Does Your Sheepie Drool?

I am just curious - does your sheepie drool? Do all OES's drool? Shaggy is 3 years old and has always drooled/slobbered. I'm not talking about wetness from drinking, but the real slobbering. He is my first OES, as well as my first dog, and I don't remember seeing anything about this when I researched. (Although I could have chosen to ignore it because my heart was already set on an OES) So I am just curious about this, if it's him, just a few, or a lot that drool.
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I don`t know about all sheepies but Pisco doesn`t drool a lot...just after his water and after playing a lot...but he doesn`t do it constantly.
i work at a doggie daycare and ive noticed that there are some dogs that just drool all the time. theres a beagle, a black lab, a bull mastiff and a golden retriever that are non stop droolers. so i think its more of the particular dog than the breed itself (although of course bull mastiffs and other dogs with huge chops drool a lot). and from what ive gathered theres pretty much nothing you can do about it except wipe their mouth every once and a while haha, good luck though
cooper does not drool at all. when he comes up from drinking water he makes a HUGE mess. other than that he is fine
Neither Jack or Annabelle drool, and we keep a towel handy whenever they get a drink we dry off their beard and go on about our business. I think it just depends on the dog. I have seen Annabelle get very nervous when we took a long trip in the car and start drooling so bad it seemed she had a water hose in her mouth. That was just a one time thing though. :lol:
Thanks for your replies - I didn't remember drooling being a specific trait to sheepies. I must be the lucky winner :lol:
This is not related to dog drooling but kid's drooling. I found it pretty funny none-the-less becuase I am so close to his Dad.

My long-time college roommate has an 18 month old boy. He drools all the time. And massive amounts of drool. They asked the doctor about this when they went to their last check-up. Dr. checks him out and comes to the conclussion it's not medical but that the boy is just too lazy to swallow. TOO LAZY TO SWALLOW!. I laughed, and remembered how lazy his Dad was in college. I guess the laziness lives on.
El Gato - That could be the case! He is pretty lazy - lol!
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