Tasker is limping

I noticed about thursday that Tasker seemed to be limping on his front end. At first I thought it was because of snow balls between his toes but last night it was more pronounced (of course, it was friday night and no vet around). It is difficult to tell which of his front legs he is favoring but I have inspected and palpated both legs top to bottem and can find nothing out of the ordinary. The pads of the feet are fine, there are not any sores or open areas and none of the joints from the toes to the sholders seem to be tender, warm, or swollen. His toenails were a bit long, so I clipped them but other than that could find nothing unusual.

Anybody know of anything that might cause "front end" problems? We are headed to the Vets next week for blood work. His itching has improved greatly(not gone completely but better), I don't know if it's the Derm caps or the new food but it is better. I am now imagining all sorts of terrible "auto immune problems" that may be affecting his skin and joints.............
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I hope you find an answer and Tasker is better soon!
I hope you find an answer and Tasker is better soon!

I second this; I hope it is nothing serious and I wish you both good luck at the vets next week.
It may be nothing, he might have pulled a muscle or slept on it wrong or something. I hope he's better soon! :)
Give Tasker big kisses and belly rubs for me too!! I vote with Stacey, he may have just tweeked it doing something sheepie...or maybe Ty did it when you werent looking?
Poor Tasker! :cry:

I would wonder the same thing as Stacey mentioned...it's so unusual to be the front end, after not finding any visible problems on paws?! :?

Why does everything happen on the weekend? :roll:
Poor Tasker! Poor Ginny!
Give him a hug for me if you ever slow down giving him hugs from you. :D
shoulder sprains from stepping into a hole when running, jumping from too high an area, bite or bruise from another dog are first thoughts. Neck disc pinch. Arthritis is another. And of course that awful problem we don't talk about. Shane and Sam both limped off the front initially.

Tasker needs to rest a bit, maybe Mom can massage the shoulder and leg, that's always popular.
Poor Tasker, just keep him quiet, no running around and as sheepieboss said a little bit of massage, hopefully it is only something strained or maybe the neck out a bit. Hugs for tasker.
He's had a quiet day, I've been in class all day so he's been snoozing On the couch (I didn't even yell at him when I came home and found him on the couch!!). He seems to limp more when he first gets moving then as he loosens up not so much. He definately doesn't want to chase Ty :(
Poor Tasker! :cry: Poor guy has been going through so much lately. And poor Ginny! :cry: Poor Ginny has been going through so much lately, too! Please keep us posted on what you find out at the vet's.
how old is Tasker? Just reading up on OCD for the doggie in Colorado. If Tasker is younger, maybe OCD??
Tasker is 9, what is OCD? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 8O 8O , that would be me not him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OCD is Osteochondrosis, and tasker is too old to have it, it affects young dogs in there growth stage, bone, joints and cartilage. Factors linked to OCD is hereditry & also linked to this condition is diet oversupplementation of calcium too. If affects mainly larger breeds particualarly puppies which grow rapidly. :wink:
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm suspecting it's "old" age related as it's obvious that it's worse when he first starts moving a loosens up with movement. I'm not sure what 9 is in dog years but I know it ain't no spring chicken, He hasn't been as active this winter as usual (my fault-between work and school I haven't gotten him out as much as I should :oops: ) so it may be a little arthritis setting in. Wish I could get him on my eliptical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear Tasker's not feeling well, Ginny. Is he any better today?

~Tammy (Beaureguard's Mom) - not sure why I got logged out :roll:
Today is the first day I've been able to spend the entire day watching him and it definately is a when he first starts moving thing. If he's been moving around for awhile he is fine but if he's been laying down and gets up he limps. Arthritis? :?
Hi Ginny,

I can't believe I hadn't posted regarding Tasker's ailment as I've read this numerous times waiting for more news. I'm sending lots of love you way and hoping that his soreness will only be a temporary thing.

I'd think about putting him on glucosamine for the time being (it's a natural people medicine too) and works wonders for helping with sore or athritic muscles.

Marianne and the boys
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