Hyper or huggable?

Just a curious question...I know all sheepies have different personalities, but Mopsey and Prissy are SOOO different, I was wondering if one was closer to the "norm".

Mopsey is lovey-dovey all the time. She can get hyper, but her absolute favorite thing in the whole world is to be noticed by people. AND she's never pushy about it, she gives us huge puppy eyes and smiles. She also enjoys a good nap on the kitchen floor when we are busy.

Mopsey on the other hand is energy constantly. If we are around her she works herself up and up and up - she starts out panting slowly, and then it grows heavier and heavier. While this is going on she will begin to bob herself around and almost practice-jump on her front paws. She has yet to lay down if we are anywhere in the room. I know she does though - I see her in the mornings!! :wink:

They're both really loving and super fun, but I was just curious . . .
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Well, I know Louie is closer to Mopsey in personality. He has hyper moments (usually when other people or dogs are around) but he also has his quiet moments with me. Although, Louie is pushy about being noticed. He like to be the center of attention :roll:
Mopsey and Prissy sound really adorable. I would say they sound like my two, who are very different from each other. Chummie is all lovey-dovey and loves attention from people. Maggie is constant energy.
I think they are both normal. Maggie, my parents' sheepdog (and mine until I left home!) is much more calm and relaxed, although she's now 8 and much calmer than she was a few years ago. We used to have the sheepie 500 in our house, which included a set course of the hallway, kitchen, and living room, ending up on the couch in the family room.

Barney, on the other hand, is more of a non stop energy boy. Of course he has his quiet moments, but for the most part he is always on the go. He's only 18 months, so I don't know if this is age or his personality...
Neither of mine are what I would call hyper, but Dancer is more "mature" I guess. She will lay quietly at my feet and be content that she is touching my foot where as Sky will insist on her whole head, or all of her for that matter, being in my lap and be petted. She is definitely more pushy for attention.
Wow - thanks so much for the responses - I love learning about all your dogs and it's neat to hear that these two fit right in! :)
Panda is a hyper one outside,going nonstop. But inside she is much calmer....she will lay next to the sofa and as I am constantly touching her, will sit up if I stop and give me the "look"..."dont stop mom"...
each of my 4 sheep dogs had VERY different personalities and energy levels. Max was content with adults and preferred quiet, Harry loved kids and would play until HE was tired, but his personality was very calm and laid back. Sam was like an old man when he was a puppy. Very stubborn and moves at his own pace and then there is Gus. He is the happiest dog I have ever seen. He counter surfs, where none of the others do, he plays with toys, again none of the others do, he wants to jump and play constantly, always smiling and he is definitely the alpha male and exerts his authority over Sam who is 6 years older and 35 pounds heavier. all of our dogs are neutuered, and we thought this would calm Gus down, BUT nothing doing. He is the most outgoing personality of all of them.
Just like people they're all different. But each one has their own special personality.
Lennon is all hyper, he's always running, barking and trying to play. He lays on the couch to be petted ofr a a few minutes and then he starts looking for something to do. Sofa is just the opposite, she will lay on the floor next to you and stay there until yo go somewhere else... I'm thinking about changing her name to RUG :lol:
saulmr wrote:
I'm thinking about changing her name to RUG :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, I guess Benjamin is both! :roll:

He is so cuddley with me, my boys and hubby but, my mom says, "My, god, he is so hyper!", I prefer "FULL OF LIFE"! :D
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