Can our OES herd sheep

Last week we went to a dog show and met an OES breeder. She said her dog got a lot of her energy out by herding sheep on the weekends. Since she lived in our area... we were like "Sheep?!!!" She just wrote back and said the lady with the farm wouldn't mind another sheepie (Yuki)! So if she writes back, it looks like we may have found something fun for Yuki to do. We need something to tire her out and get her herding out of her system. We actually say on a C.Milan episode that if your dog has herding instincts... to let them do it!! (in an environment suitable for that) that when they come home, they're more relaxed.

I'm curious to see how Yuki would do out there with sheep. What would she do? I imagine she would just attempt to be friends with them first. :lol:

Personally, I'm tired of running up the stairs and having my bum nipped at. Every time the phone rang when I was pregnant, I had to run up the stairs to get it... and Yuki would try tripping me b/c she hated that I was
1) ahead of her
2) moving too fast
3) didn't tell her first where I was heading ;)

Thankfully, the MIL bought us 3 phones for Christmas (Bedroom, living room, computer room).

Mr. Joah keeps calling me to see if this lady wrote back yet. We wouldn't mind driving an hour there a few times a week if she let us. ;) Plus, I wouldn't mind getting some fresh eggs (which she sells). EVERYTHING that we get here is usually moldy by the time it's put out in the grocery store. Their "fresh" fruits and veggies are soft and have signs of mold on them a lot of the time ...and the stores are always out of EVERYTHING.
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Yay!!! Now Puppy can have a (long distance) herding buddy!!! I'm so excited to start herding. I'm trying to find somewhere that offers training/classes in my area. You're so lucky to have just happened upon someone. I think it is going to be great fun, and if we're any good, I want to compete at the MN State Fair stock dog trials!!!

What a bummer about the food up there! I had no idea it was that bad!!! Yucko! Maybe you should think about planting some cold hardy fruit plants, like alpine strawberries or cold hardy blueberry and raspberry plants, so you can have some fresh fruit in the summer!!!

I wonder if anyone else does herding???? anyone, anyone... Bueller?
I wish! That would be soooooo fun!! :D

I'm jealous!! :D
We're scheduled to do a hearding trial in the summer. The lady who runs the place seems pretty intense and has done lots of work with Australian Shepherds.
She said they run your dog the first time to test instinct, herding instinct versus prey drive. After that you take once a week lessons. I believe she said each lesson is 50 bucks. Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too! We'll go for the instinct test but have to see about going for lessons after that and that's if he passes.

I would like to hear about someone doing it. I think it is awesome to watch them do what they were breed to do.
I'm looking into signing Nelson up for a class here in Indiana, not far from the Illinois border...

(Don't see a single OES signed up so far!)

Sounds like a lot of fun and would be interesting to see what he would do. We know he has the herding instinct, just don't know if he has the herding inclination. :cow:

Just have a story I'd like to share. Years ago, when Shaggy was in her prime I lived in the heart of suberbia in a cul de sac. There was a pathway behind my home which led to a large property with acreage. The home owners had purchased it years before the area was developed. He had his own dog and would readily allow any dog owner to walk their dog on the property. It was a dream...4 doors down the pathway and I could let Shaggy and Big male OES roam and play to their hearts content. My word at the time was "Go Play" and the two would race around the field.

The neighbor on the other side had sheep! Sheep? I could have died the first night someone knocked on my door and this man with a heavy Italian accent said "Scuzeme, youah seen my sheepe?. It seems the sheep got out one day and happily munched on the flowers in everyone's yards. I remember thinking how funny it was that I lived in suburbia and someone still had sheep!

One day we walked in the field and lo and behold the sheep! Shaggy tentively walked up to a little lamb whom was further away from all the others. Gently touched noses with the little thing and suddenly...SHE WAS OFF - ROUNDING THEM ALL UP!!!

Never took a class, never saw a sheep before...but she rounded them all up and unbelievably they raced back to their barnyard. Satisfied she raced back to me. Big dog did the same thing - now whether he was just running because Shaggy was, I'll never know but they both did it for all the years we lived there (6 years) and they saw the sheep. They never harmed them - they only herded them back to the barn over in the other field. I believe it when I hear OES have strong herding instinct. I wish you the best and can't wait to hear Yuki's adventures!!!

Marianne and the boys
Sorry to get off track but Joheyo your baby is getting adorable not that he wasn't before but they are cuter when they fill out more. I love your avatar. :) I would like to try herding with mine too. I have an Australian Sheperd but I'm afraid she might flunk the test Maxmm was talking about she chases anything that moves. I still would like to try it. My two dogs herding styles are different. I noticed my Aussie nips at your heels when she tries to herd you and my Sheepie just shoves you with his whole body.
This is why everyone is so glad you are back Marianne! Your stories are so wonderful!
Here's the link for the field in PA. It might be close to you too:
This is where the OESCA held the herding trials for the National too. They don't list any OES as students but the woman didn't even flinch when I told her what kind of dog I had so, who knows?
Marianne, I would love to see Yuki have the success Shaggy did. I would be happy just to see her follow the other dogs around pretending to herd too. I think Mr. J would like to see Yuki herd, but I just want her to get some fun exercise. Okay, actually I'd like to see her go running somewhere other than a place with lots of dirt, but I can't have it my way all the time. ;)

Sorry to get off track but Joheyo your baby is getting adorable not that he wasn't before but they are cuter when they fill out more

THANKS!!!!! Sometimes I think he just looks like a butterball :)
Leanne...that baby of yours is just too darn cute....I love the budha belly...its the perfect belly to do those silly mouth blowing noises on. :D and if you decide to do that herding thing, I would love to see pictures of Yuki in action!!!
Thanks Guest for your kind words!

Leanne, I also have to tell you how much I enjoy viewing baby photos. That little guy is so precious and I love his budha belly. In some countries rubbing a budha belly brings good give that baby a belly rub for me! While you're at it...give one to Yuki too!

Marianne and the boys
That sounds like so much fun for you and Yuki! I can't wait to hear how she does with it. :)

The fresh food thing.... are you going to put in a garden this year? Will you be in Alaska long enough to bother with one?
I checked out that website. Her Aussies are beautiful.Where is she located in Pa?I didn't see an area listed.
I want to say New London. If it's different, I'll let you know. :)
Marianne, that story is awesome!!! I can just see your Shaggy going up nose to nose with that lamby and thinking, ok, time to get you back in the barn ... let's go let's go!!!! I've checked out a herding instructor, she's about an hour from me, and seems really... intense is the word I think. I want to go out and have fun with Puppy, I'm not sure I want to make herding my life's goal... The local herd club is having a rules seminar (I think it deals with how to become a judge) this weekend. Even though it's above my head, I might still go to try to meet people. I've already been told there is a gal going who herds with her OES!!!! It'd be great to meet her and talk about her experiences... we'll see :)
That is exactly how I would describe the herding instructor that I talked to! She was talking about how it's a big commitment and all. It was like the talk they give you when you are signing for your mortgage.

Look lady, we just want to try this out. It's not like we're saying we want to adopt an impoverished child, we just want to come and play with your sheep to see if we like it, then we'll commit!
I also contacted the place in new london. It's just a little to far for me to manage. I have a few sheep and tend some others. I take Abby (5 months old) in the barn with me. She was scared at first but then she new what to do. I must keep her on lead and away from the new mommies since we are lambing now. They can be quit ugly , one sent her flying when she got distracted with something else Then it took her a few days till she would go back in the pen with me. But in a few weeks we will see how she does. Some times I wounder if it will be worth it, the hay and straw in her coat is a nightmare sometimes. But it is really great to see her have so much fun and it does wounders in keeping her energy level under control.

I can't wait to hear all about your upcoming adventures! Sounds like lots of hard work intially but what fun you two will have!

Marianne and the boys
It looks like we're going this weekend. It's $10. She said she is just going to observe her the first time. Plus, we get to watch another OES in action.

I'm kind of bummed because I have so much work to do this weekend, so I think I'm going to tell my husband to go w/o me (will be an all day thing since it is out of town). I don't know what to do... I got a feeling my husband will beg me to go, but inside... I know I should just pass "this time." BUT.. I want to take pics. Ughh. what to do!!!!! My mom is coming next weekend and she'd kill me if she saw the house in its present state.
I live in Oklahoma, any idea where I can try to find herding here?
My family lives on the outskirts of town and I noticed the other day that a large unoccupied farm had placed sheep on the property. I thought about taking Pogo out there to check out his herding abilities until I saw three Great Pyranese guarding the flock, then decided they might be a little overly protective...uh, not going to chance it.

try searching on the internet for local herding groups in your area. If you go to the AKC website-, they have links to various clubs that you can search by activity. I definitely wouldn't take my dog to a random farm to try out their sheep... If you dog gets overly excited, it could injure one of then animals, and that just opens the door for a lawsuit! Definitely better to try to hook up with the local stockdog club :)
Leanne...just GO! You just had a new baby--your mom will understand if the house isn't pristine...and if she doesn't, tell her she's more than welcome to clean it herself!

(side note: I am the same way, I freak out and clean clean clean before anyone comes visiting and I would never tell my mom that...but I do stand firm with she should understand if it's not perfect...)
Funny thing. My mom left a message on the answering machine wishing Mr. J a happy birthday and said "See you this weekend." Turns out her plane gets here THIS weekend. Oh my about not prepared!!!!!!!!! I'm running around here going bonkers. Anyway, weather-permitting.. we'll take Yuki and my mom to the farm NEXT Saturday. good grief. i'm stressed. :lol:
It will all work out. Are you stressed because you're excited to see Mom or are you dreading her arrival? She should understand a messy house as you just had the baby. Maybe she'll over to help clean?
Poor Jo!!

Tranquilo...Moms understand how hard it is to keep things straight after the baby comes...they were there once, too! :wink:


Yup you know that your mom would feel terrible if she realized you were stressing about how clean your house was before her arrival. You have a new baby! Everyone with a new baby has less than a pristine house cause even tho they are soooooooooo small - those little munchkins can sure keep you busy. Top that with lack of proper sleep, 2 - 4 hr feedings, and the rest of daily living...who has time? As baby grows and sleeps longer you'll have more time to dedicate to housework. Then again...they have strollers, highchairs, toys.....okay well somewhere around may have a clean house again.

Oh wait! At that age they have skateboards, rollerskates, hockey or football equiptment, rock collections, clothes....and more clothes...ummm okay maybe when they are 16, you house will be clean again.

Now forget that too.....cause at 16, they don't need you to get things for them and when they are HUNGRY you may not be home. As a result your kitchen may appear as if a Hungry thief broke into your house. You'll see milk cartons, soup containers, pizza boxes, and other things that make it look as if your house was attacked. Yes...I know you'll also nag...yes nag (although you swore you wouldn't do that with your kid) and point to the garbage bin that's only a few meters away. Funny thing happens when they reach that age I think they go temporarily deaf for a few years and their eyesight must be impaired too as they don't see what the fuss is about.

Wait until they are 21, then you'll have a clean house again!!! Wheeeee! Take advantage of it as that may only last a few years until they become parents themselves and you'll be Grandma. Grandma and Grandpa houses are always full of interesting things and they spoil those grandbabies. So there you have go full circle. Trust me...your mom won't care...she'll be too happy to see you and Jordan..Mr J too.

Marianne and the boys

You mom will pitch in to just watch! So don't stress so much
Nah--at 21 they move back in and they bring their boyfriend/girlfriend and or a grandbaby, a dog, a few friends, or the homeless hippie friend they met at the rock concert 8O

Just forget it--you never get to have a clean house :)
Sheep - they can be found in the funniest places!

Shaggy tentively walked up to a little lamb whom was further away from all the others. Gently touched noses with the little thing and suddenly...SHE WAS OFF - ROUNDING THEM ALL UP!!!

This story was hilarious - I laughed so hard when I read it! It would be incredible if all sheepies retained their herding instincts so perfectly. What did the neighbor say when he saw all his sheep coralled together?
Ours don't know much about sheep.... But they sure can herd the pizza guy!!
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