
we got thatcher 5 or 6 weeks ago and hes starting to act a little weird after his meals and actually throws up its starting to agitate me that he dusnt chew his food before he swallows so wat do i do??? i have no idea how to stop it before it gets serious and i need to take him to the vet so please if anyone has an answer :idea: HELP ME AND MY BULLEMIC DOG 8O
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Feed him smaller amounts over the course of the day. If he has a large amount of food he could be eating so much so fast that it's causing him to throw up.
That would be the simplest explanation. Make sure it's not discolored and there are no other weird looking things mixed in when he throws up. If he's just started doing this within the last day or two that could be a problem. Also if there are associated symptoms like lethargy, really light colored gums or anything that looks like coffee grounds in his vomit that could be a serious problem.
A lot of puppies just don't know the size of their own bellies and eat too much causing them to throw up. A call to your vet may be in order to make sure he's getting enough nutrition during this stage.
Also, make sure he's not eating too fast or drinking too much water during the meal. Barney tends to eat parts of his meal more than once 8O and it is usually because he'll either drink way too much water, which makes him puke, bringing the food with it, or he'll eat too fast and puke, or he'll be running around excited in the kitchen and get too excited and puke...
But yes, keep an eye on him to make sure he's getting some in him, and a vet trip might be necessary...
barney1 wrote:
Barney tends to eat parts of his meal more than once 8O

I know it's not funny but :lol: :lol: :lol: Rosco does the same thing, and it doesn't have to be his food :roll: He will happily dine on Luke and Daisy's returns :evil:
Do you have his food and water bowls elevated? That might help a little.
If he is eating too fast you can put a hard ball into his food dish. He will have to eat around it and will not be able to get such big mouthfuls. Unless he take the ball out, then find somethig else. Whatever works to make it more difficult for her to chow down quickly.
What a creative solution!
How long has this been happening? The only reason I ask is because, we see lots of dogs at the vet's that have eaten something, and they are blocked or partially blocked.

Have the bowel movements been normal? Any weight loss?
its only been happening for a week now but id probably put it down to the eating too fast because he does scoff down his food incredibly fast. i will take into mind all the solutions :idea: especially the hard ball in his bowl
thanks for all the info
renee&thatchy :D
I'm just wondering does this have any connection to thatcher and finding a paralysis Tick on Him? Did the throwing up start about then?

If so then maybe it might be wise to see a vet just to be on the safe side!
Get him vet checked first then you can also try this... my girls don't chew either but they don't vomit unless something else is going on. Most of my dogs finish their food in a very short period of time... my BC-mix in less than an minute and 2 of my sheepies not far behind (we feed wet).

Do you feed wet or dry? Either way you might try using Kongs instead of a regular food dish. If you usually feed dry, you can make it somewhat moist with water so it's sticky. This way it stays in the Kong better and he'll have to work to get it out so he is forced to slow down. It will also give him a mental challenge.

I had a trainer out yesterday who has Newfies... he fills Kongs and other toys with their food and the dogs now "forage" for their meals. He hasn't used food dishes in 2 years. His thought is that we have working dogs that are no longer working so it keeps them on their toes. He fills several kongs with their regular meal and places them around a room. It could get pretty messy if you feed sloppy food though.

While it's not practical to feed 6 dogs this way it is a nice diversion or game for my girls.
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