured since i already have the ocean wonders swing (and love it), i'd go for the ocean wonders aquarium mobile. i hope that does the trick.

i wonder if he is a little colicky?? the doctors always tell me it seems like his digestive system is a little immature when i go in for a checkup.'s 9:30 p.m. my time and he's been out for 30 minutes (w/o music/mobiles). yay. we'll see what tonight brings.

Hope he sleeps good for you tonight. As for the colic, Jake screamed 8-10 hours a day EVERY single day for 10 months. It was miserable - lol Many trips to the pedi and the ER thinking something was wrong. I guess I should have figured he was going to be a hard baby when the nurse brought him to use to take home and she said "Good luck. You're going to have your hands full with this one." :) They all said he was just on the extreme of a colicky baby, and there was nothing wrong with him. However, at the time, I honestly didn't mind. Having just lost our daughter the year before, I was grateful for the screaming. I don't think I could deal with that much screaming now though, lol

With Brandon, his wasn't quite as bad. He screamed more like 3-4 hours a day. Since Jake was only 18 months old then, I was still recovering from his screaming. The 3-4 hours seemed like nothing compared to Jake... :)

If Jordan does have colic, there's a medicine our pedi gave me called Levsin that works great. I didn't use it often, because it knocked them right out (that scared me), but I did use it when I just got absolutely frustrated and couldn't take the screaming anymore.

It does sound like it might be teething though since he's drooling a lot. Both of mine cut their first teeth at 3.5-4 months, so about Jordan's age (right?). Maybe a little infant tylenol or the hyland's teething tablets if he seems to be in pain. The teething tablets dissolve immediately when you put them in the mouth, so they're not a choking hazard. I liked them, because they worked well and they're homeopathic. Here's they are on walgreens' website: ... d=prod1999

I'm not sure if you're formula feeding or not, but that was Brandon's biggest problem. He was allergic to dairy (not anymore thankfully) and soy (still is allergic to soy), so we had to try all kinds of formula with him. We finally ended up having to feed him a goat's milk formula which was super expensive. It was right at $25/day with the amount he drank. Unfortunately, it wasn't a prescription either so no help with the cost there. Between his formula, his medication, and our out of pocket on his hospital, he cost more than a new car! lol We just finished paying him off last year, and he's 3! :oops: I really hope the formula is not his problem. It's not fun trying out all the different formulas. :(
Oh my gosh, my eyes are so swollen. lol W hat a night. After I posted that, I went upstairs and just as I laid my head down...

I recorded the times as follows (times he screamed and I had to comfort him)
...and it's now 3:45

Poor Jordan. His temperature is fine. He just hates his crib. The second I touch him, he stops crying and conks out. I lift my hand, put my head down...and process starts over. Every time I've breastfed tonight, we've had trouble getting him back into the crib because baby would pass out on boppy that's still around me and mommy would be knocked out as well. lol ...that was are the longest stretch of sleep we got. :lol:
I was pretty sure tonight would be somewhat good because I gave him a warm bath beforehand which usually knocks him out. He's got mommy and daddy's stubborn streak though. :D

Oh well, I know with time this will get better. I'm not one to be bothered by getting up several times a night. I've been sleep walking to the fridge each time to get cookies. :lol:
Since you are breast there something that you are or aren't eating/drinking that could be causing him to react this way? I don't know, my boys were on formula, but my step sister, had a similar experiance and come to find out she was eating, I believe a veggie that was upsetting the baby.............on another note, I have the ocean aquarium attached to Joshua's crib, he loves it (if you remember, I said that I would put him in front of the tank in my room, when he was tiny)!!!!

Good luck! Remember....during the day........when the baby sleeps, you sleep!!!
:hearts: :hearts: precious precious precious :hearts: :hearts:

Poor Jordon, Poor Mom!!!!!

I don't have any advice except the usual is he teething questions..... he seems a little old to be starting with colic but who knows. I've never been able to let a baby cry either!!!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
:hearts: :hearts: precious precious precious :hearts: :hearts:

Poor Jordon, Poor Mom!!!!!

I don't have any advice except the usual is he teething questions..... he seems a little old to be starting with colic but who knows. I've never been able to let a baby cry either!!!

Yeah, Jake's colic started the night they come home from the hospital, and I have a suspicion he had it in the hospital. LOL He was NICU also so they only let him out of the room for feedings, and we couldn't visit him but 10 minutes every hour, so I didn't get to see him too much those first few days. Brandon was about 4 weeks old when his screaming started - he waited until he got out of the NICU at least. They gave us a private room with him after 2 weeks, and I was thinking that I had an easy, easy baby. All he did was sleep then and didn't even cry to eat. He just cried when the nurses drew blood or worked with him (he even flipped over onto his belly at 2 weeks to try and get away from the nurse). All that changed when he got home though, lol
I would say it sounds like he knows you are going to pick him up
every time he cries. Have you tried soothing and calming him in
the crib? Maybe if you are persistent and don't actually take him out
of the crib he will eventually stop. It may be that by taking him out
of the crib he is learning that 'out of the crib' is snuggly mommy time
and crib=cry. I wish I had a better solution, but I am still sticking to
the teething idea. I think your gut instinct was right all along.
It will get better, sooner or later!

I would say it sounds like he knows you are going to pick him up
every time he cries. Have you tried soothing and calming him in
the crib?

Quite the opposite, which is why Bosley's mom and Tasker's were saying they were different. :D I come from a military family, I was in the military, and my husband is in the military. I live a very structured "these are the rules and I don't slide" life in a lot of ways. My husband is the one who balances me (he's the relaxed one). The only time I picked him up were the two times I breastfed last night. When he cries, I let him for anywhere from 5-15 minutes. I am a very emotional person but if something fall under "the rules" ...I am not affected by things (such as his crying and my decision from the books I've read to leave him be). The only time I pick him up is if it's a hunger cry of he's screaming like he's scared. Not the whimper cries though. If he's crying for a long time, then I comfort him with either my touch or putting his pacifier back in his mouth. :)

I'm just about to take him shopping for some new outfits. Gymboree is having a sale (buy $50, pay $25)! :lol: Maybe that'll make him feel better. Or just mommy. ;) Anyway, and then we're going to his playgroup. A bunch of newborns that just stare at each other while moms gossip. :oops:
Hayley slept so good when I moved her to her crib at 8 weeks old.
I don't think she liked sleeping in our bedroom with the dog door.
My Aunt & Uncle bought her this Winnie the Pooh that is basically the same thing as a glow worm... You press his tummy and his light which is his face somes on and a lulaby with nature sounds in the background.
The light fades as the song goes on and so does the volume.
She absolutely loves it.
I had the Ocean Wonders Aquarium for Ryan. It takes 4 D batteries and they run out really quickly. I suggest you get a couple of sets of rechargeables.
Good luck!!
The second I touch him, he stops crying and conks out. I lift my hand, put my head down...and process starts over.

I thought you meant that as soon as you pick him up he stops, and
starts again when you put him down.

You seem to have everything under control. I agree with the way you are handling it, only addressing the real cry's of hunger is great then in the long run you will see how it helps. We have kids, and I listen to the complaints of other parents who have kids making every excuse possible not to stay in bed.

For us it's 9pm bedtime, sometimes earlier, they know the routine and don't question it. The only time they come out is when they are sick, then we know they really need us, and we comfort, even let them in our bed for a cuddle until tylenol takes away the pain/fever etc....then back to bed. But our routine was started from day 1, and adjusted as their age the time they move to a big bed, you want them to fall asleep by themselves, with a blankie or a toy, and give you and hubby an hour or two of alone time without interuption.

Oh we also had a no bottle rule as well...compared to a close kids still have zero cavities, and her daughter at the age of 4 had 7 cavities that need filings...she let her have a bottle every night. We stopped the bottle at the age of 12-14mth...and stuck to sippy cups, the soothers were the next to go, by the age of 16mths...and that was that. It takes persistence, but in the end the hard moments of crying are gone replaced with good healthy teeth, and a child that sleeps well and comforts his/herself with nothing but a teddybear.

Teething is hard tho, the drooling, the pain, they like you rubbing the gums, or a cold cloth to suck on helps....and tylenol when its so bad they do need it. We like white noise, and usually have the furnace fan on during the night....makes all of sleep better and drowns out the quiet of the house, or street noises.

You have a beautiful baby, and you've got it together, remember to use you instinct and do what you feel is right for you.
What a very nice post Guest. Thanks. Very helpful.

It makes me want to ask if there is anything else I need to know about soothing a baby that is teething? Or did you pretty much sum up the most common methods? I still don't know if Jordan is. His drooling just increased by double, but still nothing.

I wrote this in the medical&nutrition forum, but Jordan slept like an angel last night. Even after our trip to the vet! I think what it was is what Shellie was saying. I wasn't picking him up but "seeing me" before what I feel is necessary to go get him ...made him cry more. Last night I just let him cry and didn't even look over the crib... and he didn't make a sound the rest of the night. Greatness! :)
I grew up on a miliary base, in a military family, too! Worked in the mess halls for summer jobs, 2 sisters in the military and a brother-in-law. I know where you are coming from, with the rules etc. Hey, I nver even wanted kids! But once I got pregnant I got all the books, went to tons of cources, and was damed and determined to do things right. (The rules things, again) My husband was the softy, with the babies, and taught me that rules were ment to be bent, when required. He has softened me, but maybe to the extreme :lol:

Babies love routine and predictibility.It make them feel secure.Bedtime at the same time, in the same place, and with the same noises etc, helps prepare them for sleep. And if the day or night was active, and the baby gets over-stimulated, sometimes they need to cry just to "get it all out". But for my number 2 son he got a 90 second limit...that was all I could handle :lol:
Biggest thing I can say about getting him to sleep in his crib....
LEAVE THE ROOM AND SLEEP IN YOUR ROOM! I put Kaitlyn in her crib the second week home b/c I was not getting any sleep. The hardest thing about that is the little noises she made going to sleep. But then it got easier. Now she falls asleep to the drone of the tv as nighttime is the only time I get to watch tv, so I unwind then. I put her to bed after a diaper change where she sleeps for an additional 4-6+ hrs. Tonite I am beginning to cease the swaddling, or at least not swaddling her arms to her side and leaving them free as she is outgrowing the swaddle blanket.

I hate to say this but teething could be a soon possibility...Kaitlyn turned 9 wks yesterday and for the past week has been increasingly fussy in the evening. (I got spoiled with a SUPER DREAM baby! Don't think I need to explain more :D ) She constantly has her hands in her mouth and the drool! Last night she even guided my hand to her mouth so she could chomp down on them. I have been giving her my knuckle so that I don't worry about cutting up her mouth with my nails. She also bites on daddy's fingers (which everyone told me when she does this, she is teething).

I figure she is either highly orally fixated (hard to believe since nothing else is being picked up yet) or early stages of teething. My mother said I cut my first tooth at 3 months and my brothers and sisters all cut by 4 months. Good luck with Jordan and give him hugs for Kaitlyn and I!!
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