OES'S & babys

I am scared to death that my Cody is going to bite my grandbaby.We have issues with food aggression that we are still dealing with.Now my grandson is crawling around. I have seen Cody show teeth and start to nip at Kaden.Thank God he has not got him..I love my dog with more then all my heart.But, I cannot have a dog that will bite..And that hurts big time.I am affraid to take Cody to the vet,I am affraid he will bite him..
any suggestions?
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Does he just show his teeth when he sees your grandson or has your grandson done something like pull his hair, or being loud and crying or something?
Can you keep Cody in another room while your grandson is there? Babies should never be left alone with a dog. If you have a gut feeling about him biting, then you are probably right to go with it. You don't want to use your grandson as a guinea pig...
aww I hope you don't get rid of your pup. Can't you keep him outside or kenneled while the baby is there? I'm sure the vet has had alot of experience with dogs that bite, I'm sure when you call to make an appt. they can give you ideas of what to do for when you get there. Chin up, I'm sure it will get better for you.
Thanks for the input.My grandson lives with us.I never leave the baby alone with Cody,however I am affraid that My son or his girlfriend will.I do keep a very very close eye one the both of them when I am in the room.I won't let either one get too close.Last night as a matter of fact, I took Cody to sleep in my room with me.Which he never gets to do.I had thought that the more Cody is around the baby that he would adapt.However I don't think that is working.So, yes, I am going to have to get a crate.I can't let Cody sleep outside,Its too cold...Lol..Is it too late for training? Hes 15 months?Thanks again..
Has your grandson always lived with you? Is this new behavior that Cody is expressing? Does your son or his girlfriend feel afraid of Cody for their son? You should definitely voice your concerns to them about Cody so that they know (and were warned) not to leave them alone.

I've heard that since the dog lives on the floor, they sometimes view it as theirs and now that the baby is more mobile and on the floor more often and moving, that could be upsetting Cody and bringing out some protective nature for his realm.
It's never too late for training! We once got a dog (age 11 years) that never had ANY training. It took us 1 day to get him house trained and another day to get him leash trained. Older dogs CAN learn new tricks and at 15 months - your dog is not old.

See if you can get a trainer to come to the house and work with you. Get a crate and work with Cody. Also, a great book to read is "The Dog Listener" by Jan Fennell. It can really help you understand why your dog is doing things you don't want him to and how to get him to act in more appropriate (at least to you) ways.

Good Luck
Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
It's not only not too late for training, it's IMPERATIVE!! Now that Kaden is getting mobile, Cody may be getting more jealous. As Steph said, the floor is Cody's domain and now it's being invaded. A crate is a must, too, as is talking with your son and his gf about your concerns.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE approach to start. Cody MUST learn his place in the pack, and he's going to be "challenging" your grandson to keep out of the omega role...

You are right to keep them apart always right now.
I am scared to death that my Cody is going to bite my grandbaby... I had thought that the more Cody is around the baby that he would adapt.However I don't think that is working.

If you think there's a problem, there's a problem. This is a time where a professional dog trainer with lots of experience in POSSIBLE aggression needs to come in and assess the situation. It may just be that Cody shouldn't be around small children. Get a good recommendation from a vet or other trainers. It's better to face the problem head on and get help immediately before he bites the baby and ends up being put down as aggressive. It's sad when a dog is destroyed because of a bite that could be prevented either through training or re-homing... no matter how difficult it is.

For the time being, be certain they are kept apart. I guarantee the dog will loose in the end if he bites.

Wishing you the best-
6Girls wrote:
I guarantee the dog will loose in the end if he bites.
Everyone loses
Definitely... a loose-loose situation for all involved. And possibly leaving a precious baby traumatized and with a disfiguring scar.
Hi Sue,

Sorry to hear that Cody is not behaving well around the baby. The crate idea and reading Jan Fennel's book are excellent advice. If you need a very good dog trainer in the Indy area, call Laura at Canines in Action http://www.caninesinaction.com/ Angel and I took Mojo and Nelson to one of her classes. If she can't help you I'm sure she can recommend someone in the area who can.

Feel free to PM or e-mail me if things don't work out, or if you just want to talk.

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