Saying Goodbye,Thanks and God Bless

I made up my mind that I would leave the site on Feb. 14th, the one year anniversary of leaving my Annie and Bubba in the hands of G/A and the NEOESR. Then, decided to wait another two weeks, until after the anniversary of leaving Katie and Tillie in their care, as well.

Its hard to let go of something that's been such a great help and comfort, but I feel its time. I can only say thank you and hope that you each know how sincere those words are. You were the life line God tossed out to me when I was sinking, when I was about to loose everything, my dogs and possibly my husband.

He led me to a group of total strangers, that welcomed me into their family and gladly gave of their knowledge and support. A group of people that regardless of race, nationality, personal opinions, etc. pull together for the support of one another. A true family indeed.

I just can't tell you enough how grateful I am for your help in placing my dogs in such great homes. When my husband feels well, I think, "Maybe I should've waited longer". Then, about 3 - 4 weeks later he gets another lung infection that reminds me that I not only made the right choice, but it was truely the best and only choice I had. I thank you Lord, for sending me to this site, and I pray You bless my new friends greatly!

I'm sure I'll try to sneak in from time to time, but until then, farewell my friends. I "will" miss you!!!

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Pam. I don't remember when I joined this forum for sure but I was reading or posting when you joined..I wasn't aware of what you had been through. I am so sorry that you had to give your Babies up... Doing rescue I work with so many people that are in that position and do everything I can to make it as easy as possible. I thought I was a pretty compassionate understanding person before I started doing rescue. I wasn't ...I only saw one side of things...... If you have never dealth with a situation you can't really understand it.... I understand now what it is to have Life turned upside down. I didn't before My Husband got hurt... Those 2 things have made me a better person.....I now understand things and people that I didn't understand before...... I wish I would have known what you were going through and we could have talked...... I will keep You and Your Husband in My Prayers... You can PM me or email anytime.... Respectfully Kaye

I'm sorry to hear of your decision. Hopefully you will drop by occasionally even if it's just to say hello. I wish you and your husband the best.
Pam, I'm glad you were able to find this group and that you got strength from it. I wish you the best, and please stop in and say hello.

You will be missed. I do hope that you'll drop in sometimes and say "hello". Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your husband.
Pam - I'll be looking for you to drop by and visit now and then. I've always appreciated your views and experience with Old English Sheepdogs ....and with people. In the meantime, my prayers are with you and your husband.

Pam, It was so nice to meet you and chat with you. Im sorry of your decision to leave, but you do know what is best! My thoughts and prayers are also with you.

God bless.


You will be sorely missed, but I respect and understand your decision. You often were able to put into words responses that I tried to make, but couldn't.

My thoughts and prayers go with you and your husband. Please stop by now and then.

With much respect and in admiration,
I am very sorry that you feel you need to leave.
You are part of our Forum Family and will be missed.
I know you have a lot going on at home right now, so I do understand your decision.
I look forward to your future posts.
Take Care,
D on't go :( :(
We'll miss you ...and do hope you come back when you can.

It would be nice if you could stay, but if not I understand.

It's been an honor to host you here!

Hi Pam,

My heart did flip flops when I read your post and I'm really sorry to hear this news. Please reconsider or just take a small break. I do understand where you are coming from, as I did the very same thing a few months ago. I thought the computer was taking away from the time I could have been spending with my son. You probably feel the same thing in regards to your husband.

What I neglected to realize at the time that chatting on here with so many wonderful and caring people gets you through those rough times. It could be the wee hours of the morning and we all are..although not physically present..all our post are there..our stories...the ones that make you laugh, or cry or just keep your mind occupied.

I have always admired you for the choice you put all those beautiful Sheepdogs first before you, as you knew they would get the attention you weren't able to give at the time. How deeply unselfish of you - you have always had my admiration for that. That is true mothers love! Your husbands illness took precedence and that too is so unselfish of you. I often think of you how difficult it must be to hear us speak of our sheepies when you don't have any in your home any more.

Pam you have so much to offer us with your expertise and knowledge. Please just take a break and come back again. I will miss you a great deal.

All the best
Bye, you'll be gave me many things to think about and I appreciate your thoughts.

Take care
You'll be missed.... I do hope you'll continue to visit now and then, whenever you feel the need :)
Please don't completely leave us. Drop in from time to time, especially when you need the support of your always handy, but invisible friends here.

We will miss you!

I do hope you drop in often. I respect your insight and more than once you have caused me to re-think situtations that are not always what they appear to be.

You have a way with words that I wish I did. Please stay close by, and do drop us a line whenever you think we could use it!

And we are here should you need us.
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