winter shaving

My Morgan had a skin problem with a couple of "hot spots". Needless to say from her itching and biting she has become matted, too matted to brush it out. My question is, Is bad for me to shave her in the winter or should I wait until its warmer. I am in NJ and it will be cool for a couple more months. The skin problem has been clear up with the prescription I got from the vet.
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If she is badly matted it would be more comfortable for her to be shaved. Winter is OK but make sure you have a nice warm dog coat for her. :wink:
I feel for you! Not to worry though. I just shaved Zeke down, I finally
gave in to the coat change. He just turned 1 last week, and with all that
has been going on around here, I couldn't keep up. He is totally fine and
I haven't noticed anything different in him as far as being outside. I
live near Hershey PA, so not too far from you. Although we have been
on the warmer side for the last few weeks, and I think snow is coming,
my guys aren't out for long periods anyway. So unless they insist on
being out in the snow, I am not putting clothing on my dogs. The older
of my 2 is extra clingy at night with a very short coat, no matter the
season, the younger seems not to mind at all. He is all energy and
hormones right now, but that too is about to change!
If your dog is out a lot for long periods, by all means keep him warm
if you think he needs it. Mine don't seem to care, so I don't bother.

My rescue sheepie-girl named Panda is from NJ :)

I too just clipped my 3 big girls down to 1/2" to 3/4" and they are happy as... well... sheepies! Mine have coats if the weather gets too cold otherwise we just limit their outdoor time. Haven't used the coats yet.

As long as Morgan's an indoor sheepie and not left outside for long periods unattended, she should be perfectly fine. If she wears a coat outdoors just make sure there's no possibility of it being a choking/hanging hazard should she be left unattended (I'm a worrier, can't ya tell?).

You may find your sheepie acting like a pup after her haircut. Mine seem to love it. Good luck!

I've kept both of my sheepies shaved year round after their first year, and I live 40 miles outside of Chicago, where the weather gets pretty nippy in winter. Both were indoor dogs, and only subject to the weather on our daily walks, but neither missed their fur coats in the slightest. I've never invested in clothing, as both dogs tended to be on the warm side anyway. The temperature in our house is set to go down to 64 degrees overnight (mostly for the dog's comfort!), and Oscar still sleeps on the tile floor in the bathroom, as it's cooler than the carpet.

And I agree with 6girls....don't be surprised if you end up with a bouncing puppy after the seems to free them up somehow, as if they're not "free" enough!

Best of luck.
I broke down and shaved Merlin right before Christmas, and he still pants quite a bit :D ! He is much more energetic and bouncy, like Laurie said. I almost cried when it happened, it was his first shave - and it felt like I was losing my own hair! Merlin does seem to be quite happy about it and it has made him so much more snuggly at night, I love it! I do still miss his nice long coat though.
About how long does it take to grow back a full coat of hair for them?
Normally their coats come back at around an inch a month.
Hair grows about an inch a month, give or take depending on the dog.
Rosco just got shaved down and a happier boy I've never seen :D Still needs his face trimmed because he looks like a 97 lb terrier :D :oops:
The Gooch is shaved down...he doesn't mind a bit! :D

He runs to fast to get cold! :lol:
six girls - your pictures are adorable - the bannana thief cracked me up! that is surely a sheepie move! - lol :o
After reading your posts, I feel better now. Max is being groomed at this moment, and they'll probably be shaving him. I tried to comb out his mats, but he has so many and they just have been multiplying. He's 14 months old and I think part of this is that his coat is changing, I was hoping to wait till spring to shave him. His hair was about 3-4 inches and the longest he's ever been, but with all the mats he was definitely getting more uncomfortable lately, so I hope this is the right thing to do! :cry: He was shaved once before and we love him both ways, of course, well, I'll be going to pick him up, can't wait to see the results :roll:

We are so desperate for moisture, I went ahead and shaved Jack. Now I need to wash the car, the house windows, and then shave MO......anything for moisture.
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