I have come to the conclusion.....

that Mick Jagger would look better in a bikini than me 8O 8O 8O 8O
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I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, but I do know that you'd sound better.
HAHAHAHAHAHA... Give me your phone number...Ill sing you a REALLY good song....does the oriental guy on American Idol ring a bell......hahahahaha...I just cant stop laughing....but really (wiping tears from the corner of my eyes)...why does a 60 some odd old MALE have skinnier legs and a flat stomach...there really is something wrong with this picture!!
If I were closer I'd smack you. Mick Jagger! 8O
Billy says you have the perfect body and your hubby probably doesn't tell you that often enough.
Did you see the half time sing a long....
Darcy wrote:
why does a 60 some odd old MALE have skinnier legs and a flat stomach...there really is something wrong with this picture!!

Better living through chemistry?
haha yea the whole time i was watching i was thinking how he had a smaller waist than me. and a shinier shirt.
Ohhh....hhhhh hhhhhh You guys are killing me!!!

I didn't watch the Superbowl as I was out at various parks today for some one on one time with my boys. Still, I can say I'm jealous of any guy that can puff out his chest further than I can. Hmph!

Marianne and the boys
The half time show sounded horrible. I don't know if it was the electronics or the rolling stones themselves.

I just can't believe how skinny they are either. I mean, to be in their 60s and still look that way is amazing. I think they would look better if they put on a few lbs but at this point, probably not gonna happen...
I thought it sounded horrible too - Jason & I were talking about that. He is too skinny!
That's funny! I thought it sounded bad, too, but mostly I was thinking how ridiculous they looked and that they seriously need to consider giving it up. :x
They looked awful! This is the only part of the SuperBowl I ever watch. I much preferred Janet Jackson and her boob incident over Mick Jagger shaking his bootie around. Steve said that they'd be perfect for a new arthritis drug commercial :D

I have to give him credit for still being able to move around like that, but geez..a rhinestone belt too! We kept commenting on how thin they were.
They did sound bad. Some of that is the acoustics of the arena. Most of it is the system that they had in there (I can't believe how many monitors they were using! Why don't they just have in ears? :roll: ) The rest of it was the band.
A bunch of the people we were with had just seen them when they came through Hershey and said they were amazing live, not at all like they were in the halftime show. Maybe it takes a little bit to "start them up"! :rimshot:
I've seen them before at a huge stadium and they were amazing. Great show--it WAS about 7 years ago, but still...I'm sure it is hard to only do a 3 song show where you can't properly set up or warm up before hand.
I thought they looked anD sounded GROSS, GIVE IT UP MICK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Mick looked a lot like the nanner man :banana:
The half time was horrifying!

I am a 25 year old woman and wouldn't even think of wearing a "babydoll" shirt.....what in the world makes Mick think we was to see him in one......time to retire!
Hmmmmmm, I'm not sure what he looked like but I don't think the work "man" should be included in the description! :roll:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Hmmmmmm, I'm not sure what he looked like but I don't think the work "man" should be included in the description! :roll:
You're so right!

Now, THIS is a REAL MAN's tummy...

Darcy wrote:
does the oriental guy on American Idol ring a bell..

no, unfortunately he does not ring a bell, he sings.
his name BTW is William Hung

in case anyone didn't get who she was talking about.

BACK TO THE TOPIC: i find that hard to believe Darcy, the only thing Mick Jagger looks good in is the coffin he sleeps in at night..... :)
I thought we were done with that picture, Ron... :evil:
Ron, you are such a MANLY MAN :lol: :lol:

Be careful, I'll be posting pictures of my GB incision!!!!!!! :twisted:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I thought we were done with that picture, Ron... :evil:
Done with it? I had to climb a step stool and stand on my head to get that picture. (BTW , I still have an indentation where that bull's eye was...)
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Be careful, I'll be posting pictures of my GB incision!!!!!!! :twisted:
Maybe you'd like to see all FOUR OF THEM, BRUISES AND ALL :twisted: :twisted:
All right Ron stop hijacking this thread with your nasty nasty tick bite 8O ...
and Ginny if you do post your pics start your own nasty operation recooperation thread 8O ...Im grossed out enough by that recurring tick bite photo...love ya but really dont want to see that......

and mandy youre right....the banana man is mick...lol
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Maybe you'd like to see all FOUR OF THEM, BRUISES AND ALL :twisted: :twisted:

Ooh, Oooh, I would!!!! Put them up! I love scar pictures!
I agree Mick does look like banana man :lol:

Don't worry about the bikini, just don't be wearing white socks on the beach... :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Darcy wrote:
that Mick Jagger would look better in a bikini than me 8O 8O 8O 8O

Don't worry about how you look in the bikini, be very worried about those white socks!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Darcy, I'm sorry but ....



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
that Mick Jagger would look better in a bikini than me

OK...honestly Darce...Mick in a bikini? 8O That's just wrong!!! :lol: :lol:

You are kick a$$...so stop that insane talk! :wink:

And just for the record...that photo frightened me Ron...really scared me...

I vote for a comparison pic of Darce in a bikini beside Mick in one and then have a vote! :twisted:

Where's Val...I'm sure she could photo shop a pic of Mick in a "kini"! And Darce...cough one up of you!!! :lol:
Bite your tongue col...maybe when i get back from hawaii with a tan and have done the adkins two weeks prior....until then keep holding your breath! :twisted:
Why would it scare you , Colleen? :?:
because ron...it would not have been so bad if you had shaved first!
like I said in Ron's original thread with the tick...it's all about the manscaping! 8)
Darcy wrote:
because ron...it would not have been so bad if you had shaved first!

many ladies find ron's teddy bear-esque physique intriguing.....
When did it become wrong to have a hairy chest and stomach.... I didn't think I had drifted into the "ape" category.

I think you all just wanna hear me scream "Kelly Clarkson".
Ah come on you guys they are rock legends.But then I love Prince too So what do I know. or rather the artist formerlly known as Prince or whatever he's calling himself these days. I often wonder what our generation will be listening to at the nursing home if we end up there.Yes indeedy they were all extremely skinny.
herbgirl wrote:
Ah come on you guys they are rock legends.But then I love Prince too So what do I know. or rather the artist formerlly known as Prince or whatever he's calling himself these days. I often wonder what our generation will be listening to at the nursing home if we end up there.Yes indeedy they were all extremely skinny.

rock legends go out on top.

i only wish keith richards was alive to see that performance....HAHAHAHA
Keith Richards can still play the guitar just like Ozzie can sing but not talk. :)
Why would it scare you , Colleen?

I don't know...the ruler, the extreme close-up, really having to figure out what I'm looking at...to name a few! :lol:
Darcy, they all look like starving crack addicts. Give Brian a smack for me and he'd better tell you that you look great.
casearoo wrote:
Darcy, they all look like starving crack addicts. Give Brian a smack for me and he'd better tell you that you look great.

:lol: :lol:
LOL girls...Brian hasnt said a word....It was me...just get easily irratated that a 60 some old man...has better legs and stomach than me....I think he is TOO skinny...but still......Hhhhrrruuummmppp!
You really don't want to look like those heroin addict models do you??
I'd pay money to look as good as you do......if I had it...lol
Problem with GB scars, it leaves a funny looking belly button. Instead of a nice round hole, mine now has a harelip.

I guess Madonna last night showed she too is over the hill. Madona and the Stone, petrified rockers.
Stones, Stones, not just one. Sorry, I have a dog asking for attention as I type.
Okay shoot me Elissa...but....I dont want the heroin look, but the twiggy look....it will never happen, I like food too much...Im making the ribs with your sauce tonight....

Sue...did you hear that ...I MAKING RIBS WITH THE SAUCE!!
Darcy wrote:
Okay shoot me Elissa...but....I dont want the heroin look, but the twiggy look....it will never happen, I like food too much...Im making the ribs with your sauce tonight....

Sue...did you hear that ...I MAKING RIBS WITH THE SAUCE!!

The twiggy look is way over rated!! Curves are what makes a woman a woman.

Enjoy the sauce. Billy has been making BBQ'd Chicken that he will let marinade in a bag od sauce for two or three days. I am not a fan of chicken, but YUMMY. Billy was eating dinner the other night sitting on the patio and I kept hearing him say. Damn, This is good sauce.
I do have to say this is one of my favorite batches...... But dopey never wrote down the slight changes he made in the recipe.
It is finger licking good :P Enjoy those ribs and messy BBQ sauce faces.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
The twiggy look is way over rated!! Curves are what makes a woman a woman.

Ed wrote:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
The twiggy look is way over rated!! Curves are what makes a woman a woman.


Thanks for agreeing with me on that Ed 8)
See Darcy... I am right....lol
i figured the word of the forum hunk would help to back yours up.....

sorry i'm cracking myself up today.
Ed are you going to officially change your username to forumhunk or just hunk?
there are no plans of yet for said name change.

i'll keep you posted.
barney1 wrote:
Ed are you going to officially change your username to forumhunk or just hunk?

That would be very funny. Change it Ed!
Ed wrote:
i figured the word of the forum hunk would help to back yours up.....

sorry i'm cracking myself up today.

Well thank you, I believe it did.
You should change your name.....lol
As some of you know by reading OLD post of mine,Im totally in LOVE w/ mick Jagger!!!Ever since I was 7yrs old Id listen too him for hours on 8track!!LOL!!!Missing you :rimshot: The whip comes down!! :rimshot: MAN!!I love him,and too add one more thing I think he is one of the sexiest men alive!!I know the majority "thinks" hes (dare i say it?) ugly :cow:

All I see when i watch him is a sexy man who knows how too jam,and still make a crowd of millions get up and scream his name!!

Why do you think my OES name is Mickey and my collies name is JAgger??uhmmmmmmm 8O ...LMAO!!

MICK JAGGER YOU ROCK MAN!!!! :rimshot: :banana: :rimshot: :banana: :rimshot: :banana: :rimshot: :banana:
You don't have to change your name, Ron could just change your status from "fluffy" to "Forumhunk". Unless he's saving that title for himself. :P
Oh Tanya, I am soooo sorry........... MICK JAGGER SEXY 8O, you poor thing. You need to get out more girl!!!!! But it's ok, doesn't mean you aren't a wonderful person and we still love you!!!!!!!!! :D
:banana: go for it tanya, if he's married, his wife must be getting old :banana:
:cry: :cry: :cry: tears of pain are streaming down my face from Taskers comment!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

If Mick reads this I dont care what anyone says

I LOVE MICK JAGGER!!! :rimshot: :rimshot:

Altho I do NOT think he would look sexy in a meat hanger..(can we say that?)
...or a banana hammock? :banana:

Ed, I think Mick's wife is about your age...at least his current one. He seems to buy a newer model rather frequently...

Tanya...I can see how you could think he was sexy...WAY BACK THEN...but time is NOT on Mick's side, no it aint!
barney1 wrote:
Tanya...I can see how you could think he was sexy...WAY BACK THEN...but time is NOT on Mick's side, no it aint!

LMAO I agree. I was also head over heals for Sylvester Stallone back in the day. Time is also not on his side....sorry Sly, but you'll always have a special place in my heart.... :D
ACTUALLY i FIND mY Mick to be sexier as he ages!!!! 8) :mrgreen:
Tanya, good for you! Way to stick with your man!

Elissa, that is so funny. I remember in junior high I thought Christian Slater and Ethan Hawke were the hottest...

I don't think I had any old man crushes...maybe Harrison Ford or Jimmy Buffett... :P 8)
barney1 wrote:
I don't think I had any old man crushes...maybe Harrison Ford or Jimmy Buffett... :P 8)

Mine were Kevin Costner, Mel Gibson, Stallone (already mentioned)
and Sam Elliott
Well you could never go wrong with Mel Gibson or Kevin Costner...and I'll forgive you for Stalone...i forget you're a jersey girl!

who is sam elliott? I googled him but I still don't recognize him...
don't forget redford. my mom still swears he's the king of sexy.
barney1 wrote:
who is sam elliott? I googled him but I still don't recognize him...

Sorry I added an extra t to the end of Eliot.
http://www.spacesurfer.com/mceleb/list/ ... iot_0.html
whoa... that is quite a mustache.
Lil Walty wrote:
whoa... that is quite a mustache.

Yeah it is!!! lol

No, I was right about the spelling of his name....well you can find him under both spellings of the last name....weird!!!
Here is more pictures
Oooooohh, old man sexy=David Bowie! Grr baby!
Elissa...I still don't know who he is!! He just doesn't seem familiar to me...so...you like cowboys?

Mandy...grrr is right! And, I think he's so much sexier as an old man than he was bitd
funny you should mention david bowie, as he was caught in bed with Mick Jagger, FULL CIRCLE PEOPLE :-)
David Bowie IS yummy! I LOVED him in the movie "Labyrinth"... and Sting... Sting in "Dune" was hot, hot, hot!!!! Even if they are both too old for me!
David Bowie is one of those people who actually looks better as he ages gracefully. That must be the key word--gracefully. My 85 year old mother once said about Keith Richard "he looks like a dissipated gypsy." He really looks bad but his wife is a gorgeous ex-model and fortunately his 2 daughters don't look like him!
paula, what does a dissipated gypsy look like?!
barney1 wrote:
Well you could never go wrong with Mel Gibson or Kevin Costner...and I'll forgive you for Stalone...i forget you're a jersey girl!

who is sam elliott? I googled him but I still don't recognize him...

I'm going to have to add Tom Selleck to this list! :D

Steph -Sam Elliot (who is soooo yummy!) was in Tombstone and We Were Soliders (with Mel Gibson).
Okay, I thought he might have been in tombstone...it must be his on screen characters that do it for you ladies!

I like Tom Selleck too. He's aged gracefully. And Pierce Brosnan is cute. I used to watch reruns of that detective show he was in...And of course, Sean connery is awesomely old!
A dissipated gypsy looks like Keith Richard, of course! He always wears a scarf across his forehead like a gypsy and his face is total wrinkles and lines. Too much booze and heroin, I guess. And cigarettes. (I have smoking lines on my upper lip, but nothin' like his!) Plus he wears eyeliner. Supposedly Johnny Depp based his Captain Jack Sparrow character from PotC on Keef. And Keef plays his father in the sequel.
Paula O. wrote:
Supposedly Johnny Depp based his Captain Jack Sparrow character from PotC on Keef. And Keef plays his father in the sequel.

Really, Paula? I can't wait to see that movie. I pretend it's to take my nine year old nephew, but..... :lol: :lol:
That was an awesome movie!! I loved it..and I have to say Johnny Depp was quite sexy in a very very weird way
I'm not sure about Johnny Depp...I don't not like him, but I'm not sure if I like him either...definitely liked him on 21 Jump Street!
Speaking of men in POTC... Mmm. Orlando Bloom... I love Orlando Bloom He's yummy... especially as Legolas...

How did this go from a Mick Jagger is looking scary now thread to lets gossip about attarctive male celebrities thread???
Its girl gossip....imagine if we were all sitting around a table with a glass of wine each.....this kinda thing is what gives Brian a headache...LOL
See, I'm not a big Orlando Bloom fan. He's fine and all (not fine as in good looking fine)...he is too delicate for my taste. Guys like Jake Gyllenhal and Orlando Bloom...those 'thinking' guys...I need a manly man! And I think that's why I'm not sure of Johnny Depp...he's too delicate too!

It's been VERY slow at work so keep the gossip coming!
Don't like Johnny Depp, although he was good in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands, nothing sexy about him though IMO
Orlando Bloom is just too young to be truly sexy, but he has potential.

Robert Redford and Richard Gere though........ :D
so curves make a man a man too?
I see nothing sexy in Richard Gere...too pansy...jmo...Now Redford or even Sean Connery...I dont care how old they are...they are hot....
Darcy wrote:
I see nothing sexy in Richard Gere....

i heard a story about a gerbil in richard gere
I agree, I see nothing sexy with Richard Gere either...maybe it has something to do with the gerbil story! ha ha

I'm not sure about Robert Redford. I like Sundance...and I liked him in the Great Gatsby...oh, I don't know...he has those pock marks that have always interfered in his hotness...
seal has pockmarks, he still managed to be a sex symbol for years.
Darcy wrote:
Its girl gossip....imagine if we were all sitting around a table with a glass of wine each.....this kinda thing is what gives Brian a headache...LOL

Wouldn't that be fun :lol: :lol:
Sean Connery (especially in the ROCK). Old enough to be my Grandpa but he could eat crackers in my bed any day. :lol: :lol: . I love the grey hair thing on men (would explain Paul. He's pretty gray for a 38 year old, HAHA). Michael Douglas, Sam Waterson (Law and Order), Tom Selleck (YUMMIER with age), Ricgard Gere in Pretty Woman, William Peterson (CSI). I love the gray hair thing!! My parents say cuz I cause it. :roll:
Tom Selleck is MY HEART THROB :oops: In MY OPINION my honey Doug looks just like him :D :D :D , I'll have to see if I can't scroung a picture for ya'll :D
wow, Magnum P.I. is comin' out looking like a champ today.
OK, so I uploaded a photo, will move it over when it's approved, if Doug find's out HE'S GUNNA KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: But honest, the first time I met him I thought , THAT MAN LOOKS LIKE TOM SELLECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
casearoo wrote:
Sean Connery (especially in the ROCK). Old enough to be my Grandpa but he could eat crackers in my bed any day. :lol: :lol: .

Dying over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't figure out who to quote today!!!

Well, I'm with some of you not with others. Most of the guys who've had plastic surgery (David, Mick) don't do it for me. I used to love the more feminine guys (Brad, Johnny), but not so much anymore. My new man is Nick Lachey. He can come over anytime he wants :D
My new man is Nick Lachey. He can come over anytime he wants

I'm gonna have to fight you for him... :twisted:
Let's compromise...we can switch off weeks.
I believe I laid my claim to Orlando Bloom in a post long ago! And David Bowie too Karen?

THAT'S IT!!!!! Ring the bell!!!!!!! It's on!!!!! Bring it KAREN!

Ed, if you're nice we'll let you watch.....
OMG this is fun! I do so wish we could have a girls night out with everyone here, drinking wine and girl talk....what a great thought Darcy!

I won't fight over Orlando Bloom, although he's pretty yummy, but I will have to ask Ginny to share Tom Selleck! :D
Maxmm wrote:
Ed, if you're nice we'll let you watch.....



Everyone to Darcy's!!!!
BRING IT!!!!!! I don't share well!!! If you win, I still get Sting all to myself!

And Ed- Shame on you! Harumph!

Ed,David Bowie and Mick Jagger in bed YEAH BABY!!!!! :lol: :lol:
Now thats hot!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Sam Elliot is my favorite old guy too. He played in I think it was Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze and he was Cher's boyfriend I think in Mask.Don't know what he's lookin like now though.
Darcy you look skinny in your avatar?? I would like to lose about twenty pounds before summer to. I'm at 145.00 lbs thats about the biggest I've ever been. I'm only 5'3''. I started doing Pilates every night now I just have to stick with it. I f that doesn't work then I'll have to cut back on the eating. My problem is eating when I get home from work when I'm on 2nd shift. I eat a whole nother meal but i usually never eat breakfast.
I think its my fault for saying I think mick Jagger is sexy,and was some how asked what was wrong w/ me????LMAO!!!This is definitly a sit around a dinning room table,drinking wine,and getting all heated discussing what OLDER man does it for us.

Now for the younger men does anyone watch MtV?Anyone watch The real World philly??Well there was a hottie on there that season named landon,and OMG!!!he is so hot.You can catch him on the Gauntlent on mTv Mnoday nights @9pm my time!!My Brussels griffon name is landon!!hehe!!!Oh also anyone watch The Dog Bounty Hunter??The son Lealand on there is so freakin HOTTTTTTT!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 27yrs old,dimples,tan,nice bod OMG!!he's so HOT!!!

I hope this works!!!!
If we all got together I think it would be a riot, so much fun, but also so much trouble!
All right ladies.......................here he is................for your viewing pleasure............................MY VERY OWN TOM SELLECK LOOK ALIKE
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
My sweetie...................................................
I think he's got Mick Jagger beat HANDS DOWN :lol:
Okay, I have loved Johnny Depp since 21 Jump Street!!!!! :D ....but the one who I have always thought was the perfect specimen is.....are you ready???.........Paul Newman! :lol:

He is old enough to be my grandfather but I can remember being wee small and thinking "WOW"!!!

My Secretary has even gone as far as to buy me the "Newman's Own" salad dressing! 8O

I am wierd...I know!
Uh Oh...I just got in trouble w/ my mother :roll: for not mentioning...Clint Eastwood 8O ! (Her pick not mine) vut, she swears he is just the best thing ever :!:
casearoo wrote:
Sean Connery (especially in the ROCK). Old enough to be my Grandpa but he could eat crackers in my bed any day. :lol: :lol: . I love the grey hair thing on men....:roll:

...don't think that's his real hair but he's hot hot hot anyway

Tasker's Mom wrote:
But honest, the first time I met him I thought , THAT MAN LOOKS LIKE TOM SELLECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....Close, but Magnum P.I. could would never go out in the Ferrari with a doll (?) sticking out of his coat pocket. LOL (I won't tell you posted the pic)

I'll fight Karen for Sting. What's Trudy Styler got that we ain't got? Duh! :bulb: STING!! :rimshot:
I'm not much into idol worship, but I'd have to give a couple of great looking smart women:
Jolene Blalock, Jeri Ryan and Marina Sirtis .
(T' Pol, Seven of Nine and Deanna Troi)
Hmmm Jeff Goldblum. But I've always been a sucker for the nerdy guy!
......yeah, Jeff Goldblum in the remake of "The Fly"....

Sweet! :rimshot:
Ginny, Doug IS a hottie....ooh la la
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
....Close, but Magnum P.I. could would never go out in the Ferrari with a doll (?) sticking out of his coat pocket. LOL (I won't tell you posted the pic)

HAHAHAHAHAHA, If I knew how I would have photo shopped it out!!!!! The pic was tken at his work Christmas party and it's a SNOWMAN (table favors), ALL THE MANLY MEN were sporting them :lol: :lol: :lol: But if he finds out I posted this I'M DEAD MEAT!!!!!!!!!!
Darcy wrote:
Ginny, Doug IS a hottie....ooh la la

WHY THANK YOU :lol: :lol: :lol: I think so :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the way, how do you "quote two posts in the same reply???????
Woo, Ginny, you got a good lookin man there. You definitely need to do something more romantic than show him your GB scar...

And, did someone say Jeff Goldblum was hot?! :?: What a diverse world we live in!
For your info, Sam lives up the road a bit in Santa Fe. He's seen about town often and looks.......wonderful.
SheepieBoss wrote:
For your info, Sam lives up the road a bit in Santa Fe. He's seen about town often and looks.......wonderful.

I am so jealous!!!
Your hubby is very handsome, Ginny!!!

I thought about it some more; can't believe I forgot Johnny Resnick from the Goo Goo Dolls, Jon Bon Jovi and Jessie Metcalf (gardener from Desperate House Wives). Yum Yum!

Ohhhh Jon Bon Jovi *drools*
Tasker's Mom wrote:

This forum ain't big enough for the both of us. we only need one hunk these parts.

Yea, I gotta admit..........Bon Jovi does give me fantasies............ :roll:
Last week came the news of the Ritche Sambora, Heather Locklear split up. I told Billy I am sorry hun, I told you I'd never leave, but my man is once again available....
I am going to have to leave you now. lol
I always thought Ritchie was so HOT!!!!
Ed wrote:
Tasker's Mom wrote:

This forum ain't big enough for the both of us. we only need one hunk these parts.


It's ok Ed, you can be the "Jr" HUNK and Doug can be the "SR" HUNK :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am sooooooooooooo going to be in trouble if Doug finds out about this!!!!!!
i'll avoid "senior" jokes since i like you and he seems nice :-) :twisted:
It's OOOOOOOKKKKKKKAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY (sighs deeply) I have accepted that time marches on and have accepted the aging process GRACEFULLY.................................................................. :evil:
My angst over turning 50 is ALL IN THE PAST
Elissa... that's too funny....
My husband always jokes if a bon Jovi video comes on, or the movie The Horse Whisperer.....lol..... he sees me avidly staring at the screen, and says "Would you like me to leave you two alone?" :lol:
Ok Ginny.....

Fullsize available here for your downloading pleasure:
Ok ladies, no one's mentioned Patrick Swazee. In a uniform - yum yum!!!
Ginny, I think you should make this picture your screen saver...lol...I dont think I can think of any movie star that makes me quiver...so sad..
Ohhhhhh Ron, your soooooosweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ewww! Patrick Swayze is so gross!! Sorry Paula!!!

And Bon Jovi was hot in the 80s and then again when he reinvented himself, but I saw a picture of him the other day and he looked very feminine to me...and that just killed it. Like I said, I like manly men!!

I have to say that I love (and have loved since Dazed and Confused) Matthew McConnaughy...mmmm

My husband's 'woman' that he can leave me for is Jessica Alba...
barney1 wrote:
Ewww! Patrick Swayze is so gross!! Sorry Paula!!!

Eww is right. There is just something about him that gives me the creeps 8O
barney1 wrote:
My husband's 'woman' that he can leave me for is Jessica Alba...

in all my relationships i've had an "out clause" for Mila Kunis

who is Mila Kunis? http://www.hahaha.com/images/spectacles ... cast/3.jpg
Ooops, I meant sorry Mouthy with the eeeww patrick swayze comment.

I think Mila Kunis is cute!--Do you like Rachel Bilson too? They remind me other each other...
barney1 wrote:
I think Mila Kunis is cute!--Do you like Rachel Bilson too? They remind me other each other...

no, 2nd choice is michelle trachtenberg
okay, you provided a link for Mila Kunis who I know, but not for this Michelle woman?!
Who is michelle trachtenberg? http://mysticmuse.net/images/gallerypic ... ence-3.jpg
I have a friend who is a dead ringer for Mila Kunis. She's a professional ballet dancer in Virginia. Wanna meet her, Ed?
would she object to me calling her Mila?

....just kidding, SURE~!
Scroll halfway down on the left, that would be her.
Boy this post certainly has evolved!

Ginny - we need more photos of your husband, preferably on the beach or poolside..

And I don't want to freak anyone out but there were only 2 celebrity photos gracing my locker in H.S. >> Richard Gere (you gotta see Officer & a Gentleman) &&&&& :rimshot: Phil Collins!!! (I was a big time Genesis groupie)

... and last year I was able to meet one of them... Phil Collins. :banana:
Ed....is listening.
I was just wonder two things...
what was the original subject of this post?
I wonder what the record number of pages of a post is?
let's keep going, we're on a roll now.
Alright, I e-mailed her, standby.

Maxmm wrote:
Scroll halfway down on the left, that would be her.

Which one in this picture?
You have Doug and Ed as hunks :P , so you could send Josh Holloway to me. PLEASE...….. :roll: It’s could her up in the north and I’m sure he could keep me warm just by sitting here
Ann E wrote:
You have Doug and Ed as hunks :P ... PLEASE...….. :roll: It’s cold here up in the north and I’m sure he could keep me warm just by sitting here

.... don't forget about Ron. :cow: If you've seen the famous "tick bite" photo you'd know that there's a guy who could keep you warm! :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:
Sorry didn’t mean to forget about Ron, how coldI :D , But then you have 3 hunks, so im justsitting here waiting for Josh :lol:
:oops: I think the cay her in N is warm-bloodet enough. :oops:
The original post was how Darcy though Mick would look better in a bikini.........I doubt Brian would agree.
Ron, she's in the upper right hand corner of the group shot and her name is Laurie, she's down towards the bottom.
I think Ed hasn't been around much the last few hours -- he's studying ballet online!
Ohhhh Ladies...and gentlemen...gosh what have I been missing!

Sam Eliott now that's a manly man!! (swoons) and I love Matthew McCaunehey sp? can't spell his name but I'd marry him. Brad Pitt...like him too...hrmph! but then again can't compete with Angelina Jolie.

Ginny - You're right you Dougie is a hottie. Better not invite me to your house and I'd be swooning.

George Clooney...now that's a match made in heaven. Any of you have his home number? I've been holding out for him.

oh only requirement is my future husband must love dogs.

Marianne and the boys
Maggie McGee IV wrote:

.... don't forget about Ron. :cow: If you've seen the famous "tick bite" photo you'd know that there's a guy who could keep you warm! :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

But Ron said in another post we were like family..................... so that would just be WIERD.................UNCLE RON THE HOTTIE?????? But yes you are right if we weren't related........................................
Maxmm wrote:
Ron, she's in the upper right hand corner of the group shot and her name is Laurie, she's down towards the bottom.

....ooooooooh 8)
Thats a statement in a 1/2 about this thread TAKING off!! :rimshot: Guess when it comes talking about sexy people theres NO stopping!!LOL!!

What is the thought about Usher?and 50(fitty)cent??WOW!!Too me HOLY COW!! :cow: :cow: talk about bangin bods!!The abs that dont quit!!!

I was thinking about this last night another older actor who is sexy for an old guy is Jack Nickelson(the shining,not the golfer)he has a certain suave too him :D
:oops: You have start talking about older guys!
Have you already forget all the nice word you say about my husband?
I put him on the list for take in exchange against ayounger one :oops:
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