Our night in Labor and Delivery.....

So Sunday night, on our way home from visiting Andi's sister and the new baby, we pull off of the highway and come to the stop sign to merge onto a major street. I'm in line to go, btu there's still traffic...when...BAM! Struck from behind. Twice. By the same person. Andi seems ok, get out and check the car, it seems fine, Andi calls 911 the n suddenly hands me the phone and says she's having a back spasm. I start to freak out...the poor guy that hit us realizes that I have a 9 months pregnant woman in the car. EMS, Police, Fire, State police all show up. I call her OB who is off this weekend (but still came in to delivery Andi's sister) get her service, then get the service of the covering doc. Finally get a call back and you guessed it. She says to come in to the hospital for monitoring.

We chat for a minute with Andi's dad, who says that usually if there are contraction in a case like this, they keep you overnight. It's now 9PM. For weeks now, Andi has been having Braxton Hicks contractions which are semi painless contractions that begin to prepare her body for real contractions once in labor. Well, from 9-1:30 for weeks now, she's been getting some consistent contractions. We get to the Hosp, get her up to L&D and on to the monitor. Contractions of course begin. Steady, and every 3 minutes. And consistent. So, now, at 930, we realize the last thing we ate was a bagel at my sisters house at 12 noon and we are starving. So the nurse gets us some sandwiches. Andi eats then looks at me and says "Oh Crap" And right away I knew what she meant. After she eats she gets some strong contractions. Another 1/2 hour on the monitor and the nurse calls her doctor. Andi's dad walks in and says "Get comfortable, your staying the night"

So, we do. Oh, I should point out that I had also called my dad and he came to get Pooh. Pooh was alone, with free roam from 10am to 830pm with no walk. There were no accidents. We then decide dto give him the night and see what happens. So from 830am to 7am when my dad went back, no issues. What a good dog!!!!!

Anyway, to make a long week even longer, I have back pain again, Andi is now trying to take care of me (I did not sleep at all while at the hosp, but she got an Ambien) and Pooh Bear is unhappy with us for abandoning him overnight. God, what's next?
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Oh Geez, How scary!
Glad to hear you are both ok. Did you get yourself checked while out at the hospital?
I thought reading the post that Andi had had the baby.
Sounds like the baby is ready to come...and very soon.
Backpain ? We need a lawyer..... Who's on deck? Heather?

How awful for that have happened to you both. I'm so glad to hear that Andi and the baby are okay and good for Pooh for being a good boy.!

Whew! That must have been quite the night for all involved. Glad it ended well.

Marianne and the boys
How scary. So glad all 3 of you are okay!

Glad everything went ok..... what is Andi's actual due date?
What a coincidence (and not a good one), in my EMT class on Sat we spent all day on OB with a good portion spent on care of the pregnant women involved in an automobile accident!!!!!!!! SO it's fresh in my mind all the terrible things that COULD have happened.

You didn't give us the "rest" of the story. Is she home? Did the contractions stop? Is everyone (Mom, Baby and You) OK????? How very scarey.

Keep us posted.
Yikes! Scary. I'm glad nothing major happened. Poor Andi (and you) but getting in an accident, no matter how minor doesn't sound like fun at 9 months! How did the guy hit you twice?!
Oh my!! 8O How frightening!! 8O

Did you injure your back in the accident or sleeping on one of those hospital cots?
Oh Josh, I hope everything is okay. I hope your back feels better and Andi delivers safely.......

good pooh boy!!!!
Wow, Josh! Just TOO scary! 8O So glad Andi's okay, though, but oh, your aching back! I was thinking the same thing - how the heck did he hit you TWICE??? :evil:

But isn't it great to know that you can trust Pooh in extreme cases like this? Good boy, Pooh!! :banana:

Glad everyone is okay, hope your back feels better...get it on record with the dr....

Way to go Pooh...so proud of you :high5:
well, at least everything was OK in the end. Glad to hear things didn't get too bad.

Here's a banana dance in pooh's honor. Thumbs up!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Sorry to hear this happened.
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