OHIO puppy in shelter OES/Komondor Mix

Check out this cute boy that needs a home in OH.

http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/dis ... id=5925705

Ocala, FL
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He's adorable! My wheels are already turning as to who needs a new dog around me...
Oh my goodness he is so ADORABLE!!! Someone scoop him up! What a doll.
I think I need a husband who knows words other than 'No" and "No way."

He is a cutie.
Mom of 3 wrote:
I think I need a husband who knows words other than 'No" and "No way."

I don't think they make them that way. :evil: :evil:
I just sent them an e-mail. I'm going to really get in trouble at home... 8O
I'm crossing my fingers, eyes and legs that it works out for you!!!!

PS you can always get rid of the husband? :roll:

Marianne and the boys
omg how cute is he hope he finds a good forever home soon :D
Jill - I think this one is perfect for you!

Gosh - he's adorable - and sooooo tempting!! Let us know how what you hear from the shelter. :D
Okay Jill,

this is the plan.. we will puppy share.. you keep him for 6 months of the year and I will keep him for 6 months.

That way we will both have 2.5 dogs each...

He is some cute.....

How far is Ohio from Nova Scotia???
That might be the cutest dog I've seen in a long time. You've got to love the confident ones too!

Go Jill, Go!!!!
Dudster wrote:
Okay Jill,

this is the plan.. we will puppy share.. you keep him for 6 months of the year and I will keep him for 6 months.

That way we will both have 2.5 dogs each...

He is some cute.....

How far is Ohio from Nova Scotia???

Cool, can you take him first? ;) I think I'm going to need 6 months to whine my way into this one. I tried begging and pouting last night with no success. I even pulled out "I guess you really don't love me" and it didn't do anything. This is going to be tough...
No problem.. you fill out the forms.. I will just tell Troy we are fostering him for 6 months of the year... every year....

He is so cute... Can I have him the dry months of the year.. I already have one Pig Pen?
I'm wondering if he'll be easier or harder than an OES to groom. His Komondor coat should start to cord in a couple of years but the OES part might mess that up. I still haven't heard back from the rescue.
Okay, here's the plan.

I'll go get him and hide him at my house until the picnic in May, that'll give you some time. Then we send him home with you in the van. When you unload, you just say, "Oh my gosh where did you come from?" Then it looks like fate intervened.
Then you say that you'll just foster him for 6 months, then you can send him off to Dudster for a break and the cycle can begin!

It looks like the Komondor coat is a little more prevalent so it'll probably cord but you'll get little wispy undercoat OES pieces, in there.
That, my friend, is an excellent idea!

Two days ago I was all hopped up on getting an OES puppy next year and now I see this guy and I can't get him out of my head. This is going to be trouble. I love that he's described as a "confident" dog. Yikes. I hope his previous owner was just a huge wussy!
*Sigh* I filled out an application. Stay tuned for details...

I had to make a deal that if we got another dog, he could get another gun, which I've banned him from doing until after we get married. This might work after all!
Im actually REALLY interested in adopting this guy.Im going too Ohio this week end too take Sam too Jack Hanna's zoo.Can anyone give me more info?I guess I should fill out an app.1st.If someone can help me please let me know either through here OR email..

Thanks Tanyathenurse@yahoo.com
ButtersStotch wrote:
*Sigh* I filled out an application. Stay tuned for details...

I had to make a deal that if we got another dog, he could get another gun, which I've banned him from doing until after we get married. This might work after all!

Let him hunt all he wants if you can get the dog. I am sooooo jealous.
Lol. No, he's just a collector and he likes target practice-- he'd never actually kill anything. I told him no guns until he buys my ring. Honestly, I don't really care but it makes for good leverage power, like now when I want a dog!

I'm still waiting on the rescue to e-mail me back. I'm only a couple of hours away so I'll just blow out of work early as soon as they call and go down there!
Hey thanks for ALl the help everyone!!!

:clappurple: :clappurple:
Just a quick update on Bear. He is being transferred from his kennel to a foster home and he will meet a local family on Thursday or Friday. The rescue people said that they would contact me this weekend to let me know how things went with the family. They have several applications so she said it may take awhile. I'm kind of bummed about it because I'd love to get him but it sounds like no matter what happens, he's going to go to a good home. Everybody cross your fingers that they call me with good news!
WOOHOO! Guess we'll need 2 trucks for the picnic :D
I can't believe I stirred up so much conversation with this thread -- I always look at Komondors on Petfinder and was surprised to see Little Bear. I didn't think any of you looked at that category... so I decided to share as he was so cute -- had no idea you would apply for him. I always hope Gabby is found -- she has been listed as lost for years -- her owners haven't given up hope.

What picnic? Are y'all coming to our picnic in FL?
Lol. I love the dreadlock breeds! I did a lot of research on them before I ended up with Clyde. If he hadn't come along, I probably would've gotten a Komondor. Breeders are rather few and far between and there happens to be one only about 1 1/2 away from me in Michigan. Now that I have Clyde, I'm not sure I'd ever want another breed so, in a way, this guy is the best of both worlds for me so I'm hoping for the best. He'll be a great playmate for Clyde.

Thanks so much for posting!
Did someone say picnic in FL? :lol: :lol:
Yes, we had one last year -- about 30 OES came.. in my house...

November -- a good time was had by all.

Zoe and Iann came from England! With Einie pictures and their adorable baby.

Ocala, FL
(Just off I-75)
Marie, you are a brave woman!
sorry had to correct

zoe and edd!!! came with picture of einy and baby in tow

sorry could not help it

but a great time was had by all i loved all the sheepies

zoe and einy
and if its in november again this year i might even be able to come again

oh all those sheepies to love

zoe and einy

Good Luck on the Adoption of Bear. :D
Hey Jill, are your feminine wiles working on James yet? I sense he secretly wants another dog, so secret he isn't even aware of it yet...
He's aware now... :D
8O :lol: 8O :lol: ......a REALLY big gun....
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