Rice All the Time?

If rice water/ rice is good for tummies and firming up loose stool, is there any benefit or negative to feeding it all the time with food? I know it'll add calories but would there be any other negatives associated with it? Lucy's such a finicky eater, sometimes it's hard to get her to eat but I've been mixing a little rice in with her food since she had the runs and she's been eating all of her food without coaxing. Can I continue this?
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i can't see why not

the people who make einys food (burns) have an information booklet about dog health and nutrition and even thought they sell their dog food they also print a recipe for home made dog food and that has 1/3 meat/fish 1/3 cooked brown rice and 1/3 veg

but i'm not very good at this but when einy was ill over christmas i made his food for about 2 weeks and he was really happy with it

zoe and einy
I feed rice about 2 to 3 times a week mixed with usually fish { macrel or salmon} or chicken.. Use the brown rice....Not the white rice.... Rice daily is a lot of carbs....Kaye
I would worry about the lack of nutrition.........I use rice and boiled chicken frequently when Tasker has Diarrhea but I would be afraid to feed it "regularly" because it really doens't have much nutritional value.
I just transitioned her to Merrick canned food, which she's taken very well to. It's a high quality senior medley. In fact, if I remember correctly, Merrick is the brand that gives samples to humans to try at dog shows and pet expos because it's made with human grade ingredients. It looks like stew, especially when you put it on rice. I've been heating it all up in the microwave and Lucy's in heaven! She's not a big eater, gets lots of exercise and is the perfect weight right now. It probably wouldn't kill her to add a few pounds on anyway-- Clyde'll just run them off of her!
Better dog foods are made with rice instead of corn, since corn is not as digestible.
I'm talking giver her extra rice, on top of what is already in the food.
I dont see how it can hurt, as long as it is a small amount mixed in with the regular dog food.....
Our very first vet told us to give rice cakes or Cheerios as treats. My dog at the time didn't like Cheerios so it's been pieces of rice cakes ever since.

In addition to a lot of other treats. :D

I don't think my current vet would condone that.
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