Moving this weekend

Hi All,
I am moving my family and my two sheepies from a house to a townhouse this weekend and things are getting really nutty. My older dog Layla seems fine, but the more things get packed and moved about, the nuttier the 18 month old Sophie is getting. At this point, she is literally leaping off the floor and spinning round and round or running madly from room to room to room almost 100% of the time. She dashes out of her crate in the morning and the chaos ensues until I put her back in the crate. I've tried to reassure her with soothing tones, treats, etc. to no avail.

I'm worried about moving day, which is two days away and ESPECIALLY those first hours/days in the new place.

Anyone have any experience getting doggies to say goodbye to the old place and hello to the new one without too much craziness? or at least less craziness?

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Hi, Sophie definitely knows her environment is changing and I'm sure this is invading her comfort level.

Whenever I pack to go away, our 2 yr. old Frank knows something is going on and whimpers. It is an axiety issue and the best thing to do is ignore the behavior the best you can. By ignoring I mean don't scold or coddle them, this just encourages or reinforces the behavior. So by reassuring her, with soothing tones is just adding to her anxiety that something is wrong. If she's in your way while moving, just keep her in her crate or a separate room until you get stuff out of the way. She'll be fine once you guys get settled in.

You can also try giving her a Benydryl (sp) to help take a little edge off of her anxiety. This helps Frank a lot.

Good luck with your move and we would love to hear more about your pups once you're settled in.
Thanks, Verve!
Honestly Sophie will be fine! :D She is just worried that she cannot be with you! :D As soon as you are all moved...she'll be back to herself, I'm sure of it! :D

When we moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa, Bart (our beloved sheepie, now at rainbow bridge) had to move from our house, to my mom's...then stay with my mom for a month while we found a place here 8O then take a plane ride...all by himself to Ottawa! I was late picking him up, because I went to the terminal to get him (I don't know what I was thinking....that he was going to come down the escalator with his carry on? 8O ) so after they told me (stifiling laughter...I was almost in tears by then :cry: ) to go to the Cargo building...I made it...running into the building, up to the counter, and proclaimed "I am here to pick up my puppy!" The big burley shipper/receiver guy chuckled, and said "that is NO puppy" (Bart was over 100lbs! 8O ). He brought me into the receiving area where I found another couple of gruff looking men, talking baby talk to my Bart man! :lol: :lol: He was so happy to see me, and he was exactly the same from then on out...just in a new home, in a new city...he just wanted his mommy! :lol:

Good luck with the move! :D
Sir Gucci's Mom wrote:
I was late picking him up, because I went to the terminal to get him (I don't know what I was thinking....that he was going to come down the escalator with his carry on? 8O )

I had to laugh out loud! Sounds just like something I'd do! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I would suggest trying Bach's Rescue Remedy before benadryl if you can. It's all natural, and can be bought at any health food store. You can either put a few drops right on her tongue for very stressful moments, or put some in her water a couple times a day, or both.
I would suggest letting her spend more time in her crate if that's where she is calmest.
Good luck with the move! :)
When I moved with Merlin, he would rip up anything paper while I was gone, he took some japanese lanterns out of the box I had them in and tore them to shreds - he was never normally a destructive dog, but once I started packing he knew something was up. Once we were in the house he was fine. It took him hardly any time to adjust, like Colleen said, as long as they're with mommy things usually end up okay!
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