depressed sheepie

London seems depressed lately. After several vet trips (checking his blood, poo, whatever) the vet says he's in excellent health... just lonely as he is the only animal in the house. We only have two conures in this place and we're not looking for another dog right now.. but possibly a kitten. Do you think it's a good idea for london? has anyone ever experienced seeing a sheepie being entertained by a kitten? I know it's a silly question but just a thought... does it matter?

let me know what you guys think. :?
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Funny you should mention...

Today i came home for lunch and Lenny the cat was in the kitchen (where we keep Barney when we're gone) staring out the window as usual. Barney was ignoring him. I came into the kitchen and Barney went over to Lenny and both of them started hopping. Barney would hop, then Lenny, then Barney, etc. It was the funniest thing I've seen. And the cat was chirping the whole time. It looked like they were entertaining each other--and they were certainly entertaining me!
lol. really?!! that is cute!!! did you have barney before Lenny?
I had an OES puppy (about 8 - 10 wks old) and got an unexpected kitten about the same time. She was just weaned. They were the bestest (lol) of buddies. Had a blast together. Mom had a St. Bernard and cats. All outside. You could look out the back door at any time and see the dog laying with all the cats snuggled up with and on him. He didn't mind it a bit. So, yes, dogs and cats do get along and have fun with one another. But, there are exceptions. :roll:
We got Lenny first and then Barney about a year and a half later. It's been an interesting road seeing their interaction together!

For example: Lenny will be sitting on the dining room table. Barney will be walking by. Lenny will casually swipe at Barney as he walks past. Barney keeps going, then a second later spins around, thinking what was that!
Lenny just likes to harass the dog (in a good natured way--I think) at all moments.

Our other cat (also here before the dog) will have nothing to do with the dog and will only come near if the dog is asleep or if she doesn't realize the dog is in the room. :roll:
Is London depressed or just being a typical, laid back oes? As he matures, his activity level will drop... some oes never grow up, but most do settle right down sometime between a year and 3 years of age.
Daisy just loves cats, but especially kittens and she is a great mother to them. if they go where she doesn't think they should, she'll pick them up and return them to where they should be. She is very careful about picking them up and even insists on cleaning them. Of course not all kittens think this is a great idea, but young ones usually don't object.
willowsprite - He's only 8 months old - is that kind of young for an OES to be laidback? He is usually active.
Barney went over to Lenny and both of them started hopping. Barney would hop, then Lenny, then Barney, etc.

I got a total visual.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor London... :cry: Maybe he just is a really laid back pup? But at 8 months...Gooch was a holy terror! 8O

I vote for a kitty! :wink:
london wrote:
willowsprite - He's only 8 months old - is that kind of young for an OES to be laidback? He is usually active.

I thought he was older than 8 months...
I know my parents' sheepdog has off days. Sometimes she'll just mope around and not do as much as usual. Then, a few days later she'll be back to normal (crazy).

How has the weather been? Sometimes if it is cold, or rainy and they have to stay inside more than usual they can just get lazy and seem depressed. If he is eating okay, then I wouldn't worry too much.
Do you know if the conures are screaming at him all the time (do they screech like parrots? MAN is that LOUD!), or could there be a lot of noise in the apartment of which you wouldn't be aware?

Not that I've ever seen that as a cause before... just trying to think outside the box.
oh if only you lived round the corner - Ollie could do with a playmate - he's 7 months old and sometimes I think he looks lonely and sad - he does have his quiet moments and thats when I think why didn't I get two ??

Good luck, hope the cat thing works out for you
Ollie's Mum wrote:
he does have his quiet moments and thats when I think why didn't I get two ??

It is not too late! Go for it!! :wink:
Bosley is also a laid-back type of pooch. He just turned 10 months old, and is perfectly happy to lay around the house and watch things happen. During the day the resident humnas are either at work, school or asleep, so my ousehokld is quiet durign the day. Of cource when my teen boys get him going he gets all rambunctious and all, but then he will quiet down nicely and remain calm.
This is actually a good thing, and I supposed for London lazing around has become the norm. If you normally live in a calmer environment, and if your household is non-hearing then I imagine it would be fairly quiet. As long as he will get up and play, and run etc at the appropriate opportunites then I would mark it down to his normal state of being and what he is used to. Enjoy it!
Ron wrote:
Do you know if the conures are screaming at him all the time (do they screech like parrots? MAN is that LOUD!), or could there be a lot of noise in the apartment of which you wouldn't be aware?

Not that I've ever seen that as a cause before... just trying to think outside the box.

*hides* well, they are pretty loud.... I just discovered this a few months ago. I had no idea!! I did hear htem make some noise but I didnt realize how much noise they make until a friend who babysat them one weekend.. and she was like "oh my gosh - they're soooo loud." opps.

Well, i dont think it bothers london - in fact - he's curious about them.. they try to bite him every time he gets near and london would have this sad face on like " i have no friends..". :( oh well.

The weather sucks here however london loves the snow. Maybe it is the "quiet" household - deaf people are not quiet.. *grin* it looks like we will be getting a cat since I already have all the supplies from my previous cat who passed away a while back.

It's kinda funny because london is looking at me with this face - as if he knows im talking about him.

Anyway thanks everybody for all the inputs!

Keep us posted as to whether London is getting a new little feline sibling. Hope he's feeling better!

Marianne and the boys
Even if you're home with him, have you thought about doggy day care? Is that an option in your area? Clyde had the best time and it tired him out for days!
Hi everyone. we recently adopted a siamese mix kitten (cross of siamese/snowshoe and himalayan) and we named him Muggle - heh, yeah after the Harry Potter movie - since he is not a true "siamese" but could pass for one - we thought it was the perfect name.

well - we adopted him from Sarnia, Ontario (about 5 hours away from Rochester) - I have friends there and htought it was the perfect timing to visit them as well. I will be teaching in Milton this March and I wanted to also get to know the area better - but anyyyway - the journey was long and tedious. I brought London with us because i didnt want to leave him home alone and jeff was away ice climbing for the weekend.

anyway after we picked muggle up, my friend and I were stuck in a horrible snowstorm (london area) and oh my gosh, I thought I was going to dieeeee. The roads were unplowed and huggge semi trucks were driving so fast. Even though I've been living in Rochester for almost 6 years now, Im still not used to driving in the snow - or ever will be!!!!

London and Muggles hit it off in the car- well i think London gives Muggles too much licks - I feel bad because whenever I look at Muggle - often he is soaaaked and he has this expression on like "sigh - why did u adopt me? now im gonna be licked forever." but anyway it took us 9 hours to buffalo - then when we got into Rochester, Muggle accidently scratched London's eye (mostly London's fault) so a trip to the emergency vet at 2am we went... London had this huge white spot on his eye (you probably remember my frantic post about it) and i wasnt sure if it was from muggle or something else. I freaked out because i didnt want him to go blind... anyway - it turned out to be a minor scratch :oops: and they gave us some antibotics.. we all went to bed until 6am.

it's worth it though. muggle has been with us for about a week now and so far he is a precious kitty - she loves to give out kisses to both us and to london. Muggle likes to play with London, so whew it turned out ok. he evnetually learned not to use his claws. As for london - he has been eating more now, is more active, he has stop chewing (he chewed on my ipod a few weeks ago ugh).....well so far. Im hoping it's permenant and he does seems happier.

at first I thought it was a mistake to get a kitty, I had mixed feelings in the beginning but everything turned out to be great!

I uploaded pictures but not sure if it is up yet. look when you guys get a chance:)
That is sooooo cute!
London looks sooooo happy with Muggle! :D :D

I love the name!!! :D
They look so happy together!! :D
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