puppy nipping at kids

I just wondered if anyone else has had a porblem with an oes pup nipping at children. I think it's my one sons' fault though, he runs and gets her chasing etc, and when she comes near he puts his fingers in her mouth, so it is mainly a thing of training my son not the dog, but until my son gets the idea any ideas on preventing this from becoming a habit with my puppy.?
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I recently went through this with Merlin my OES pup. You use a replacement such as a chewy toy if the puppy mouths on your hands.

You don't say No ___ then their name as they associate their name with a bad thing. Instead use a distraction, they mouth or nip, give them a toy to chew on...and lots of praise..good puppy!!! They eventually "get it".

Hope that helps

Hi this is pepe,
marianne is spot on always have a chewy or toy to hand to distract Dougal my Oes is 12 weeks I also take small treats out then when children want to fuss him dougal sits, children hold treat in a closed hand dougal is told to be gentle unfold childs hand slowly dougal takes treat told he his a good boy. teaches child respect for puppy and puppy respect for child. If visitors come to house dougal has learned to sit before being fussed so no nips no jumping. I want dougal to be loved by everyone he is extemely sociable. Loves people and other dogs.
Yes, all good suggestions... I do keep a toy on hand when I catch her in the act I will distract her with that. She doesn't like treats much, not a big eater.
Hello I recently got an o.e.s. his name is Grizzy and he is 4 months old I have two kids 4 years :D and 7 months Grizzy loves them but some times he thinks they are chew toys. My 4 year old does not help. he yells and gets upset. What I have learned to tell him to do is stand very still and look up to the sky arms to his sides and be quiet. Grizzy gets board instantly and leaves him alone. I also use toys as a distraction this really does work well. hope this helps.
I have an almost-14 year old OES, Emma, and she has become agressive toward children. She nipped at my seven year old cousin at christmas when she leaned close to her face, and she growls at toddlers. She is fine with kids older than eight or so, and she was never agressive when I was younger. Now she only lives with teens and adults. We kennel her now instead of taking her on family trips, which breaks my heart, but it's for everyone's saftey. If you can think of anything that might help, I would be most grateful.


samiam please see the web site on k-9 aggression I posted It has an entire section on age related aggression. I hope it helps and wish you and your old friend the best of luck. this is toot I forgot to log in.
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