Are Sheepies part goat?

Or am I the only one with a crazy dog, who will eat anything?

Cans, will chew them 'til they are flat!, Water bottles, forget it! Dish scrubber, Ben thinks this is his personal tooth brush!, Baby bottles, yumm! Anything within reach, he will find and will chew! We have even had to put the trash can from the kitchen outside in the garage, 'cuz he has learned how to open it...and I have had to put baby latches on my cabinets (I know I have a baby, but the kids stay away) because of Ben!

It is just the kitchen stuff that he loves, he doesn't mess with anything else.......Thank GOD!!!!
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That would also explain the head butting...
I called Beau "my little billy goat" for ages! He's outgrown some of it, but I still have to watch him like a hawk. Kids plastic toys, ponytail holders, hair curlers, make-up name it - he'll chew it. :evil: :roll:
:lol: Louie is not a chewer but a theif. I have to hide the garbage, too.
Luckily Barney's only a head butter so chomping...
ButtersStotch wrote:
That would also explain the head butting...

Dito :lol: :lol: :lol:
I had to put baby latches on the pantry, my kids are a bit toooo old for that, but to keep sheepie girls out. It's a sliding door, Kelsey (the guts) learned how to stick the head against the door and slide it open. Caught her with a few things from there, I think she thought it was a self serve pantry just for her. So latches on that to keep miss piggy out :twisted:
I think it has more to do with his name. My "Ben" is a Golden Retriever.

He has eaten (caught in the act or evidence left out back):
paychecks (left a quarter of one, so we got a replacement)
credit cards
cash (he once walked in with 20s and 5s hanging out of his mouth)
part of a wallet
men's dress socks from Neimans ($30/pr)
food my kid's put in the sink with the garbage disposal, but hadn't ground up yet
chocolate icing off a fresh cake
hunks of a cheesecake (without pulling it onto the floor) - talk about gas
leftover pizza from the closed box
stuffing from soft toys
water bottles
wash cloths (cause of first surgery)
kid's socks (cause of second surgery)
ink pens (we saw him before the ink leaked)

We have the lever-type handles on our doors - he learned how to open all of them, even the ones you have pull toward you. :x
My house is kept organized just to protect the "garbage boy."
You have my sympathy.

Marsha, Bennett, Bailey & Riley
It is good to know that Ben isn't the only one! :D

I keep my home really clean. (I am often called compulsive in this area) and I make sure that my oldest boy keeps his toys in his room and picked up, but Ben always finds a way to find something to chew!

Latches on the pantry are this weekends project! Then we should be completly safe! HOPEFULLY!!! :roll:
Bailey thinks that the trash cans are his personal toy stores. The kitchen trash in in a cabinet, but he patrols the bathroom and office trash for good stuff. He's especially fond of toilet paper rolls.
SUe Writes

Bailey thinks that the trash cans are his personal toy stores

Bailey must be related to Bunker. The bathroom garbage is her toy box too. Especially Qtip with make up on them. :roll:
Rosco's top three favorites:

Cell phones
Winston knows how to flip the top of the garbage can in the kitchen.

He also looks into the garbage can in the bathroom which I try to keep empty now.

His favorite is paper towels and napkins. When I catch him with them he stuffs them on top of his mouth so you can't feel them when you are searching his mouth, but now I'm up on him so I know he has them hiding up on the roof of his mouth.
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Rosco's top three favorites:

Cell phones

Hey, he must be Louie's twin. My cell phone is missing the top to the antenna and he destroyed my glasses (although I got contacts out of that deal :lol: ) He's not onto remotes yet (thank goodness!)
Winston knows how to flip the top of the garbage can in the kitchen

oh noooo!! I hope my dog doesn't learn to do that! we went out of our way to buy those trashcans with lids (even in bathroom) to prevent yuksters from vacuuming up all the objects inside.
I need to hide this post from Jasper! lol About the only things he'll touch are dog food, rawhides, and milkbones. Oh, he's gotten into the cat food a couple of times too.
yep - Ollie will eat anything and I do mean anything. anything that moves, or not the same colour as the floor - it all goes straight into his mouth and he knows he shouldn't have it - the other day he had one of my make-up remover pads - little gypsy !!
Last night I found Barney munching on the corner of the new entry rug :roll: Pulling it apart, string by string...
When Katrina was a puppy, I came home and she had eaten the carpet. She ate a hole about a foot by a foot. She left the pad for dessert. She was mad because it was the first time we had had company and left her for a long period of time without attention.

Hannah actually ate a hole in the wall. Not a corner mind you, but a flat part of the wall. Probably about 8 inches in diameter. She also ate corners off of most of the baseboards.

We've had glasses, contact lens cases, shoes, socks, eaten by wayward sheepies.
Both Bosley and Dixie love to eat fur. After brushing we need to hide the "clumps" because they will chow down on them.
I guess I am somewhat thankful not to have dealt with puppy chewing.
Pepsi was 10 mos old when we got him and the most he chewed was a few of my son's toys and a flip flop.... well that and anything left on the counter.
Bosley's mom wrote:
Both Bosley and Dixie love to eat fur. After brushing we need to hide the "clumps" because they will chow down on them.

Grody! Ben does that too!
Bosley's mom wrote:
Both Bosley and Dixie love to eat fur. After brushing we need to hide the "clumps" because they will chow down on them.

Louie does that, too! When I shaved him down it was a battle to keep him from his fur. Maybe he thought it was his and still needed to be 'with' him...? 8O
isabella wrote:
Bosley's mom wrote:
Both Bosley and Dixie love to eat fur. After brushing we need to hide the "clumps" because they will chow down on them.

Louie does that, too! When I shaved him down it was a battle to keep him from his fur. Maybe he thought it was his and still needed to be 'with' him...? 8O

Beau does that, too. I have to keep one of those plastic grocery bags handy to put the hair in as I clean the brush. Otherwise it disappears.
Bentley's favorite "food" is fur!

I wad it into a big clump and let him gnaw on the end of it from my hand when I'm trying to work on his face or front legs.

The vet gave me a really weird look when I told him that. :roll:
Jil, remember the first day that we brought Bentley home and were shaving him in your backyard? He ate about 3 pounds of hair that day!
Okay, after I bragged about Jasper, he discovered the garbage can a couple of days ago. It's his new favorite toy now. *sigh* I think I'm going to buy a smaller one and hide it in the cabinet or something.
The only thing Daisy seems to want to chew, other than her toys and bones, are the laces on my tennis shoes. I thought she had gotten over this until we moved, but since then she has gone throught 2 sets of laces (only 2 because I don't have any to replace them with right now) while I was at work. I'm hoping once she gets used to me being gone all day, she will stop doing this and am thankful it is the only destructive behavior she has shown. (knock on wood - I don't want to jinx myself on this one)
Our very first sheepdog would eat anything - drywall, wallpaper, rip up couch pillows, every piece of wood furniture, pulled night lights out of the sockets and chewed them, razors, etc.

When we got Frank I was prepared for the worst but he didn't chew up anything except for an occasional roll of toilet paper.. :D
Toilet paper is Bentley second favorite "food"!
floofdog wrote:
Toilet paper is Bentley second favorite "food"!

They are all health conscious 4-foots. Everyone knows you always need more fiber.
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