heavy panting?

cooper hsa been a heavy panter since the day we got him. He doesn't ALWAYS pant,but does it often, tongue out quick breaths that are loud.
at night when he wakes he'll be restless adn pant heavily for several minutes then he'll get comfy and fall asleep. I have never had a big dog before, so am not sue if this is normal?
also his breeder told me to "feel out" how much food he needed.
right now he gets 2 cups at 7:30 am and takes him about 3 minutes to eat, for dinner he gets 3 cups and he eats it all in about 4 minutes. he always leaves around 12 pieces of kibble, and goes back for them later. does this all sound right?
sorry I am paranoid :D
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walter is also a heavy panter... hes not allowed to sleep in my room anymore because he keeps me up all night with the breathing and licking and scratching and rolling around. i doubt theres anything wrong, the only thing i would do is make sure that after play time or walks he has some fresh water to drink so he stays hydrated.
What a relief. Cooper also scrathces rolls, and makes lots noise. his favorite is to stick his giant head on my bed at 6 am to sniff me and see if I'm up.nothing like a big wet sheepie kiss to start the day!
LOL...this sounds familiar....wet kiss at 6 am...
he does have the habbit of waking up at very strange early hours just to put his head near mine.
Pisco is also a heavy panter he usually does it after his walks..but sometimes he just does it....also at night he would pant, groan...and make all this grutural noises...I asked my vet if he had any problems and he told me not to worry...
Seems Merlin also has this habit of waking up at 6am! This is something new to us cos my other dog, a Schnauzer, sleeps till when we wake up, and it could mean 10am on weekends. But Merlin wakes like clockwork, and wakes us up with his noisy chewing of bones, or pacing about in the room, and if that still doesn't work, a wet kiss right across my face. Do all OES behave like this or is this just because he is a puppy?
I've had one who woke up on schedule, and another who would sleep in till noon.
love the new picture of pisco in yor av. soooo cute!
walter gets woken up at 530 for a walk, and then gets put back to bed.. sometimes until as late as 11. but i also keep him up until around 11pm. but he loves his sleep... thank god.
If you let Abbi out at 6 am, she will not bug you again until 9 or 10 am.
The panting seems to come and go, but when Abbi has a full puppy cut she hardly pants unless we go for a walk or have been playing. Giving her water does seem to help.
I think all dogs have different schedules, just like their owners. When I have bad insomia Abbi is up with me, no matter what.
Abbi loves to sleep on her back on the ceramic tile. When she sleeping it looks like she's running sometimes. She flips and squirms, just like my kids. But it really surprises you when she's doing it right there next too you. I guess they dream too.
All God's warm blooded creatures move around while they are sleeping to help with circulation, or so I have been told.
Reptiles and such don't, as well as some insects and worms when its cold. They can just shut down pretty much.
He lokks cute doesn`t he?..he is not that leggy...distorted picture...lol
Pisco wakes up at 6 am...big kiss for Mommy and back to
sleep...sometimes he jumps on the bed and goes to sleep right in the middle of Cris and I ....he flips on his back with his paws curled and his head next to mine...and of course he has to push Cris out of bed....LOL
In winter it`s very nice but imagine that in summer!!! :)
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