Rant about finding a job

i need to piss and moan for a few minutes.

I am a recent college graduate who is looking for a job, rather unsuccessfully, for the past 3 months. I have applied to major corporations and small local businesses for every position from assistant manager to professional assistant manager's butthair cleaner (practically) i've been on a few interviews and gotten no jobs.

this is not the most bothersome part. I have recently realized that i need money more than my pride, and began applying for retail jobs. measely, crappy, 9 bucks or less an hour retail jobs. now, with 200 copies of my resume floating all over this god forsaken internet, there's been 2 calls on my phone. one led to an interview and no job, and the other was the vet calling to say that sammy was due for his shots, i don't own or know a sammy, so i think that was a wrong number.

this is what pitiful crap my life has turned into. 2 calls and one isn't even for me. i call and call the places that have my resume, and i can't even get someone to friggin talk to me......i hate this world, my life, working, the idea of working for idiots who can't answer the phone, and the thought of not being good enough for a friggin' sales job.
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Ed. Take a deep breath. Just sit back and relax. It'll be okay.

Now. I totally understand where you are coming from. It is really hard to be a recent college grad. Especially if you are looking for something particular. Many people would say, that's not true, it's easier when you know what you are looking for--but I disagree...because you have a focus and the jobs you want aren't always there.

That said...I took a job at Nordstrom after I graduated. I graduated in the spring and took the summer off (told my dad that I had been working since I was 16 and needed the time off--not that he was paying for me during that time--just so he wouldn't keep asking me every other second if I had found a job)...SO. I found a job that Sept. in my 'field' (publishing). It was part time and $8/hr, but I figured it would look good on my resume. I also got another part time 'resume building' job. I had quit both jobs by the new year. I needed the $, so off to Nordstrom. It actually worked rather well because you have varying hours so you can still look and go on job interviews, but it gives you a little money in the meantime.

There's nothing wrong with being a college grad and working retail...Also, when I moved to VA 2 years ago and I had no contacts and still not a huge resume and VA isn't exactly the publishing mecca...I worked at Nordstrom again...The worst experience I had working there, though, was I was ringing up a man (I worked in a woman's department, so he was clearly buying something for his wife) and his 10-ish year old son was with him. He asked me something like do you have this in another color and I said no this is the last one, but I could call another store... and he got upset saying he wanted it now and his son said what's wrong and the dad said, it doesn't matter--she is just a cashier, she doesn't matter. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!

SO, take it easy, no harm in getting a retail job, I know it sucks, but something better will be out there waiting for you...
his son said what's wrong and the dad said, it doesn't matter--she is just a cashier, she doesn't matter. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!

You know what
1. Where is the bat when you need to hit someone over the head. I hate @#^holes like that.
2. His kid will grow up and will end up saying "DO you want fries with that" for a living.

Ed, Chin up, it takes time to get your foot in the door. Do what you have to do to pay the bills, and keep looking.

What about male dancing???? :lol:
Ed .. Right out of college I waitressed at Red Lobster....I couldnt find a job in design to save my life..it took 2 years and lots of vericose veins and sore feet...But it will happen....keep throwing those resumes out there..something will stick....
Rant away, Ed. We're listening...!

We all felt like that right out of college - believe me! If it hadn't been for temp agencies, I might never have gotten a job! It takes time, perserverance and patience. Not what you want to hear right now, I know, but at least you know you're not alone. 8)
Ed -

I totally understand your raving. I am also a recent college grad, in secondary choral education!! HOWEVER . . . I am not teaching high school choir at the moment! I am a pre-school teacher working in a room of 12 18-24 month old children, and teaching music to the rest of the pre-school. It's a pretty cool job, but the pay is definitely :x . I understand needing to find a job in a specific field not only to enjoy what you're doing, but to pay back the college loans!!! I'm always on-line looking for positions, etc. And as to the little measley jobs to keep while you're looking for a position - I worked at Subway for a while to make ends meet!! Nowhere else would look at me becuase I HAD a resume - woops too over-qualified for some jobs, and just not enough field positions open for the other ones . . . :?

Anyway - good luck with everything and let us know how it turns out!!

I don't work in my 'field'. I took the job because I needed money. So you are not the only one. But it's a good job so I may stay awhile and gain experience(in my field) on the weekends.

I keep adding the letter e to job. Maybe I didn't go to school... :lol:
I ended up doing a lot of freelance work right out of college. My focus was journalism so I wrote for a bunch of different newspapers. Guess what I found out? I hated working for newspapers. So now I'm out of college with a degree in a field I hate. I'd been working in a restaurant for years and was making great money but the point was, I didn't want to do it anymore.

I ended up crawling back to my old internship advisor and told him how I felt. He suggested something related to writing and hooked me up with a temp job with a university magazine. I figured I'd work there a couple of months and look for something better in the meantime. Long story short, after the time was up, the guy I worked for said, "You know, you could do my job." I knew this already because I'd been doing it all summer. It also made me wonder how he worked when I wasn't there but, anyway... He said another job like his was opening up somewhere else in the university. With jobs being slim pickins, I camped out in the office where the job was until they'd see me. They finally gave me an interview after about a week of me stopping in everyday twice a day and I got the job. I've been here ever since.

I realize this does nothing to help you but I guess the moral of the story is, sometimes things pop up unexpectedly in ways you wouldn't see them coming. It's the last thing you want to hear, but have patience. Take a crap job for money and keep looking. Things can only get better now.

:go: <-- for encouragement
Aww Ed! It is such a HUGE bummer looking for a job! My sister graduated from college in 2004 w/ a bio degree... She got a HORRIBLE lab job and had to quit it was so hideous, then she helped teach special education students, but didn't make enough to pay the bills, so now she works in a construction company... which she also hates. She's decided to take the MCAT and join the army once she gets accepted into med school they'll pay for her to become a Dr...

I'm not saying you should join the army, but hang in there, finding work in your field can be difficult to impossible sometimes! Keep your options open, and you'll find something!

I'm sending you positive job vibes!

Karen :)
Ed, I completely sympathize with you!! I have been looking for work since November and with 9 years experience, the best offer I recieved was for $8.50/hr. It is so frusterating to apply at a million places and not recieve any response at all! My beef is why can't they just let you know they recieved your resume? It starts to get in your head and shake your confidence.I wish I could give you some magical boost but I find myself in the same boat as you. I have had zero luck applying over the internet...I hope you find something.
I have had zero luck applying over the internet...

Its crazy here in Edmonton, I could quit today and have a job tomorrow. I have noticed that it is not an employers market but an employees market. Here in Edmonton depending on your field you can pick a choose for whom and where you want to work.

There you go Ed, you could move to freezing cold Edmonton, Canada!
Everyone keeps telling me there are a million jobs here in Calgary, I see alot of trades hiring. I have applied at many places just don't seem to get a response...strange how Edmonton and Calgary are so close yet the job market seems so different.
Unfortunately management positions are almost non-existant in this job market right now. My husband is in the same boat and even though he's running the ship pretty well with our in house business he's best suited for motivating & rallying "a team" from creatives to warehouse workers. He's a true leader and it sucks that he is wasting his skill set with me.

I think maybe you should think about other fields. That Doctor Coat looked pretty good on you... :wink:
VerveUp wrote:
I think maybe you should think about other fields. That Doctor Coat looked pretty good on you... :wink:

i'm going in the fall back to school for my MBA.....i really just want a management (even something like gas station management) job to build a pretty decent resume, even if the job sucks....
I left college and went straight to being an at home mom. I've been doing this for 5 years this coming May. I'm terrified of trying to go back to work (worked from age 15 until then), and I'm almost positive I'll never work in what I got my degree in (operational meteorology).

A job will land in your lap when you least expect it. Just do what you need to do to pay the bills. (((hugs))) and thoughts coming your way!
Chin-Up Ed! It will all work out the way that it is meant to be..................

...........in the mean while, I am looking for a secretary, so if you are willing to come down to Florida (it is 77 degrees today) you got the job, however there is one stipulation.....you have to wear the the clinic jacket :D

Don't give up! Before I nailed this job I was scooping poop! :roll: Now I am an Office Manager/Paralegal! :clappurple:

Give yourself a hug and know it will be fine!
I'll come and work for oyu in Florida. Its -27 here today, -40 with the wind chill.
LOL, I just really want to see Ed in the Jacket!!!! :D :oops:

-27! 8O That is crazy!!

Weatherman says it will be in the 80's again this coming week! :clappurple:
Its freakin cold here. I like the temps that you are going to have.
rebecca wrote:
Before I nailed this job I was scooping poop! :roll: Now I am an Office Manager/Paralegal!
Some might say that the difference is only the container ... plastic tubs vs. filecabinets :roll:
Keep your head high, Ed. I probably sound like a broken record, but have you contacted recruiters, posted on Monster.com, and considered temp work at a corporation? A lot of temps gets hired as permanent employees. Also, please understand that you aren't likely to be hired as a Manager or even Asst Mgr until you've been at a company for a while and understand their business processes.

Both hubby and I work in the health care corporate world. We actually met at our first "real" job out of school at the same company. Both of us started out as peons. We were doing the same job and Steve has been there now for about 8 years. 4 years ago he was promoted to Manager and just this week he is interviewing for an Associate Director position. Slowly but surely he is moving up in the world. As for me, I've been at several companies but the knowledge I've gained at each has been invaluable as I made the next step up in the corporate world.

Good luck and consider ALL options!
And I know you mentioned, Ed, that you are going to get your MBA this fall--have you applied and been accepted? How long have you been out of school? From what I've heard they tend to not accept people right out of college--they like people to have a good 3 or so years working in the business world before they let them in to grad school for business.
Walter is looking for a personal assistant, I could put in a good word for you if you want..
Ed wrote:
... this is what pitiful crap my life has turned into... and i can't even get someone to friggin talk to me......i hate this world, my life, working, the idea of working for idiots who can't answer the phone, and the thought of not being good enough for a friggin' sales job.

.... look on the bright side Ed, you always seem to have a date. :hearts: :go: :hearts:
Ron wrote:
rebecca wrote:
Before I nailed this job I was scooping poop! :roll: Now I am an Office Manager/Paralegal!
Some might say that the difference is only the container ... plastic tubs vs. filecabinets :roll:

Funny Ron! :D I don't do the filing, that's why I have a secretary! I am the brains of the operation! The Attorney's just make the money :|
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